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Karma - and hammering

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Funny I feel reading your post friend.<br><br>You

were hammering the whole group as you thought that

post belongs to respected tatwamasi. Immediately you

came to know that it is a quote from Zung Mi you are

telling a different story.<br><br>It seems you were

deliberately hammering? <br><br>sonjooz

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Hmmm...what different story did I tell

now?<br>You must be getting confused with all the jokes and

stories floating around.<br><br>I still hold the same

position. I still disagree with the ideas in that

message.<br><br>Just because it came from Zung Mi does not change my

opinion on it.<br>I will say it again: I was hammering

the idea, and not any person, whether Tatwamasi or

Zung.<br><br>And I will again 'hammer' it if you post it under a

different name :)

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Dear sonjooz, if 'hitting the nail on the head'

is hammering, then I guess our brother is hammering.

Well, Jesus was the son of a carpenter. Hammer the

truth !<br><br>Let me suggest to you something,

brother. Mutual respect is fine and dandy. But, stop this

'mutual admiration' <br><br>dasa Hari

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when one calls another "brother" it is out of

mutual respect and love and yes, even admiration.

Between you and the non silent one--who are you to tell

someone else how to act or live or what to believe? If

someone wants to admire another, let them for goodness

sakes, it has nothing to do with you. I am really

beginning to tire of the both of you insisting your way is

THE way and all other ways are not. Allowing each his

own path is important to the individual growth of

that one. I beleive in expressing opinions, but when i

was young, i was also taught to preface those

opinions with.....in my opinion......because my parents

had enough foresight to see that nothing that was

stated was truth written in stone, but instead young

ideas being allowed to be spoken and young minds

formulating their individual thoughts. It is my opinion, that

i feel we should allow discussion that is pure in

intent to our sadhna. Anything else, in my opinion,

takes focus away from why we are here. in love, mirabai

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Dear mirabai, I respect you and I salute you. You

have lot of love in your heart for everyone here. That

comes from your upbringing and your 'baptist'

background. I want to thank you, mirabai. Your Krishna whom

you Love so much helped me also in getting me

'situaated'. But the temple priest always tells me we should

not praise humans or flatter them. We should only

sing the praises of the Almighty. If you are steadfast

in your sadhna, nobody can take you away from your

focus. Only when you are confused, people can confuse

you more. This happens when you switch faiths

midstream. From baptism to hinduism and vice versa. You try

confusing silentopposition. You cannot succeed. He believes

what he says and says what he believes. He is firm

like the rock of gibralter. As our brother omprem

says, all these obstacles are also part of one's

sadhnaa. Siletoppostion is testing your love and faith in

Krishna, believe me. Just stick to your ground. Do not

budge an inch. <br><br>dasa Hari!

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Greetings,<br><br>It was not a 'threat', at least

not in the usual connotation of the word.<br>It was

in a lighter vein. In jest.<br><br>In this

long-running discussion on karma, I am trying to understand

whether the theory of karma can successfully explain and

answer the burning questions that keep coming up in my

mind.<br>Particularly, since the terrible events of Sep.

11.<br><br>However, I have felt that Karma and the ideas of destiny

and fate are sadly inadequate to explain these

events. Not just these events, but all events in human

history.<br>The progress of human civilisation, alongwith all its

successes and failures, cannot be explained by

karma.<br>That is why I believe that materialism has the answer.

Objective, scientific, materialism.<br>Not logic in the

Greek philosohy or Descrates sense.<br>Not materialism

in the 'enjoyment of worldy goods' sense-that is

Hedonism<br><br>Scientific, objective materialism that seeks to explain man's

interaction with nature and the process by which man's

consciousness is shaped.<br>Hope I am not going off-topic here,

but I felt this was relevant in the discussion of


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Greetings Mirabai,<br><br>I suggest you take a

deep breath.<br>You seem to be getting defensive

here.<br><br>We are no one to tell each other what to

do.<br><br>However, I do believe that each of us would want to

constantly re-examine our views and develop them.<br>I think

that would be one of the reason most of us are here,

at least I am. There may be others, who are here for

other 'reasons', and I am not addressing

them.<br><br>Please take a moment to reflect on the path you take in

search of 'truth'.<br>I don't care whether the path is

labelled 'idealism' or 'materialism' or any 'ism', as long

as it explains things that happen around us,

particularly the social sufferring, the injustice and the

exploitation.<br><br>The soul cries, not for relief, but answers.<br>And,

having found answers, for solutions.<br><br>That is my

quest.<br><br>As for your comment about political dicussion here,

I agree it is off-topic. However, it will come-up

occassionally.<br>For example, someone just posted that fake letter

from some Indian in Canada. That is a chain mail and

had no content relevant for discussion.<br>Thus,

occassionally an off-topic message does come in all discussion

groups.<br>I am not, however, advocating off-topic

discussions, just for the record :)

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