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Come on , silent op!

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Dear brother, You are not bitter, noway, jose! On

the contrary among all the dudes here I find you very

human, informed and above all down to earth. It is yoga

teachers like brother OMPREM who are riding a high horse

and on their 'royal path'. I luv your path. You have

empathy for the poor, the masses, and the socially

'oppressed'. You are not just a blind follower and you like to

think. Is that wrong? Why should some dude tell us what

is the 'truth'. Let us find out. It may be a rocky

road but neverthess, our road not a road travelled by

someone else. Your posts are not'stuffy. Sometimes, they

may be 'provocative.' <br><br>Listen dude! I can not

log in frequently. The temple president wants me to

'paint' the temple. The contractors wanted $3000 to do

this job. The temple cannot afdford it. No funds.

Priests says if I do this I am doing 'seva' to Krishna.

These indoos are cheap, that ;s for sure. Exploting me

and manipulating me. It is o.k. I luv the 'food' so I

will stay. <br><br>You are getting to be like the rest

of these people here. Why do you want to know the

'source' of that quotation. Enjoy it. Wear the cap if it

fits you. <br><br>Kerala women, are they beautiful? I

bet they are. To me, all are!<br><br>dasa hari

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ahahahaah exploiting you and manipulating you!!

oh my! krishna is providing for you and you spit on

that? yikes!! You "bite" the hand that feeds you? oh

my....<br>As far as OmPrem is concerned....there are those of

us here who look to him and Uma and silentsoul for

our teachings, as they not only talk the talk, but

they walk the walk as well. They are my gurus, my

teachers, my beloved krishna in different forms. Please at

least TRY to have respect for those who honor us with

their words and their lessons. <br>As one who is on the

bhakti path, i have to say that I realize you are part

and parcel of the divine too, as is the most

intelligent silentopposition, and because of that, while i

may not agree with your words or deeds, i still do

love you as i love krishna himself. Through your

actions, your disrespect for OmPrem and others, I see I

indeed, am on the right path for me. Am i passionate

about my beloved? yes :) And yes, silentopposition, I

am breathing :) <br>I am still trying to figure out

why you and others like you are sent here to our

sadhna and now I know it is to strengthen mine and

others truths. While your mind seems to be more on

"women and gold", it shows me that we can get nowhere

with these ideas, we must go within where true love

does exist, as we are that love. <br>Father, is this

not true? in love, mirabai

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Greetings Meerabai,<br><br>I think it is natural

to feel in the beginning the way dasa Hahi has

felt.<br>When you see suffering and exploitation everywhere

round you, particularly in the religious institutions,

this feeling is natural.<br><br>Let me also touch upon

another thing here: when you and others speak of the

'divine' and the 'ultimate truth', etc., I fully

undertstand you because even I have a concept of the 'divine'

and the 'truth'-it is just that it may be [and

probably is] different from your concept.<br>As Tatwamasi

pointed out, each individual has their own saadhna and

their own ways.<br>My goal is not to seek the secrets

of nature, because there is none.<br>Man is

constantly involved in the process of mastering nature and

that is what shapes his thought and

consciousness.<br>For me, the divine is the path by which mankind can

be rid of the evils of suffering and exploitation.

The truth is understanding the true nature of forces

that produce exploitation (*NOT* just exploitation of

one man by another man, not just the exploitation of

a class by another class, but the exploitation of

nature itself).<br>It is a jouney that probably I will

never complete in my lifetime, but even if I feel that

I have understood one tiny bit of it, that is


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My friends,<br><br>It seems to me that silent

opposition and one minute man are replying back and forth to

each other, so why not take it to email or instant

messenger? I'm sure the two of you can share your values and

opinions there. <br><br>I am not discouraging members here

from sharing, but it seems the two of you go back and

forth and are having a private conversation, while

using club resources and members' time. I, for one, am

exhausted with the issues.<br><br>Erica

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I agree, Erica. I am starting to feel like exploration of my spiritual path has

become a side-line in comparison with the main feature: the Hari and Silent Op

Show.<br><br>Padma xx

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Greetings Erica,<br><br>I thought this ought to

have been a golden oppurtunity for most of the poeple

here who have studied theories to apply them to real

life situations.<br>Dasa Hari is a person stuggling

daily with survival and is new to a particular faith

(Hinduism). Nobody even tried to help him out.<br><br>As for

me, here I am questioning the very basis of religious

ideas and theories, and those issues have not been

tackled.<br>Instead, I find memebers mutually admiring and

congratulating each other.<br>Where is the spirit of

discussion?<br><br>Anyway, I think dasa Hari is pretty much settled now with

his new duties at the temple and I certainly won't go

on asking questions that nobody has answers to (or

prefers not to think about).<br>So I guess the voices

will fade away and leave you in ignorant bliss.....

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"like exploration of my spiritual path has become

a side-line"<br><br>Like how the idealists debate

the 'secrets of nature' while the world is exploding

around them and people cry with pain.<br><br>Ever seen

an Indian [Hindi] movie named 'Satraj Ke

Khilari'?<br>I watched it with English subtitles, but still got

the meaning.<br>Theirs was also a saadhna [albeit of

a different type :) ]

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Good sir...<br><br>There is plenty of room for

questions and exchange of ideas here. In fact, every

Saturday morning members of this club get together and

chat about various topics. It it not rude nor

disrespectful, yet I always leave there with a sense of

"enlightenment" and feel like I understand my path *that much

more*. <br><br>I came to this club also very new to

Hinduism. I found nothing but loving people very willing to

help. However, my approach has been different. I have

been listening more than talking, learning and

applying more than questioning and disrespecting. Perhaps

if your friend approached the respected members

here, he would receive the same

welcome.<br><br>However, Mr. One Minute Man and yourself have come in and

tried to change the tone of a club that is already

established. You have very little respect for the flow of the

club and its people. Discussion and learning are one

thing, but disruption and disrespect are quite


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