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Good Bye

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good bye hari das and silentopposition. In 10

posts you have passed 20 judgments about others. Well

if you people are not yet ready for spiritual

journey, enjoy your tequila and leave us hypocrites in our

world.<br><br> It was nice lisening to your views, but most of

us have long left these confusions. May god fill you

with love, affection and intelligence to do a

self-analysis.<br><br>For me, even now you are on the path of

sadhnaa<br><br>Hari Aum

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Greetings,<br><br>That was only dasa Hari who was

having the tequila.....I am still here :)<br><br>"It was

nice lisening to your views, but most of us have long

left these confusions. May god fill you with love,

affection and intelligence to do a self-analysis."<br><br>I

find it highly ironical that none of the more

troubling questions are tackled or answered here.<br>It is

easier to deal with questions about 'self', rather than

about the causes of suffering and the

solutions.<br>Why? Maybe because these issues raise questions about

things like faith and religion, which many are not ready

to tackle objectively.<br>Instead, shut one eye and

be at peace with yourself and others like

you.<br>Ignorance is indeed a bliss, and religion is indeed the

opium of the people !!<br><br>If you are *really*

beyond "these confusions", I find it confusing that you

are not ready to help others along this path.<br>I

find it ironical that Tatwamasi has yet to reply to a

few questions I had raised about her practical

application of spirituality and how it alleviates

suffering.<br>While she continues to post all sorts of [good]

quotations and passages, she is silent on the really

troubling questions.<br>I would like to see deep-rooted

issues discussed with objectivity and self-criticism,

rather than a session of mutual admiration and

mutual-congratualations.<br><br>All this is, of course, IMVHO.

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Mr. "not so silent"

silentopposition...<br><br>Please understand that you are entering an

already-established community, made of a group of people that are

filled with love and respect for one another. The people

here have a great respecet for Silentsoulji, and I

feel you have been very disrespectful not only to him,

but to Uma, and also the other members here. The tone

of your posts is very condescending and quite

rude.<br><br>I would suggest that if you continue to come and

disrupt, you at least have the courtesy to be


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Please do not let your esteemed self be

intimidated by anyone here. I am sure we have a lot to learn

from you but it we better if both parties avoided

judgements on "projected IDs".<br>Who knows what you truly

are ?<br>You sound intelligent enough to project any

image.<br>Please reply to msg #2303, awaiting YVHO.<br>:-) regards


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Greetings Really :)<br><br>I really appreciate

your message.<br>And I couldn't agree more with you

that we need to avoid "projected ID" and avoid passing

judgements.<br>I've never done that, despite what several other

members might think.<br>Some have felt that I am

hampering their 'saadhna'. That is not my intention.<br>I

am simply seeking answers.<br>Those of you who are

well on their way in the path of truth will realise

that you have to go to a lot of places to seek

it.<br>I have delved in Greek philosophy, religion, and

other types of ideologies in my quest for

answers.<br>That is why you find me questioning standard theories

like karma and re-incarnation.<br><br>"You sound

intelligent enough to project any image.<br>Please reply to

msg #2303, awaiting YVHO."<br><br>I will. Let me find

that message.....

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>>I find it ironical that Tatwamasi has yet

to reply to a few questions I had raised about her

practical application of spirituality and how it alleviates

suffering.>><br><br>I will dear friend. I value your questions. And not

just for you, but for the nature of the question and

its importance in sadhna. The delay comes from

several reasons. It isn't easy to put it into words. Or

better said, I don't always have the words to descibe

emotions that are beyond descriptions. <br><br>If you

noticed I have, within several of my recent posts

explained more of my beliefs on such related issues.

<br><br>I don't take this as a personal messsage board. Any

of our respected sadhaks, each of whom bring

different strengths to our satsangh can reply to any

questions posed here. We seek to benifit from the

collective wisdom in our clubs. <br><br>I am looking forward

to more replies by lots of our members on the

practical aspects of the concepts of karma. <br><br>I also

learnt a hard but important lesson, dear friend. It is

much easier to get answers through gentle persistent

dialogue than hammering accusingly. It is one of my

regrets, 'cos had I not taken the road of argumentative,

impatient questioning that attack rather than express a

genuine disire to know, perhaps I would have gotten far

ahead from where I am today. As a broken record I still

ask, did I have any choice to doing anything

differently. <br><br>_/\_ Tat twam asi<br><br>Uma

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I do not think he is disrupting anybody. He is

raising questions that he think as valid. Everybody goes

through introspection and will not have an imediate

answer. Its in forums like these they will try to get it

resolved. The idea is that those who hhave already

traveeled yhe road can direct him and help

him.<br><br>Unless the club has a narrow or a defined agenda on

topics, he is perfectly valid in asking

questions.<br><br>- Seshadri.

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