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A word and its meaning- Karma (2)

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Second-The Jumps.<br>[....contd.]<br>What I am

struggling with right now is the process that converts

personal understanding to social understanding.<br>That is

what you called the Jump.<br>It is not a jump-but a

logical step forward.<br>Of course, I can never claim to

have understood the forces at work here-life is too

short for it.<br>My quest is to understand how the

understanding of these forces can be made into social awareness

in such a way that the energies and will of people

is focussed on changing the social relations, rather

than sit around in a room (or a chat room) and discuss

the secrets of nature and atma at an abstract

level.<br><br>I am here to find whether spiritualism has that

answer or not.<br><br>"Hope, you are not telling all to

just go on and do "something" with the society with

this sort of "pro-" or "anti-" conditioned personal

awareness ?"<br><br>Not at all. It is important to have an

understand first of all.<br>As I had said earlier, we all

being humans that we are, always fall prey to the

conditions and environment around us in such a way that our

views become reactionary and 'circumstancial'.<br>And

it is a constant struggle to avoid falling into this

pit.<br>That is why there is a need to constantly re-examine

our views.<br><br>"Do you have the first hand

experience of this? If so, please share with us your

experiences of this preliminary step as many of us here are

stuck at this initial hurdle itself. Looking forward to

your post, find them very refreshing."<br><br>Yes, I

do, to a limited extent.<br>In my experience, it is

important to change from 'self-awareness' to social

awareness.<br>Self awareness is subject, or a subset of, social

awareness.<br>Social consciousness is all individual consciousnesses

extrapolated and synergised.<br>As Marx wrote in 'Theses on

Feurbach', "Philosophers have interpreted the world in so

many different ways; the point, however, is to change

it."<br>Thus, just as the contradictions in our social

relations are manifested as contradictions in our mind,

similarly the resolution of those social contradictions

will be manifested in our minds as freedom from greed,

personal possessions and exploitation.<br><br>I have often

come across abstract discussions (in this group and

several others) about the need to eliminate greed and ego

and possesiveness from our mind and soul.<br>It is

interesting to note that this idea (of personal possession

and greed for wealth) is so inextricably tied to the

condition of private property and the defense and increase

of private property throughout our

civilisation.<br>To the extent that we cannot imagine a society that

does not have the institution of private property; yet

it was not always so.<br><br>This is one example of

how social relations and the conditions of production

and distribution in society produce instiutions

(private property) and how those institutions shape our

consciousness (greed, possessiveness, unwillingness to share,

etc.).<br><br>Of course, there can be many [many] more

examples.<br>But I will stop here for now. Hope I have answered

your queries without hampering anyone's

saadhna.<br>Please feel free to continue the discussion in the

spirit of discussion.

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Thank you very much for the detailed replies

which upon analysis have helped to understand better,

your approach of "extrapolation of personal

understandings."<br>First some clarifications and then the

issues...<br><br>""What I am struggling with right now is the process

that converts personal understanding to social

understanding.<br>That is what you called the Jump.<br>It is not a

jump-but a logical step forward.""<br><br>One

clarification here that it is only termed as a 'jump' when the

personal understanding is flawed or incomplete otherwise

it IS a logical step as you said. The logical

question here arises <br>"WHO validates this personal

understanding to be correct or without flaws?"<br>is it

corrobration by a certain no. of people?<br>or is it a gut

feeling ?<br>or something else...<br>The flaws in

Hitler's ideology are visible today to us but weren't to

so many at that point of time which proves that what

appears to be very logical and true today is simply a

projection of the present state of evolution of the

individual (and hence society)<br>Am afraid that until this

personal understanding is fully validated it would be

futile and maybe dangerous(as in the case of Hitler) to

'jump' on to the second step of


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"The logical question here arises <br>"WHO

validates this personal understanding to be correct or

without flaws?"<br>is it corrobration by a certain no. of

people?<br>or is it a gut feeling ?<br>or something

else..."<br><br>I would say empirical evidence.<br>Empirical

evidence gathered over hundreds of years of human

civilisation.<br><br>I know most people will say to this that history

can be [and frequently is] falsified.<br>However, the

falsification reduces as you advance in time.<br>Hitler and his

goons falsified history, but now we know

better.<br>Stalin and his goons did the same, but now we know

better.<br>The British falsified history during their occupation

of the Indian subcontinent, but now we know

better.<br>Similarly history is being falsified even today, but we

shall know better.<br><br>I think the ultimate test of

a theory would be if it can explain the progress of

human civilisation, which includes the progress of the

productive forces, as well as thought (including religion,

philosophy, arts and culture, etc.).<br>It is just that karma

as a theory cannot explain any of this.<br><br>"The

flaws in Hitler's ideology are visible today to us but

weren't to so many at that point of time which proves

that what appears to be very logical and true today is

simply a projection of the present state of evolution of

the individual (and hence society)"<br><br>Exactly.

That is what I said about truth becoming apparent many

years after the event.<br>However, even at that time

there were people who could see through his propaganda

and knew what he was really made of.<br>Similarly

Stalin and his goons. There were people at that time

(one of them being Trotsky) who knew what Stalin was

really made of.<br><br>Fascism and Stalinism is an

example of what happens when one depraved man (or a

class) becomes too powerful.<br><br>However, these are

just examples, illustrations.<br>It is important to

look behind the veil and understand the true nature of

forces at work here-<br>what are the forces that create

contradictions in society?<br>What are the contradictions that

produce conflict?<br>What are the contradictions that

produce conflict in the mind of an individual?<br>What is

the real base, the economic base, of that

contradiction?<br>Will removing the source of that contradiction also

remove the conflict (in mind and in reality)?<br>If yes,

what is the best way to go about

it?<br>Individual/personal action or collective action or

debate/discussion?<br>These are some of the questions that we need to find

answers to.<br>But, before finding answers, we need to

ask these questions.

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<<<br>I would say empirical

evidence.<br>Empirical evidence gathered over hundreds of years of human

civilisation.<br><br>I know most people will say to this that history

can be [and frequently is] falsified.<br>However, the

falsification reduces as you advance in time.<br>Hitler and his

goons falsified history, but now we know

better.<br>Stalin and his goons did the same, but now we know

better.<br>The British falsified history during their occupation

of the Indian subcontinent, but now we know

better.<br>Similarly history is being falsified even today, but we

shall know better.<br>>><br>These are

perceptions. They are presumed as truth or facts until someone

somes up with something even better or different. Where

do you think you wil put a full stop to it. Every

people in their time thought just as you are doing

now.<br><br>Besides, other's knowlegde gathered is just an opinion of

the individual at that time. What you get over a

period of time is just a collective opinion made

accurate over the collective opinion.<br>It never means

that the collective opinion, just because they are

collective , are facts.<br><br>One's own experiences with

practice are the best means to find an answer rather than

taking other's opinion and perceptions and imposing them

with your own.<br><br><<<br>However, these are

just examples, illustrations.<br>It is important to

look behind the veil and understand the true nature of

forces at work here-<br>what are the forces that create

contradictions in society?<br>What are the contradictions that

produce conflict?<br>What are the contradictions that

produce conflict in the mind of an individual?<br>What is

the real base, the economic base, of that

contradiction?<br>Will removing the source of that contradiction also

remove the conflict (in mind and in reality)?<br>If yes,

what is the best way to go about

it?<br>Individual/personal action or collective action or

debate/discussion?<br>These are some of the questions that we need to find

answers to.<br>But, before finding answers, we need to

ask these questions<br>>><br>The answer to all

these are attitudes, perception and not getting

emotional losing third party unselfish status. You will

understand what I am saying better if you have an idea of

Patanjali's yogasutra. In otherwords meditation in otherwords

the effort is called Saadhana.<br><br>- Seshadri.

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Yeah, and I agree with that.<br>There are several

things that do not require evidence and logic.<br>The

best example is love.<br>Love for a friend, or spouse,

or any fellowman does not require any proof or

empirical evidence.<br><br>However, when you set out on the

path of discovering the truth and seek to find ways of

making your life and those of others better, i think, we

need a path or a theory that has real basis and can in

fact indeed do real and everlasting good, rather than

just please the person who is doing it.<br><br>That is

why I seek truth in real object and material

conditions and not in abstract concepts, because they are a

reflection of the material.

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Abstract is subjective. Even 1+1 can be abstract

if you can't comprehend/define what one is. For the

other person who can comprenehd and apply it, its not

an abstract. :-).<br><br>Its as simple as that. To

understand subtle things, observation and ability to see the

right thing is very important.<br><br>Just because one

cannot see the brain of a person doesn't mean he hasn't

got one nor should it mean he should always and must

be dissected for one to understand. Deduction

through knowledge and reasoning and then through

expeiments and practice can get the same

results.<br><br>Applied, this potential can hasten the learning capability

and the knowledge so much in a given space of time,

that the individual can be far more productive in his

goals because of the potantial than others.<br><br>I

apologise. No offences intended. I am trying to address your

dislike for what you call abstract.<br><br>- Seshadri.

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what could be real and do everlasting good more

than love?? I do not love to please myself, i love

because that is what i am. I am love, created by love,

for loves sake. Put aside your intelligence for a

moment...think of something you have found true love for in your

heart (unless you love your intelligence more, in which

case this wont work:) go in your mind to this thing

you have chosen, the thing you love more than

anything and sit in that feeling for a few moments. I

would be interested to hear what you feel in that

moment, or if you choose instead to tear it apart

intelligently? love is everything....there is nothing else ;) in

love, mirabai

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Greetings Meerabai,<br><br>Again, I agree. But I

think we are talking of two different things

here.<br>Yes, I love. I am also for love, by love.<br>I love my

friends, I love my family.<br>But how can you use this

love to alleviate the suffering of people.<br>It is

not intelligence vs love. Really, it is not.<br>If I

love my fellowmen, how am I going to use that love to

make life better for those who are downtrotten and

suffering.<br>Of course, I can't do it alone.<br>But as a society,

how can we use love to make things better for

all.<br>It is not just by loving everyone-good and

bad.<br>It is by changing the world in a way that the causes

of evil are rooted out.<br>then only can love

blossom in a way that makes the earth like a

heaven.<br>all this is IMVHO.

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Greetings,<br><br>While I understand your example

of 1+1, I think you are discussing abstract vs real

on a different plane.<br>When I compare abstract

vis-a-vis real, I meant that which originates in the mind

vis-a-vis that which has basis in the interaction between

man and object (that is defined as real).<br>Ideas

arise as a result of man's interaction with external

objects, collectively known as nature.<br><br>Let me use

another example:<br>We all know that during the very

primitive societies (early hunting and farming tribes) they

used to worship elements of nature, such as fire,

wind, thunder and the Sun.<br>Why was it

so?<br>Scientific materialism contends that those beliefs arose as

a result of man's interaction with those natural

elements.<br>Man's interaction was essentially for the purprose of

production.<br>During those times, man was scared of those

elements.<br>Hence he made fetishes out of them and worshipped

them.<br>The contradictions that arose in his mind during

those interactions with elements of nature manifested

themselves as fear and respect for those elements. Therein

we find the origins of religion.<br><br>Today, many

thousands of years later, those fears and ignorances are

gone.<br>Yet those fetishes haven't. Also, several other

fetishes have developed.<br>As man continues to work with

nature and master it, new contradictions arise in this

mind, which take the form of fetishes.<br>Private

property is one such fetish.<br>Think about it: so [so]

much of modern life is organised around private

property-so many laws, so many contradictions, so many

conflicts, an entire jurisprudence exists in every society

to support and nurture this fetish.<br><br>Why do

you think it arose?<br><br>This is an example of

exploring abstract reasons vs real reasons.<br>Please, I am

not insisiting that this is the real reason.<br>I am

merely stating a theory, just as all of you are.

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Let me correct and extrapolate.<br>Its not the

private property that is the issue. It is the property.

Even if it were public property, the assumedroles in

the society will behave in thesame way as individuals

do. Now what is property. An object or a set of

objects. Now why is there emotions twords it, because of

want. Now what is this want? its kaama. Second why is

the want so strong, its because of attachment twords

it. What is attachment? its moha. Now some people are

not happy with just some they got, they want more

than what they can get and keep. This is a personal

matter. But still, this want of more than what is

necessary is because of security or uncontrollable desire

for it. What is it? Its greed known as lobha. You

see, its not the material that will create the mind or

its impressions. Its the attitudes. Even if a guy is

devoid of senses, he will still react and show attitudes

and attributes given a chance and stimulus.

<br><br>There are two things here. Material just provides

stimulus. Its the mind that reacts to it. Mind is not

guided by the stimulus. Which is why many people react

to the same thing in different way. Some show

absoloutely mature behaviour and some wild behavour. which is

why the catagorisation of character into Tamasil,

rajasik and satvik. The attitudes that make them up are

the arishadvardas.<br><br>Have you seen the

extrapolation as you think and call it? Its a lot more

complicated than a simple matter dictates the attitude of the

mind. Its a lot more.<br><br>Please read patanjali's

yogasutras once and re-analyse again. You will be surprised.

But to comprehend, you will have to follow and

practice the yogasutras.<br><br>Hope these


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