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I haven't been following up with the recent

messages. but I saw somewhere Pranayama being mentioned. I

would like to add something to it.<br><br>Breath is

Sthula, gross. Prana is Sukshma, subtle. By exercising

control over this breathing you can control the subtle

Prana inside. Control of Prana means control of mind.

Mind cannot operate without the help of Prana. The

vibrations of Prana only produce thoughts in the mind. It is

Prana that moves the mind. It is Prana that sets the

mind in motion. The breath represents the important

fly-wheel of an engine. Just as the other wheels stop when

the driver stops the fly-wheel, so also other organs

cease working, when the Yogi stops the breath.

<br><br>WHAT IS PRANA?<br>-------------------<br><br>Prana is

the sum total of all energy that is manifest in the

universe. Prana is related to mind and through mind to

will, and through will to the individual soul, and

through this to the Supreme Being. If you can control the

little waves of Prana working through the mind, then the

secret of subjugating universal Prana will be known to

you. <br><br>What is known as the power of personality

is nothing more than the natural capacity of a

person to wield his Prana. Some persons are more

successful in life, more influential and fascinating than

others. It is all due to the power of this Prana. Such

people manipulate everyday, unconsciously of course, the

same influence which the Yogi uses consciously by the

command of his will.<br><br>Prana is the link between the

astral and physical body. When the slender thread-link

Prana is cut of the astral body separates from the

physical body. Death takes place. The Prana that was

working in the physical body is withdrawn into the astral

body. <br><br>This Prana remains in a subtle,

motionless, unmanifested, undifferentiated state during the

cosmic Pralaya. When the vibration is set up, Prana

moves and acts upon Akasa, and rings forth the various

forms. The macrocosm (Brahmanda) and microcosm

(Pindanda) are combinations of Prana (energy) and Akasa (

matter). <br><br>The breath, directed by thought under the

control of the will, is a vitalising, regenerating force

which you can utilise consciously for self-development;

for healing many incurable diseases in your system;

for healing others and for various other useful

purposes. <br><br>It is Prana that you are breathing rather

then the atmospheric air. Inhale slowly and steadily

and with a concentrated mind. Retain it as along as

you can do it comfortably. Then exhale slowly. There

should be no strain in any stage of Pranayama.

<br><br>Prana is the oldest, for it starts its functioning from

the very moment the child is conceived. On the

contrary, the organs of hearing, etc, begin to function

only when their special abodes, viz., the ears, etc.,

are formed. Prana is called Jyeshtha and Sreshtha (

oldest and best ) in Upanishads. It is through the

vibrations of psychic Prana that the life of the mind,

Sankalpa or thinking is kept up and thought is produced.

Therefore the Srutis declare : "Prana is Brahman ".

<br><br>Hari Aum !!!

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