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Namaste.<br>Let me glorify Divine Love, Prema

Bhakti through the precious words (verses) spoken by

Lord Krishna Himself!<br><br>"bhaktyA mAm abhijAnAti

yAvAn yaz cA 'smi tattvataH,<br>tato mAM tattvato

jnAtvA vizate tada anantaram"<br><br>(Bhagavad Gita

18.55)<br><br>"By devotion (Divine Love) he knows Me in truth, What

and Who I am; then having known Me in truth, he

forthwith enters into Me."<br><br>Love makes way to the

inaccessible. The unknown and the unknowable become known to

the true Lover.<br>What is known through Love is true

Knowledge and what is done through Love is the true

Service.<br><br>The Bhakta (Lover) understands the Lord well because

he sees with the Eye of Love. What the two wings are

to a bird, Bhakti (Divine Love) and Jnana (Divine

Wisdom) are to the Sadhaka (aspirant). He understands

that his Lord is both the Saguna Brahman and the

Nirguna Brahman. The universe and the bengs have all come

from Him. After knowing his own loving relationship

with the Lord, he gives himself over entirely to Him.

The Lord accepts him as His Own self. The knower of

Brahman becomes Brahman. (Mundaka Upanishad 3. 2. 8,

9)<br><br>-Swami Chidbhavananda<br><br>It is possible for the

Jivatman (spirit soul) to merge in the Pramatman

(Universal Supreme Soul). He can then state, "I and my Lord

(Beloved) are One."<br>Iswara (Lord) too claims the ardent

devotee as His Own. He first reveals His attributes and

glories to the Bhakta and then absorbs him in

union.<br><br>-Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa<br><br>"sudur darzam idaM

rUpaM dRSTvAn asi yan mama,<br>devA apy asya rUpasya

nityaM darzana kAGkSiNaH"<br><br>"nA 'haM vedair na

tapasA na dAnena na ce 'jyayA,<br>zakya evaM vidho

dRSTuM dRSTvAn asi mAM yathA"<br><br>"bhaktyA tv ananya

yA zakya aham evaM vidho 'rjuna,<br>jnAtuM draSTuM

ca tattvena praveSTuM ca paraMtapa"<br><br>(Bhagavad

Gita 11.52-54)<br><br>"Very hard it is, indeed, to see

this form of Mine Which you have seen. Even the Devas

(heavenly angels) are very eager to see this

form."<br><br>"Neither by the VEDAS, nor by austerity, nor by charity,

nor by sacrifice can I be seen in this frm as you

have seen Me."<br><br>Lord has repeatedly made it

plain that these meritorious acts are at best conducive

to the purification of mind and heart. These are no

more useful for the attainment of the Lord than a

deligent search is for a gold coin, on which the concerned

man happens to be standing!<br><br>(continued...)

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'bahUnAM janmanAm ante jnAnavAn mAM prapadyate,

<br>vAsudevaH sarvam iti sa mahAtmA sudurlabhaH'

<br><br>(B.Gita 7.19) <br><br>At the END of many, many births,

the man of WISDOM takes REFUGE in Me, REALIZING that

Vaasudeva (Lord Krishna) is ALL that IS. <br>RARE indeed is

that GREAT soul. <br><br>After many, many lifetimes of

practicing Jnana Yoga, the 'Jnani' finally arrives at Ananya

BHAKTHI. Here the word used by Lord, "prapadyate" is very

significant. It reveals TOTAL SURRENDER which is nondifferent

from Bhakti Yoga.<br><br>In many verses Lord Krishna

had said in Gita the importance of Bhakthi (Surrender

and Grace). <br>The most famous verse:<br><br>"tameva

zaraNaM gaccha sarva bhAvena bhArata, <br>tat prasAdAt

parAM zAntiM sthAnaM prApsyasi zAzvatam" <br><br>(Gita

18.62) <br><br>"O Arjuna, take REFUGE (Bhakti Yoga) in

Supreme Lord alone, with all your heart, mind and soul!

Then you shall attain His Grace. <br>It is through His

Divine Grace that you can attain Supreme peace, eternal

happiness and Divine Abode." <br><br>The Lord finally

declared in Gita - <br><br>"sarva dharmAn parityjya

mAmekaM zaraNaM vraja" <br><br>"O Arjuna, ABANDON ALL


FOR SHELTER (Bhakti Yoga).' <br>It is then, that I,

Who am a JUDGE TO ALL, will cease to JUDGE in your

case and will instead pardon your innumerable past

sins of countless past lives, THROUGH MY GRACE!!!"

<br><br>Jaya Sri Radhey!

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Namaste.<br>In Bhagavad Gita 4.11 Lord DECLARES-

<br><br>'ye yathA mAM prapadyante <br>tAM stathaiva

bhajAmyaham, <br>mama vartmAnu vartante <br>manuSyAH pArtha

sarvazaH' <br><br>'According to the MANNER in WHICH they

SURRENDER to ME (Bhakti Yoga), I FAVOR them in that VERY

SAME manner. <br>O son of Pritha, ALL human beings

always FOLLOW MY PATH in EVERY WAY!!'<br><br>Please note

here again the choice of words used by the Lord,

"prapadyante" stressing the importance of Bhakti as a MUST for

ALL Yogas,<br>whether Jnana, Karma or Raja.<br>They

all should culminate in Bhakti Yoga for attaining the

Ultimate Goal. Advaitacarya, Adi Jagadguru Bhagavat pada

Sri Shankaracarya had also declared this at many

places in His writings. <br><br>B.Gita.7.21 <br><br>'yo

yo yAM yAM tanuH bhaktaH <br>zraddhayA'rcituMicchati

<br>tasya tasyAcalAM zraddhAM <br>tAmeva vidadhAmy aham'

<br><br>'WHATEVER FORM any devotee with FAITH wishes to WORSHIP

(Bhakti Yoga), I MAKE that faith of HIS STEADY and STRONG

towards that VERY FORM!' <br><br>"yAnti devavratA devAn

pitRn yAnti pitRvratAH, <br>bhUtAni yAnti bhUtejyA

yAnti madyAgino 'pi mAm" <br><br>B.Gita 9.25

<br><br>'Votaries of the Devas (Heavenly gods) go to the Devas; the

votaries of Pitrus (Spirits and ancestors) go to the

Pitrus; to the Bhutas (higher evolved beings) go the

Bhuta worshippers; MY VOTARIES (Bhaktas) come to ME.'

<br><br>The water in the pipe can rise to the level in the

reservoir to which it is connected. Likewise the mind of

man rises to the level of the Deity Whom he ADORES

(Bhakti). <br><br>The Saadhaka (seeker) should therefore be

able to distinguish between the minor deities at

various cosmic levels and Iswara, the Ultimate Reality.

<br><br>'A dyer once had a unique method of coloring

clothes. He had a SOLITARY dye tub into which he dip the

cloths brought by the customers and give whatever color

they wanted. <br>Red, yellow, blue, green, purple- all

these and more colors were produced from the SAME tub.

<br><br>An intelligent customer who watched these miracles

entrusted his CLOTH to the DYER and requested Him to DYE it

as He LIKED. <br><br>Our mind is the cloth. Iswara

(Lord) is the dyer and the dyeing tub. <br>He gives us

WHAT we PRAY for. The best that we can do is NOT to

ASK Him for anything but GIVE OURSELVES (Bhakti) over

to Him. <br><br>He in His turn gives Himself to us.

<br><br>-Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa <br><br>Jaya Sri Radhey!

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"The intellectual is always showing off, <br>the

lover is always getting lost. <br>The intellectual runs

away. <br>afraid of drowning; <br>the whole business of

love <br>is to drown in the sea. <br><br>Intellectuals

plan their repose; <br>lovers are ashamed to rest.

<br>The lover is always alone. <br>even surrounded by

people; <br>like water and oil, he remains apart.

<br><br>The man who goes to the trouble <br>of giving advice

to a lover <br>get nothing. He's mocked by passion.

<br><br>Love is like musk. It attracts attention. <br>Love is

a tree, and the lovers are its shade."

<br><br>Kulliyat-e Shams, 21 <br><br>********* <br><br>"Love is

reckless; not reason. <br>Reason seeks a profit. <br>Love

comes on strong, <br>consuming herself, unabashed.

<br>Yet, in the midst of suffering, <br>Love proceeds like

a millstone, <br>hard surfaced and straightforward.

<br><br>Having died of self-interest, <br>she risks everything

and asks for nothing. <br>Love gambles away every

gift God bestows. <br>Without cause God gave us Being;

<br>without cause, give it back again." <br><br>Mathnawi VI,

1967-1974 <br><br>********** <br><br>"Passion makes the old

medicine new: <br>Passion lops off the bough of weariness.

<br>Passion is the elixir that renews: <br>how can there be

weariness <br>when passion is present? <br><br>Oh, don't

sigh heavily from fatigue: <br>seek passion, seek

passion, seek passion!" <br><br>Mathnawi VI, 4302-4304

<br><br>- Sufi Saint Jalaluddin Rumi

<br><a href=http://www.khamush.com

target=new>http://www.khamush.com</a><br><br>Jaya Sri Radhey!

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Namaste pyari,<br><br>I like that! I also agree

100% with what you have said also. We find true

happiness once we do give ourselves completely to the Lord.

It is my prayer that one day soon everyone will

forget self and give themselves completely to the

Lord.<br><br>Om Shanti<br>vicki

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Namaste vicki ji.<br>Thanks for your kind

comments.<br><br>Lord Krishna said to the Jnaani Saint

Uddhava:<br><br>"nirapekSaM muniM zAntaM nirvairaM samadarzanam

<br>anuvrajAmyahaM nityaM pUyeyety aGghri reNubhiH"

<br><br>"niSkiMcanA mayyanurakta cetasAH<br>zAntA mahAnto 'khilajIva

vatsalAH,<br>kAmairanA labdhadhiyo juSanti yat<br>tannair apekSyaM na

viduH sukhaM mama"<br><br>(Bhagavatam 11. 14. 16,

17)<br><br>With a view to PURIFYIG My Self by the dust of his

feet, I always FOLLOW the Premi Saint who cares for

NOTHING else, is calm, bears enmity to NONE and is

even-minded.<br><br>High-souled Rasik Saints - penniless, passionately DEVOTED


Me, and UNSMITTEN by worldly desires, calm and

COMPASSIONATE to ALL creatures - derive that Bliss of Mine

Which THEY ONLY know who cares for NO gain, and NOT

others.<br><br>Jaya Sri Radhey!

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Lord Krishna's friend, great Jnani Uddhavaji

returns to Mathura, praising the Prema Bhakti of the

Women of Vraja, <br>with a sense of the uselessness of

all the other sadhanas like specialzed austerities

and subtle knowledge. <br><br>"MADHAVA, GIVE EAR TO

WHAT LOVE IS IN BRAJ. <br><br>I've studied it now for

fully half a year, <br>the milkmaids' WAY OF LIFE,

<br><br>And all the time, Syam,You and Balaram <br>REFUSE TO


OF HOLY OBLATIONS, <br>their windblown saris the

cooling WHISK; <br><br>For OFFERING VESSELS they tender

their breasts, <br>their hands bear VOTIVE LOTUSES,






WISE." <br><br>-'Sur Das, Poet, Singer, Saint' by John

S. Hawley <br><br>Jaya Sri Radhey!

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In the words of this Bhajan by the Rasik Saint

Suradasji the PREMA BHAKTI of the Maidens of Brindavan is

glorified.<br><br>The blessed Gopis had confessed to the greatest

Jnani, Uddhavaji:<br><br>"SHYAMA is Our BODY.<br>SHYAMA

is Our mind, Shyama is Our Wealth;<br>O Uddhava, ALL

the twenty-four hours we are occupied, with

SHYAMA,<br>SHYAMA is in Our heart, SHYAMA is the Breath of our

Life,<br>without SHYAMA we can have NO satisfaction.<br>The Name

SHYAMA is Our ONLY Support like the blind man's

staff;<br>SHYAMA is our Refuge, SHAYAMA is our thought,<br>SHYAMA

is the Lord of our Life.<br>Our Happiness lies in

SHYAMA, WHO is the Bestower of ALL Happiness and the

Storehouse of ALL Beauty.<br><br>Uddhava, you are indeed,

MAD that you came running with the Gospel of Yoga and

Jnana.<br><br>Where shall we keep your KNOWLEDGE of 'Yoga'<br>When

EVERY PORE of our body is filled with

SHYAMA."<br><br>Jaya Sri Radhey!

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Did you know how I fell for you<br>From the time

I remember of my childhood<br>Lets go back and take

a small review<br>I searched it in my

parents,friends and neighbourhood<br><br>I didnot know you were

my love<br>Searching in all the wrong places<br>My

heart was like a burning stove<br>Suffering is all it

saw in several phases<br><br>Sins had accumulated

beyond proportion<br>Knowing that the person to forgive

is no ordinary<br>"it was him"said my mind faster

than any means of transportation<br>All I in whom I

seeked love was misery on contrary<br><br><br>Suddenly

blue,yellow and red made sense<br>suddenly milk,curd and

butter made sense<br>suddenly music,dance and rhythm

made sense<br>suddenly morning,afternon and nights

made sense<br><br>My lifes quest was you

ofcourse<br>Life seemed like a blessing<br>My sins were gone in

duecourse<br>You and only you are my love of this, I cant be more

stressing<br><br>Following those wonderful damsels<br>I will love you my

beloved<br>Nurturing this love like pearls in seashells<br>I will love

you my beloved

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