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places of power-resonance

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This discussion takes me back to our conversation

on power of sound and resonance. As you have

described it's like the chicken and egg, one doesn't really

know which comes first.<br><br>I am reminded of the

Cathedral which was one of the few buildings around the

twin towers that didn't fall, yet again I think of the

Buddhist statues that were destroyed in Afghanisthan by

the Talibans. In India, especially with it's history

of invaders over milieniums, many, many holy spots

have gone through repeated devastation and rebuilding.

And similar experience was faced by the holy places

of the Native Americans. <br><br>Even if we look

closer, in our own communities, real or virtual, we find

people are drawn to each other according to their

resonance. Whoever made the adage "Birds of a feather flock

together" must have been talking of such resonance of human

energies. When we look at people as bundles of energy,

vibrating at various frequencies, each one attracting to

itself those which vibrate at its own levels, it is

easier to understand alliances and attractions and bonds

between people, which may be often otherwise strange or

even illogical or inexplicable. A person who knows

nothing other than fear sees the world as a fearful place

and even experiences it that way, while one who lives

in joy and love sees love in the words of all. Those

who live a life of pretence may find it beyond their

imagination that there are people in the world who have no

reason to be anything other than real. <br><br>While

concepts of resonance may explain why certain people group

together, I still wonder about the destruction of Buddha

statues in Afghanisthan. Was the energy there reduced to

such levels that the Sattwic energies could not

survive? Or perhaps Karmically the destruction set into

motion the clearing of the negative energies that have

accumulated there. After all, Buddha had talked about the

transient nature of all things and the statues had

certainly survived long. The region Kandahar is one that is

mentioned in Puranas (Mahbharata I believe?)as a holy site

for the Hindus. <br><br>Even though the laws of

resonance of energy explains a lot for me, I am still awed

by the order, the intelligence that is the essence

of our Universe. <br><br>Any thoughts -

members?<br><br>_/\_ Tat twam asi<br><br>Uma

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Yes Tatwamasi, Kandhar is mentioned in

Mahabharata as Gandhaar. The Mother of Kauravas was the

princess of Gandhaar and was thus named Gandhaari.<br><br>

Can we not see the incident of breaking the statue of

Buddha in this way. The Afghani people broke the statue

of Budha, and tried to refute the positive and

creative energies in a symbolic way....Now Buddha does not

come back as budha to punish for the deed....Buddha

has come back as George Bush to punish those negative

energies who were insulting hapeless women, killing them

in open football fields for no crimes like showing

their faces. One newly wed's hand was cut as her

fingers were outside her Burqa showing her

nailpolish...etc etc. My idea is not to start a politicial debate

here...but to stress that Karmic debt of a society as a

group , has to be repaid by them.<br><br> Just a year

before Indian Airlines plane was hijacked and taken to

Kandhar by Taalibaans..and a man (who was on his honey

moon trip)was butchered before his newly wed

wife...Will her curses and cries not bear fruits??<br><br>

Cries of helpless women suppressed and killed in the

name of religion, helplessness of minorities who were

tortured or forced to change religion in the name of

Talibaanisation, breaking statue of Truth, were enough cause for

the Afgani people to suffer...and who says innocent

people are killed there now ? Those who did not resist

the tyrants are equally responsible and must face the

wrath of Mother Kali. <br><br> Hindus too were witness

to group hatered in the name of caste, creed or

path...and have been a degenerating society after the time

of mahabharata and are still on the journey

down...as a group.<br><br> We can certainly create positive

energies in our group/society/country/planet, by doing our

personal sadhna. Any positive vibrations generated by us

will have some effect on the group, we are attached

to. The more the sadhakas the more will be the

energies, and that is the only reason, why Hinduism

survived so many attacks and slavery of Muslims, hoons,

shuks, turks, and british because there were still many

who were creating the positive energies and

nullifying the negativity earned by us.<br><br> So let us

all start working as a small transmitter of positive

energies and contribute our small share to the

Mahayagya.<br><br> Let us start sadhna today itself.<br><br>Hari Aum

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Hello,I recieved an invite today and usually I

dont speak in these groups cuz im not learned in the

hindu ways any more than I am christianly

persuaded.There will always be imperfections in the eyes of those

seeking enlightenment when they rely soully on formulas

and written words of others who have perhaps attained

this state of Being.<br>The real Truth begins in the

opening up and the living of the very nature of the

perfected Heart,I would imagine with much expression of..

in Love seeking... and in Love abiding and waking

each day.<br>As for the order and the Harmony that is

felt by some..i would imagine this comes because as

consciousness reaches a higher state of Illumination it begins

to resonate to the very hum created by positice

energy moving blissfully along in song.<br>The closer an

object is to a deadened state,like a rock..the more

silent it is,the more an object or consciousness truly

lives it begins to sing.<br>Outside of this nucleus we

seem to live in,is a world that moves at such a pace

that the sound to us seems silent in its pitch

..<br>But Loving consciousness begins to raise the

resonance that is withIn and ones heart begins to sing and

the beauty of the order and the harmony seems to

resonate and hum with a silent joy that is felt in the

Heaven s but perhaps not by a rock.<br>But perhaps there

is a diamond in that there rock just waiting to get

out and with Joy catch rays from the Sun in glorious

resonance and Love and all color like a rainbow and

diamonds like the soul and the sparkle in all of Us,with

just alittle open hearted Love<br>Peace and resonance

be with you *grin* and *hello*<br>m

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Silentsoul,<br><br>I think that it is terrible

that in our lifetimes even that we still see

attrocities in the name of religion or God(however we

understand him/her/them). In all of the religions that I

have studied the Lord is the same and is always good.

The path is always the same and that is within; it is

only the teacher who is different and of course his

analogies are different also, but the meanings are the

same.<br><br>The more positive we interject into our belief, the

more negative we get rid of. We should all be looking

at the light at the end of this tunnel the world is

in and and we will all be in the light sooner. The

light of love never fails and when our fears are

abolished on a grander scale than just a few people, we

will see changes and we will know that the Lord is

walking among us.<br><br>vicki

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