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"TatTwam asi",the phrase as commonly understood,

means "YOU ARE THAT".Dear Uma,You ARE practicing

Saadhana in the service of Sadhaks,who are dear to the

LORD!<br><br>The Saadhana that you have been practicing,(to be in

constant touch with Sadhaks, to stimulate , guide,& assist

them in interacting with other Sadhaks,and now helping

them to do the revision!) is really invaluable

Saadhana !<br><br>The SAADHANA is the highway to reach the

destination of our journey of life in this world.The body is

the vehicle,the soul is the driver,sanchita Karma is

the fuel,Dharma is the codified Traffic Rules,Sadguru

is the journey Guide and Self-Realisation is the

destination of this sacred journey !<br><br>The "Driving

Licence" to commence this journey would call for following



G<br><br>Once the Sadhak is qualified to drive on the highway

of SAADHANA, reaching the destination i.e,

SAAKSHATKAR is only a matter of time, provided the Sadhak

keeps mooving forward....<br><br>You have set a

benchmark for other drivers ,which is worth


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Thank you for reminding me of the need and

vigilance for the "Driving License". <br><br>I received an

e-card from a dear friend this morning which

said,<br><br>"Want is always hanging on to the "i"; when the "i"

itself is dissolving "want" also dissolves." Sri Sri

Ravi Shankar.<br><br>I attempt to serve "tat twam

asi". Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. One

of my teachers, Ram Dass, spoke of how he once

practiced that. He put the image of an individual for whom

he had the least respect on the same altar as his

Guru. After doing daily pronaam to his Guru, he would

look at this picture and attempt to look at the "tat

twam asi" within that individual. As he vigilantly

practiced again and again every single day, his reactions

went from total despise to love. The day he was able

to look at the person with love for the inherent

divinity within, he put the picture away. While nowhere

close to being at such levels, I attempt to hold myself

responsible for my actions, unconditionally. Whatever little

I have received as Gift/Grace, my sadhana teaches

me to put into practice. <br><br>I thank you

sincerely for taking the time to appreciate my efforts

here. I say to my saadhak family here, what I say to

myself. Please help me stay on the path by reminding me

whenever you feel like doing so. For all such guidance

comes from the ONE source, manifesting in so many

beautiful forms. <br><br>Hoping to hear more of your

thoughts in our collective journey here, so brief, on our

planet earth. <br><br>My love and pronams to you

all!<br><br>_/\_ Tat twam asi<br><br>Uma

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Dear Uma,Pronams to you and the "I" within

you.<br><br>The conventional "I" with in all of us is refered as

AHAM in Vedanta.Upanishads proclaim the

gospel<br>"AHAM BRAHMASMI"...The proclaimer and the Proclaimed

Identity merge in the process of

proclamation...<br><br>Ishavasyam idam sarvam....The whole existance is the

Brahman..When This EXISTENCE manifests as "I",<br>the gap

becomes this World..The process of bridging this gap

becomes the "Desire" which is the driving force for all

living beings to live.It is this desire that is

prompting we sadhaks to interact towards bridging the gap..

<br><br>Naturally, when "I"dissolves in the EXISTENCE, where is the

desire? When there is no desire,where<br>is the

gap?<br><br>The process of bridging of this gap is Yoga

(SAMYOGA),which also leads in dissolving the"I",<br>like a salt

crystal dissolving in sea from where it

emerged..<br><br>Patanjali has laid down the process design specifications

for this dissolution for the benefit of common man in

his Yogasutras.The royal way to follow these

guidelines is the highway of SADHANA and any body can travel

on this highway provided he fulfils the eligibility

criteria as indicated in the last post...<br><br>I would

invite sadhaks to comment on this approach to

SAAKSHATKAR,the ultimate destination of our


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