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Awareness in the world! :o)

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It is amazing to know that everyone already knows

everything, even if they are not aware of this, the part that

is not aware of the whole, is an illusion. Just

today a drunkard said, "Remember...............all that

you have, IS all that you need." Profound! See he

said Remember, its just remembering what we already

knew/know in the first place, like finding a hundred dollor

bill we lost in the breast pocket of our favorite

shirt, it was always there, it was never really lost, it

was just a trick of awareness. Though the person may

be thinking something entirely different from what

he or she said, and may not actually live by what he

or she said, it is still God revealing God. For

instance, on holloween, we don't identify our childrens

masks as them, we know who is underneath the mask, the

mask is a false entity. In the same way, the mask of

the individual habit formed being, is an illusion, if

we see deeper than surface perception, then we would

identify the singular person with the whole of God, the

true identity of all who is and what is. So it helps

to know this during our accent of awareness to its

true identity. We may need boosts from the "Self" in

another form than our individual habit formed ego self,

to help remember what it is that we have forgoten,

or maybe the perfect example of rememberance in an

enlightened individual. There really is no "other", all

beings are our very own "Self", there is no separation.

When we recieve guidence from a seemingly someone

else, we are not actually recieving guidence from

another, we are recieving guidence from our own Self,

there never has been 2 beings, there IS only one

omni-present existance, being absolute. We impose our own

illusion of limited self identification onto all that we

see and experience in the world, as we think so we

become, and this is based only on what we remember as our

experience, and so what comes our way in life also gets'

clouded with this understanding of ourself, the tool that

we use to relate with the world and desipher the

world with. We project our own self understanding on

the mirror of the world, and the world as mirror just

reflects us back at us. When we don't understand this, we

turn to blame the seeming "other" for all our problems

and hurts, when really, the world was just pushing

our self made buttons, the world IS our very own

"Self" in whatever experience or classification that

"Self" fits into for us. There is no other to blame or

to love than ones own "Self". There is nothing to

see or to take part in that is not ones own "Self".

There is no other to learn from or to enlighten that is

not ones own "Self". The all knows all, and alls'

identity is all, so really there is also no one to teach

but ones own "Self". The Guru, revealer of the Truth

is an all pervasive Truth, with this understanding,

all beings are the Guru. Love reveals Love through

the means of Love. And this Love is not limited to

our idea or limited experience of Love. This Love is

everything and is free from everything.<br> <br>When one is

liberated from the bondage of this illusion of

differentation, then we only see anothers true identity, perfect

consciousness, our own "Self". Yet we are also aware of their

illusion that they suffer from, but knowing their

potential fully, we are able to help that one, into the

true oneness of being, because we see right through

the ego produced illusion, right into the heart of

the matter, beyond the matter, or beyond all matter

for that matter, period. LOL! Yet even when one is

still in the process of de-pealing ones illusion away

from experience, this awareness and practice of seeing

God in each other in its fullness, helps

greatly.<br><br>Love,<br>Hari<br> <br>"See God in each other. Honor your Self,

Worship your Self. Meditate on your Self. God dwells

within you, as you." Swami Muktananda<br> <br>sgmkj!

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always state to yourself -<br><br>I AM THAT THAT

IS -<br><br>always look to the nature of your

existence -<br><br>know that the only thing we really know

is that<br><br>I EXIST -<br><br>beyond this is

maddening Maya<br><br>never cease to be amazed by the fact

that you exist -<br><br>always ask "Who Am I"

-<br><br>you will not get an answer -<br><br>you will become

the answer -<br><br>Love baba

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