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What is Meditation (3)

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Abiding Joy for no Reason at all <br>For no

reason at all you suddenly feel yourself joyous. In

ordinary life, if there is some reason, you are joyful.

You have met a beautiful woman and you are joyous, or

you have got the money that you always wanted and you

are joyous, or you have purchased the house with a

beautiful garden and you are joyous, but these joys cannot

last long. They are momentary, they cannot remain

continuous and uninterrupted. If your joy is caused by

something it will disappear, it will be momentary. It will

soon leave you in deep sadness: all joys leave you in

deep sadness. But there is a different kind of joy

that is a confirmatory sign: you are suddenly joyous

for no reason at all. You cannot pinpoint why. If

somebody asks, "Why are you so joyous?" you cannot answer.

I cannot answer why I am joyous. There is no

reason. It's simply so. Now this joy cannot be disturbed.

Now whatsoever happens, it will continue. It is

there, day in, day out. You may be young, you may be

old, you may be alive, you may be dying - it is always

there. When you have found some joy that remains -

circumstances change but it abides - then you are certainly

coming closer to Buddhahood. <br>Intelligence: the

Ability to Respond <br>Intelligence simply means ability

to respond, because life is a flux. You have to be

aware and to see what is demanded of you, what is the

challenge of the situation. The intelligent person behaves

according to the situation and the stupid behaves according

to the readymade answers. Whether they come from

Buddha, Christ or Krishna, it does not matter. He always

carries scriptures around himself, he is afraid to depend

on himself. The intelligent person depends on his

own insight; he trusts his own being. He loves and

respects himself. The unintelligent person respects

others. <br>Intelligence can be rediscovered. The only

method to rediscover it is meditation. Meditation only

does one thing: it destroys all the barriers that the

society has created to prevent you from being

intelligent. It simply removes the blocks. Its function is

negative: it removes the rocks that are preventing your

waters from flowing, your springs from becoming alive.

Everybody is carrying the great potential, but society has

put great rocks to prevent it. It has created China

Walls around you; it has imprisoned you. To come out of

all prisons is intelligence - and never to get into

another again. Intelligence can be discovered through

meditation because all those prisons exist in your mind;

they cannot reach your being, fortunately. They cannot

pollute your being, they can only pollute your mind -

they can only cover your mind. If you can get out of

the mind you will get out of Christianity. Hinduism.

Jainism, Buddhism. and all kinds of rubbish will be just

finished. You can come to a full stop. <br>And when you are

out of the mind, watching it, being aware of it, just

being a witness, you are intelligent. Your intelligence

is discovered. You have undone what the society has

done to you. You have destroyed the mischief; you have

destroyed the conspiracy of the priests and the

politicians. You have come out of it, you are a free man. In

fact you are for the first time a real man, an

authentic man. Now the whole sky is yours. Intelligence

brings freedom, intelligence brings spontaneity.

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