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Osho:<br>The Circle of Mahamudra<br>Sex holds

great secrets in it, and the first secret is--if you

meditate you will see it--that joy comes because sex

disappears. And whenever you are in that moment of joy, time

also disappears--if you meditate on it--the mind also

disappears. And these are the qualities of meditation. My own

observation is that the first glimpse of meditation in the

world must have come through sex; there is no other

way. Meditation must have entered into life through

sex, because this is the most meditative

phenomenon--if you understand it, if you go deep into it, if you

just don't use it like a drug. Then slowly, slowly, as

more understanding grows, the hankering disappears,

and one day comes of great freedom when sex no longer

haunts you. Then one is quiet, silent, utterly oneself.

The need for the other has disappeared. One can still

make love if one chooses to, but there is no need.

Then it will be a kind of sharing.When two lovers are

in deep sexual orgasm, they melt into each other;

then the woman is no longer the woman, the man is no

longer the man. They become just like the circle of yin

and yang, reaching into each other, meeting in each

other, melting, their own identities forgotten. That's

why love is so beautiful. This state is called mudra;

this state of deep, orgasmic intercourse is called

mudra. And the final state of orgasm with the whole is

called Mahamudra, the great orgasm. <br>Orgasm is a

state where your body no longer is felt as matter; it

vibrates like energy, electricity. It vibrates so deeply,

from the very foundation, that you completely forget

that it is a material thing. It becomes an electric

phenomenon--and it is an electric phenomenon. Now physicists say

that there is no matter, that all matter is only

appearance; deep down, that which exists is elec-tricity, not

matter. In orgasm, you come to this deepest layer of your

body where matter no longer exists, just energy waves;

you become a dancing energy, vibrating. No more any

boundaries to you--pulsating, but no longer substantial. And

your beloved also pulsates. <br>And by and by, if the

partners love each other and they surrender to each other,

they surrender to this moment of pulsation, of

vibration, of being energy, and they are not scared....

Because it is death-like when the body loses boundaries,

when the body becomes like a vaporous thing, when the

body evaporates substantially and only energy is left,

a very subtle rhythm, but you find yourself as if

you are not. Only in deep love can one move into it.

Love is like death: you die as far as your material

image is concerned, you die as far as you think you are

a body; you die as a body and you evolve as energy,

vital energy. And when the wife and the husband, or the

lovers, or the partners, start vibrating in a rhythm,

their heartbeats and their bodies come together, it

becomes a harmony--then orgasm happens, then they are no

longer two. That is the symbol of yin and yang: yin

moving into yang, yang moving into yin; man moving into

the woman, the woman moving into the man. Now they

are a circle and they vibrate together, they pulsate

together. Their hearts are no longer separate, their beats

are no longer separate; they have become a melody, a

harmony. It is the greatest music possible; all other

musics are just faint things compared to it, shadow

things compared to it. This vibration of two as one is

orgasm. When the same thing happens, not with another

person, but with the whole existence, then it is

Mahamudra, then it is the great orgasm.

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What wonderful and varied conversation is

maintained in this group!!<br>And what a spicy

subject;sex*grin*<br>naturally it is all relative and rather subjective it would

seem.<br>Ive read two views here that I agree with and yet

they are both different.<br>Anand,I find this post

resonates to my personal Truth but yet i also understand

that someone else may find that for them,it is best to

not have sex and to eradicate the sexual impulse

inheriant in the body as an impulse.<br>In animals this

same impulse is a natural function of existence and

yet different animals respond differently to the

'act'as people also do.<br>some animals nurture their

yound for varied periods of time before they leave the

nest so to speak,other animals eat their young,or as

in the case of the black widow spider,actually eat

their partner after copulating.Sex is possibly relative

to the state of consciousness of the animals

participating.we think its natural for a spider to eat its mate

and yet its unnatural for us to do so(of

course)because our state of consciousness is different.And then

there are different strokes for different folks.People

engage in sex for as many varied reasons as there are

people and there are many positions and many

people.<br>i agree that the body is made up of skin and bone

and perspiration etc etc and is no more alluring in

some relativeness than a stone is sexually alluring

but Love looks beyond the skin and bone.<br>and

beyond the trappings and artifices to the very

spirit.The love I share with my partner is the same love I

share with others only expressed differently.I express

my love in many ways,every thought a vibration from

the inner source of my Love for God and my Joy in

being connected to this source flowes out to others.I

dont label Love,I let it freely flow through me.


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