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Sex-mysterious life

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I disagree - there are rights and wrongs

everywhere - thats where the Hindu concept of karma comes

from -- for every action - there is a result -- there

is no mystery in it. <br>I would hate to let my

students solve the mystery - about what will happen if

they don't study - surely they will fail.<br>Only for

drug addicts - life might be a mystery.<br>even in Sex

- unless u take precautions - u might end up having


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Yes Umesh, i also have this notion that except

for higher and secret Tantric sadhnas, sex is

normally banned in all main sadhnas (i.e.rajayoga,

siddhayoga,kundalini yoga and likes).<br><br> Though in normal bhakti

and karma path, natural sex (with wife/husband only)

is permissible.<br><br> Uncontrolled sex can lead to

distastrous results in any serious sadhna<br><br>Hari Aum

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Blessed Self, jaipurschool<br><br>Here is the

view of Swami Sivananda on sex:<br><br>"Sex is

Illusory<br><br>The sex-affair is a mere idea. It is mere

imagination. It is a mental Kalpana. The body is composed of

five elements. There is no sex in the elements. If you

ponder over this point well, you can slowly eliminate

sex-ideas.<br><br>For a scientist, a man or a woman is a mass of

electrons only. For a tiger, he or she is an object of

prey. For a man of discrimination, he or she is a

combination of flesh, bone, urine, faecal matter, pus,

perspiration, blood. phlegm, etc. It is only for a passionate

man or woman, she or he is an object of

enjoyment.<br><br>There is neither sex not sexual Vasana in the Atman.

The Atman is Nitya-suddha, eternally pure. Thou are

that Nitya-suddha Atman. See Atman in all men and

women. By constant thinking on that sexless Atman, you

will be established in Brahmacharya. This is the most

powerful and effective method.<br><br>Sex and Spiritual

Life<br><br>Sexual indulgence is a great obstacle in the spiritual

path. The lure of the flesh is you invulnerable foe. It

bars the spiritual practices definitely. The sexual

urge must be controlled by entertaining sublime divine

thoughts, and regular meditation. There must be complete

sublimation of the sexual energy. Then only is the aspirant

safe.<br><br>The total annihilation of the sexual desire is the

ultimate spiritual ideal. Therefore, entertain always

sublime divine thoughts. The old, evil sexual thoughts

will gradually vanish, just as the old nail in a plank

is driven away by inserting over it a new nail. The

Yogic student should be pure in thought, word and deed.

Perfect sublimation can hardly be achieved within a day

or two. it demands continuous struggle with patience

and perseverance for some time. Even the householders

should keep the above ideal before them and should try

to realise it gradually. If the state of perfect

sublimation is attained, there will be purity in thought ,

word and deed. No sexual thought will enter at any

time.<br><br>Sex urge is a creative force, Direct the sex-energy

to the highter spiritual channel. It will be

sublimated. It will be transformed into divine energy. Unless

you are inspired by spiritual ideals, it is difficult

to keep the sexual instinct in check."<br><br>-Bliss

Divine, pages 540-1<br><br>No wonder there are so few

saints around.<br><br>Om namah Sivaya<br><br>Omprem

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hello Omprem,<br>i have read this view on sex

from Swami Sivananda<br>and can see the beauty in this

approach as I can also see it in the words of

osho.<br>Both very different and yet I understand that we all

come to realization from different places on the same

path.<br>And I do agree that sexual indulgence can most

certainly be an obstacle(for some)to attaining

enlightement.<br>The preoccupation with sex and gender specifics has

led the west into an overindulgence of sex and

greed.It has become a billion dollar industry promoting

everything from cars to cosmetics and everything in

between.The preoccupation with sex has snowballed into people

being judged on their sexual viability and

availablity.Older people in society are often cast aside when no

longer sexually objectified.The list goes on and on

about how the overindulgance of sex has dominated

society for centuries.Its also something religion and

church groups have tried to 'eradicate'control and

manipulate for centuries.That 'sexual urge'is to be rooted

out and strangled.This approach has <br>only caused

people to flee from restriction or hide in shame.Lust

slowly seems to suck the life out of what love is at its

foundation.<br>people seem to have become preoccupied with sex because

they have lost the meaning of love in copulation.It

becomes nothing more than an itch to be scratched over

and over again not as an extension of love but of the

ignorance of Love.<br>people are creatures that are

communal.We need to tough and to be touched.Mothers need to

touch and hold and caress and nurture their children

expressing Love.Would Swami Sivananda say that children

should be removed from their mothers to eradicate this

urge to touch?To eradicate intimacy altogether?many

people find their Spirit in the loving union they share

with others.<br>When one Loves the Source everything

else becomes just an extension and expression of that

Love,even when holding a child or a beloved,or a mother or

father or brother.All the senses and sensibilities are

filled up and overflow with this bliss.<br>in all

occasions of Loves expression.<br>I dont just love my

partner during sex,its an extension of Love and Ive grown

spiritually in many ways,and Im always Loving God regardless

of <br>where I may be,here there or anywhere.<br>So

I guess i agree with both osho and Swami

Sivananda.And thankfully we all have free choice and will to

either lust or to love,to eradicate the sex impulse or

to go beyond it.

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