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The Lover's Life - 6b

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Chapter Eleven<br><br>When weak spiritual

conviction strikes the devotional heart, it festers

uncertainity, clouds clarity, and brings about a host of

obstructions that gather before the bhakta on her way to the

Beloved.<br><br>Two examples are given, one of faith the other of

doubt.<br>In every case, false identification regarding

attaiment should be renounced.<br><br>When the Beloved is

disregarded because of a break in trust, it is due to a lack

of understanding about the nature of the

Beloved.<br>It ruins subtle dharma of refuge, and then

certainity in all matters is lost. With the loving power

gone, discursive mind takes control.<br>An example of

lack of faith is found in the story of Sri Hanuman,

the great monkey god, son of the wind and perfect

Rama Bhakta.<br><br>Hanuman went to Sri Lanka in

search of Lord Rama's Wife, Sri Sita. There, the demon

king Ravana, knowing of Hanuman's arrival, had his

powerful son, Indrajit ensnare Hanuman with the mystic

invincible weapon, the Brahmastra. Hanuman was immediately

contained by its spell.<br><br>Part of the mystic nature of

the Brahmastra weapon is that its binding cords

cannot be seen. The others seeing Hanuman apparently

captured but without any sign of shackles, decided to

further secure Hanuman with ordinary ropes, thus

disregarding the rarefield powers of the Brahmastra.<br>They

were unaware of the fact that as soon as a doubt is

placed over the Brahmastra, it immediately loses its

effect. Its power diminished, Hanuman freed himself and

wreaked havoc over Sri Lanka before returning to Lord

Rama Who was then ultimately able to rescue His

Beloved Sita.<br><br>The teaching is direct. If the

practitioner loses faith in refuge, then the power as well as

the dharma of His shelter is lost.<br>With the cords

of love sundered, the untrusting heart wanders. When

the heart becomes divided in dedication, the essence

is lost in the divide, it forms an opening and the

nectar seeps out, sometimes unnoticed.<br><br>The

mystical Chataka bird is a guru of conviction. This

amazing bird refuses all other waters, except for rain

water that falls only during fifteen day autumn lunar

cycle. Besides those rains, the chataka bird will taste

no water, rgardless of its source. It has st its

heart on the one. Because of the bird's faith in those

clouds, regardless of circumstance, when the time is

right, the clouds shower for that blessed bird.<br>It is

its confidence and trust in those waters that brings

about the downpour.<br><br>Similarly, the lover has all

of her sacred desires quenched by the Beloved. Her

faith lets her see that Hari makes all that is

necessary arise. Her conviction produces unshakable refuge

and it brings an end to all other hankerings.<br>She

knows that what is needed is obtained without effort

and once attained, no false sense of ownership is

placed upon any thing.<br>With the understanding of

Hari's desire, the false ego is dissolved and "myness"

no longer prevails.<br><br>All cicumstances,

relations, attaiments and everything that comes into the

lovers life is used for Him. Her applications are

subtle.<br><br>Jaya Sri Radhey!

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One interesting quality of life and love, is the

very nature of living as a human spirit here. To deny

sexuality as a healthy aspect of being could lead subtly to

denying existence and the love of being overall. Not

simply in choosing to have no children biologically (

which is another matter, though perhaps a useful choice

globally and personally for some? ). It is the very nature

of breathing even, which allows us to even live

healthfully which is an interpenetrating, harmonizing,

rhythmic and sexual process in its cyclic nature. The

foundational essence of breathing is expressed between two

lovers clearly. Sharing of breath, breathing requires

acceptance and merging with the world we are an intimate

part of. To deny the love and cosmic healthfullness of

lovers sharing love in various ways including sensually

/ sexually could effect if subtly our attitudes

about the very nature of merging with life. Microcosmic

through macrocosmic relatedness. Just a muse.

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Tks Hari Pyari for the beautiful posts on The

Lover's life. please continue...we are enjoying

it<br><br>dear Wakeinbliss thks for your balanced and practical

thoughts. I would agree with them as long as we are in the

world and are evolving (spiritually) slowly.<br><br>But

the "Big Final Leap" towards the truth is only

possible if we have transcended sex and the desire for

it.<br><br>Sex is the purest form of Kundalini energy released

for sustaining the life..but a yogi uses this highest

and purest form of energy for opening/cleaning his

chakras and for attaining Samadhi. Am I right Omprem ji ?

what are your views?<br><br>Hari Aum

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