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Dear Satsangh Members

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Hope you had a pleasant holiday season and are

now getting back into your regular routine. The New

Year brings new resolutions, and with it new

activities, hopes and plans. And at the center of it all, is

one's , or spiritual practice which keeps us

grounded, no matter what scenic route our journey takes.

<br><br>This past year we have enjoyed a wide variety of

discussions in our club. I am specially grateful for the love

that has flowed among us all. We are grateful for all

participation since no one know when a few words expressed by

one member becomes a turning point for another, or a

line of comforting words by one helps another cross a

hurdle. While it is easy to say that karma brings to us

whatever we need, we are also aware of the importance of

us being used as instruments for growth and learning

for all. <br><br>I also want to emphasize that no one

is looking for literary masterpeices. While we are

blessed with several very sincere sadhaks who are

wonderful writers, having the ability to write well in

english doesn't necessarily ensure that one is a sincere

sadhak. We urge all to share your thoughts and ideas and

participate actively. Feel free to answer questions posed by

fellow members. There is no one expert in our club;

collectively however we have an amazing storehouse of wisdom.

The club is yours, the more you participate the more

useful it becomes. I urge you to participate and make

our satsangh a brilliant, shining light of love,

sincerity and sangha where one can feel free to come with

ones doubts, questions and other issues. <br><br>To

make it easier to keep a track of posts in clubs

<br><br>1. Please consider using the my feature of

. Go to <a href= target=new></a> and

personalize it to

your needs. Add clubs to its front page and you will

receive the first lines of recent posts from all your

clubs. This makes it easy to browse through posts and

keep in touch without having to visit each club.

<br><br>2. Do visit the club home page

<a href=http://clubs./clubs/.

target=new>http://clubs./clubs/.</a> Stay in touch with

activites and features through

the founders messages, and also read the first lines

of latest posts. <br><br>*New Feature* - While many

among us are established in a specific practice, there

are many who are beginners, looking for the path that

is right for them. There are also those who are at

crossroads who are looking for new directions. There are

many, many schools that are presently available, each

with a slightly different approach but all towards the

same goal. What better opportunity to help each other,

become familiar with the different schools that are

available, than sharing your experiences and the words of

your Guru, on the various discussion topics. Tell us

about your Guru, what is it that attracted you to the

path, what keeps you on it. Our own respected member

Omprem has demonstrated this through his generous

sharing of thoughts from his lineage, and we have

certainly come to far more about Shivananda Swami's views

and approaches to spritual practice. <br><br>I would

like to invite those who are on a specific path, to

share about your own lineages, what are the views on

the topics we bring up for discussion. Who knows

whose words may strike a chord for whom and may turn

them to the teachings of a specific path. Yes, again,

the Guru calls the student, but again, we remain

instruments, through which the Universe makes information

available to all. <br><br>Let us join together in making

this the best year ever for our satsangh. Do spend a

few minutes of your day with us and remember, your

presence with your questions, thoughts and words are

needed by us all. <br><br>_/\_ Tat twam asi<br><br>Uma

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