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world peace

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Dear Friends, <br>On January 24th an historic

event will take place in Assisi, Italy, the home of St.

Francis. Leaders from many of the major religions of the

world will be gathering to pray for world peace, led by

Pope John Paul II. We want to support these men and

women by asking all of you to focus your own prayers of

peace<br>for at least ten minutes that. Imagine what

would<br>happen if millions of people joined these leaders

in<br>CLAIMING this new world. We have already seen

what<br>happens when we focus powerfully together.

Miracles<br>are natural. Please join us in making the miracle of

<br>peace real on January 24th. <br><br>I have recorded a

special ten minute meditation,<br>including a musical

version of the Prayer of St.<br>Francis, that you can

listen to at any time on <br>January 24th. (After 8am

Greenwich Mean Time) It will<br>have been recorded the

night before at a concert in<br>Hawaii. Join me and use

this meditation as a way of<br>focusing your own

prayers of healing and peace. <br>Simply go to

<a href=http://www.JamesTwyman.com/ target=new>http://www.JamesTwyman.com/</a>

and use the<br>link provided. <br><br>Please pass

this email to everyone you can. We have<br>had

millions respond to these calls in the past, and<br>we

need this now more than ever. Thank you

for<br>responding. <br><br>May Peace Prevail on Earth, James

Twyma<br><br>=====<br><br>Help ever, Hurt never!

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Thanks for posting this message Sesh! <br><br>I

am certainly glad a world religious authority is

taking the leadership to bring all religions together in

this effort. <br><br>I encourage all to join in this

effort to bring peace to our world!<br><br>_/\_ Tat twam


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