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Overcome anger & aggression in child

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Thank you for posting these. It IS possible to

work with children. Mine were taught a walking

meditation very early on, before they got their mantra

inititation. I used various visualization techniques to help

them work out fears and anger. It has been a pleasure

to see them develop an experiential base as they

learn the effectiveness of these tools.

<br><br>Children are faced with a heightened rate of stimulations

from all sides, dysfunctional families, high divorce

rates, school, peers, world events, and if they live in

areas with high crime then that stress is even more. No

wonder most of the music of the youth today screams and

shouts out to be heard. (Of course being from the 60's I

did my share of screaming too, :), but the lyrics

were more idealistic than they are now.)<br><br>It

does not entirely help to isolate them either, because

they need the tools to deal with these kinds of

stimulations. Children come to families to mirror the issues of

parents, who get a wonderful opportunity to work those out

when they observe it in their kids. <br><br>_/\_ Tat

twam asi<br><br>Uma

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Just a few thoughts on this subject about the

child<br>I would be interested to know what the parents are

<br>experiencing as they love their unruly child.<br>Not knowing

with assurancy about karma, it only seems more a

probability in light of the fact that children become who

they will be with or without too much or not

enough,from the facilitators of their health and shelter

through early life.<br>I live above a store and high

school students come in all the time and rob the owner

blind with a smile on their faces.<br>of course the

only ones coming in smoke cigarettes and eat junk and

act like punks and hooligans with their girlfriends

chewing gum with snide expressions in 5 inch plastic

heels and saddle swaying come hither hips.<br>The good

ones eat in lunch rooms and study over a sandwich from

home and are bullied and humiliated and learn

tolerance and sympathy for their lower thinking

counterparts,wise cracking and stealing with sugar smiles from the

<br>hardworking not making a dime store owner below.<br>The

hardworking corner store owner learns what it means to break

ones back everyday for nothing and <br>still come out

ahead with a smile for everyone,or a chip on his

shouldre and a drinking problem.<br>The brats learn how to

be polititions and drug addicts and movie stars and

star athletes in cleets with coke powder noses over

dopey smiles and how to be teenage mothers on welfare

and pot pusher fathers with welfare stamps on their

heads,cheating with his old lady 16 year old girlfriends

girlfriend and burning down the trailer.<br><br>What a

lovely little ocean we all swim in.<br>I sure hope his

parents are learning how beautiful is the

unconditionality of mercy wisdom and compassion while keeping the

wolves out and the roofs up over the simple heads of

their begotten<br>often forgotten,neglected,starved and

shuffled little descendance.Some sinking and some swimming

<br>but all can change current in a moment like a silvery

trout and there are no real excuses for acting like

animals,babbling like infants craving sugar and smiles

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It happens due to the impressions in the

sub-conscious mind.<br><br>Please refer

<a href=http://www.sanatan.org/weekly/18Jun00/issue.htm#clarification


<br>(Clarification of Doubts section)<br><br>Impressions in the

subconscious mind.<br><br>It shows how spiritual practice can

improve one's personality.

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