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Om Prem

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I was wondering if you are familar with something

called'sant mat'?<br>Think thats how its

pronounced.<br>anyway,I now have a better understanding of how I have

precieved Truth in myself without any books or physical

gurus or religions or doctrines.<br>Often the

word'love'is bandied about like a piece of candy but it really

is the only way one becomes consciously connected.I

realize everything perishable is illusion and controlled

by material forces and we as Spirit have been caught

in the cogs of the material like clots of walking

blood.<br>Everything we see with mortal eyes is emulating etrnity but

is just an illusion and will perish and wither and

go back to being what it already was,just material

for regenerating the material world.<br>But what a

wonderful learning experience for the soul.Here we actually

get to experience Death.What a new concept for spirit

to undergo and understand.<br>Its this fear of

losing something that keeps everyone running around

chasing the tail.<br>When I woke up,I realized the souls

here are homesick and that we are attracted to bright

colors and fast movements like fast cars etc and sounds

like singing and music because these things remind us

in the soul,unconsciously,of going home and flying

unfettered by by time,through the universe,and by all the

stars,more brilliant of color than any neon sign ever

shined,and the sound and vibration of their orbit a humming

sound of loving activity in order and harmony.To mortal

ears almost a sound of angels.<br>Love wakes one

up.<br>Prayers are not in vain.<br>Our Father hears our

prayers.There is not an ounce of doubt in me on this

account.<br>Home is where the Heart is,and the Heart is God.<br>I

am a drop of this loving essense,not a clot of blood

and perishable and of the earth but in the Heart of

God and Ive never left .<br>Been right there the

whole time,just as God has been withIn me,and all of

us,in memory urging us homeworld with soul

instinct.<br>Which is stronger than animal instincts for anyone with

an ear to the signs inside,transforming and leading

the way.<br>Trusting Love and Compassion and

extracting oneself from all the waste and the matter,is all

that really matters to the soul,waiting to wake

up.<br>This p[lace is a big garbage dump,plain and simple

with all its sparkle and sugar coated candy lace

illusions of granduer,it does not compare to the authentic

Beauty and Grace of Spirit and Love.<br>Visible here in

the eyes of children<br>and laughter

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The Saint giving initiation to Sant Mat will be in Oregon in July 2002 at: <a


target=new>http://santmat-meditation.net/santmat/MK.html'>http://santmat-meditation.net/santmat/MK.html</a> <a



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Om pithpang<br><br>I have been fortunate enough

to have had an introduction to both the sound

meditation and light meditation practices of that group.

Both of the meditation practices are excellent.

<br><br>I also have a couple of excellent books by Kirpal

Singh - Naam or Word and The Crown of Life: A Study in

Yoga.<br><br>My first teacher was Sikh and his teachings remain a

strong and pervasive influence in my life.<br><br>Om

namah Sivaya<br><br>Omprem

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Om pithpang<br><br>All yoga is kundalini yoga

because all yoga is devoted to Self-Realization and

kundalini rising is the vehicle by which Self-Realization

occurs.<br><br>Also, in order to attain Self-Realization, one must

have or develop the Four Means of Salvation or Sadhana

Chatushtaya:<br><br>1. Viveka <br><br> Discrimination between Nitya and

Anitya (eternal and non-eternal), Sat and Asat (real and

unreal), Tattwa and Atattwa (element and

non-element).<br><br>2. Vairagya<br><br>Dispassion, detachment,

indifference to sensual enjoyment. The opposite of Raga or

attachment.<br><br>3. Shadsampat (six-fold virtues)<br><br> (a) Shama.

Serenity of mind through the constant eradication of

Vasanas or desires. Don’t fulfil desires, reject them

through discrimination, right enquiry and dispassion. The

mind thins out and is checked from wandering. The mind

is detached from the sense-objects by continuously

observing their defects and is fixed on Brahman. The five

Jnana Indriyas, the sense organs or organs of

knowledge-ear, skin, eye, tongue and nose-are controlled through

Shama.<br><br>(b) Dama. Restraint of the external or motor organs

(the organs or action or the five Karma

Indriyas-speech, hands, feet, genitals and the anus-the external

instruments. Corresponds to the the Raja Yoga practice of

pratyahara. Indriyas are withdrawn by calming or restraining

the mind. Raja Yogis withdraw indriyas by restraining

prana. Withdrawal most <br>effective by withdrawing both

the mind and the prana.<br><br>© Uparati.

Self-withdrawal, extreme abstention, the turning of the mind from

objects of enjoyment.. The mind-function ceases to act by

means of external objects. No agitation or attraction

when one sees a beautiful object due to the strength

of mind developed by the practice of viveka,

vairagya, shama and dama. Cessation from wrong or

unnecessary action.<br><br>(d) Titiksha. Power of endurance.

The ability to bear pain, insult, heat and cold and

other extremes free from anxiety or distraction,

without care to redress them and without lament. Patience

and equanimity during suffering.<br><br>(e) Sraddha

Unshakable faith in the existence of Brahman, in the

teachings of the Guru and scriptures, and faith in own’s

own self.<br><br>(f) Samadhana One-pointedness or

collectedness. Samadhi<br><br>4. Mumukshutwa<br><br>Strong

yearning for Liberation or Emancipation or

Release<br><br>These conditions are espoused by all religions and

spiritual practices. Once you get past the superficial

differences between religions and spiritual paths and gain an

understanding of their mystical roots, then you see that all

religions and spiritual practices are the same and have the

same end. It is only when egos arise and differences

are emphasized that we have all the troubles in the

world. <br><br>There is no difference between Sufism,

Sikhsim, Kabbala, Christian mysticism or Advaita Vedanta.

I have heard and read the messages of practitioners

of all these, and they all say the same thing, use

the same language and metaphors, and are

indistinguishable from one another. <br><br>Their single message is

All is One.<br><br>Om namah Sivaya<br><br>Omprem

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