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ericka,I can only offer my feelings,nor am I

speaking for Jesus,but I understand that Jesus Loved us

all,You have no arquement from me onthis but He died for

sinners.He died for all the sins of ignorance and hate and

persecution and hunger and murder in the world.<br>He died

for the wretched and unloved and those others didnt

love but hated and ridiculed because they

were'different'having deformities or having lost limbs or being

blind.<br>Sure enough Jesus Loved Us all,and Died for Loving us

so much.He wa spat on and ridiculed,they put a crown

of thorns in His Head and riculed and spat on Him

before driving nails into His wrists.<br>The last words

He spoke were to the effect"forgive them Father,for

they know not what they do'<br><br>And lets get

something real clear right here,the 'way'as you call it,is

not broad and wide,it is very narrow,so brush up on

your scripture if you plan on sticking me with

it.<br>and for another thing,God is about TRUTH.<br>and the

Truth is He loves Us,and the Truth is,the bible has a

100% accuracy rate of revelation.It is not one of many

ways it is THE WAY,and the way is narrow.<br>You my

dear dont really know much about Jesus,or the bible

and yet you speak like you think you have a clue what

you are talking about,and really you are very

ignorant and in need of an awakening.<br>That will come by

giving of yourself to others not by sitting off in a

closet humming to yourself.Please use your God Given

Commonsense.<br>You would probably jump off a cliff if a guru said

you could fly,because he has a smile on his face and

some sugary words,and you would be a fool.<br>and yet

you wont even yake the time to know Jesus.You spend

your time learning how to be fooled when You could be

nourished by reading the word and going out in this world

and making a difference with a smile,with an openess

to others without judging them.<br>Really it makes

no difference to me what choices you make in your

life.Follow a guru and burn if ypou so choose,but I also have

a choice and I choose to help people realize that

Jesus is the only Christ,Our Father and Spirit.and with

Love I shall fight for my brothers and sisters with my

whole heart.Jesus gave His mortal life for yours,so you

dont have to give it to anyone.Just let Him take care

of it.All He asks You to do in return is Love

people.<br>You think I dont love you because Im telling you the

Truth,but you cant hear it.You want to see lights in your

3rd eye .<br>so go read about it,read about eastern

religions just for the hell of it.And you will see the

Truth <br>with Your own eyes.Dont listen to me listen

to yourself,and if youre humming you wont hear

anything.<br>You think love is all sugar and spice and acting all

nice and fake.Love hurts sometimes sister and I just

ripped the bandaid off so get over it and start healing

by loving yourself enough to give of yourself and

stop looking at eastern religions.Look at the example

of their own 3rd world countries.Using the 3rd eye

has nothing but turn their countries into pits of

evil,where women and children are treated like garbage.If

you arent giving Your Life for love,dont be throwing

it after the ignorance of india<br>I love

you,whether you know or care or love me in return.Love

yourself as I love you and wake up before its too

late.Come back from the cold and into the fold where you

know you belong.<br>It makes me cry to think you are

being so mislead but thats what having free will is all

about.Have a good night sister and please dont think I hate

gurus or hindus.I love them,but I love children dying

in the streets and being worked to the bone more.And

I speak for them because they have no voice.I speak

out against violence of all kinds all around the

world,its not country specific,its a global problem of

epidemic proportions and its time people stopped shopping

for shoes and running around a hamster wheel of karma

mayham.<br>but thats up to how they feel.Im only responsible for

myself and what I do,just like you.<br>Go

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This is a club to discuss our sadhana and

exploring yoga paths. I come to this club so that I can

study and learn/grow in the path I have chosen. I think

if you both would like to discuss Jesus and the

accuracy of the bible and the Christian point of view,

that you find a Christian club to do it in.

WakeInBliss and Erica, I am surprised at the both of you for

the veiled sarcasm (WakeInBliss, it is not for you do

decide who is being misled is it?) Please, please, this

club goes thru these "debates" all too often and it

takes us away from our sadhana. Maybe emails to each

other or private messages would be a better way for the

both of you to "discuss" Jesus, the bible, and the

hypocrisy of the Christian religion. Hypocrisy you say?

Yes, you discuss how you love Jesus, yet both of you

are judging the other. Judge not, lest ye be judged.

Come back into the fold? Oh, I am having nightmares of

my southern baptist upbringing..WakeInBliss, read

your post again, and you will see why i left the

Christian religion very early in my life. You seem to feel

there is only one truth....maybe for you there

is...allow others to find theirs. Now both of you relax and

allow each other to follow their own path without

forcing it on the other. in love, mirabai

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I sure hope you dont blow yourself up with all

yoyur self righeous indignation.<br>That would be such

a tragedy.<br>why do you even care what we talk

about,its just maya anyway,its all just an illusion.Just

look through it as you hum and go back to the viod you

come from.<br>You arent my teacher,nor my mother and

Im not a christian because I go to church Im a

christian for no reason other than Knowing God.You dont

know anything about God,not one iota.You dont learn

about God in church but by loving and living.<br>not

rocking in a corner humming.<br>and there is only

Truth.Truth doesnt have different paths,not where I come

from.Truth just is and anything else isnt,and thats all

there is to it.are you so blind you cant

understand.<br>Youve been submerged too long.<br>Jesus never ran off

to india to be'enlightened'<br>and there are no

other pretend christs.<br> If your philosophy is

correct you should be able to back up your words but the

only way you can back up your words is by quoting the

actual scriptures you say you dont follow.<br>You arent

a christian so why worry about what I do or say.You

should only be interested in 'self'and self

awareness'You are a hypocrite and you know it.<br>Am I judging

you,maybe you think so,Im just giving my opinion on the

words you have wrote that are filled with hypocritical

nonesense.<br>go hum or something,you certainly arent helping the

gurus you protect with your nonesensical dribble.Im

sure i havent hurt your feelings any way.How could

I.You are in control of how you feel and if you dont

like something you just discard it<br><br>eastern

philosophy will never enter in the people of the west as

long as Im alive to have a say in it.Im going on as

many groups as I can and talking with as many people

as I can about the flaws of eastern philosophy

..<br>There are no flaws in God.<br>Go run after krisna,I

hear he is on the prowl for wife number 102.<br>oh by

the way,heres a great site on yoga<br>but you dont

want the Truth,you just want to sit in a corner and

hum yourself to sleep!lol!

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Mirabai:<br><br>With all due respect, I'm sorry,

but I believe you and I said the same thing. I was

merely stating that we all have our own truth to find. I

said point plank that there is nothing wrong with

those that follow Jesus, but also stated that I don't

particularly follow the idea that his way is the ONLY way.

<br><br>There is not a bit of veiled ANYTHING in any of my

posts. I am as you see and do not hide things. It's

true; "debates" do occur here from time to time. As in

life, here in the club. However, this is not about

debate or judging, this is just about discussion and

understanding. It is about standing up for what you believe in,

no matter what others say. It is not about rolling

over and letting people go about their business

hurting you. There are ways that we can respecfully,

intelligently, and lovingly stand up for ourselves. I do not

force ANYTHING upon ANYONE. <br><br>God did not intend

for us to be doormats; I'm quite sure of


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Life is a play of consciousness. Life is a play,

we watch, we observe, we are aware. If we make the

choice to jump up on stage, that is

reaction.<br><br>Duality is of the divine as part of the divine, it is a

balance of yin yang and continuously is changing, but

always balanced. <br><br>Standing up for oneself, is

ego, physical body, human. It is not necessary.

"Rolling over" is again human, ego, physical. Why react at

all? <br><br>Truth is in the heart, and the heart, is

the divine. All pervading, non judging, total

clarity......Love.<br><br>Becoming too passionate about beliefs can be looked


as desire.....desire to be "right", desire to close

oneself to other possibilities.<br><br>Life is a

play.....watch with amusement and love. All else is just stage

props. in love, mirabai

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I would qualify trying to convert others as

"becoming too passionate about beliefs". I would not,

however, classify taking a stand for myself becoming too

passionate. My purpose was never to convert Mr. Wake into

thinking the way I do. I may be only 26, but that is old

enough to know that people don't change their minds

easily, and especially not because of a

Club.<br><br>Standing up for oneself is ego? How so? If I were to get

sick, I would certainly seek the help of a trained

professional. If the doctor told me to have surgery, I probably

would (in fact, I have). Is this wrong? How far does it

go? Why brush our teeth? God wants the plaque? Why

pay our taxes? Why follow the rules of the road? Why

bother going to school? These are all, to a certain

extent, sticking up for ourselves and our own well-being.

It seems to me that people get bent out of shape

only when we start talking about standing up for our

beliefs, and only a wee bit of standing up at

that.<br><br>Was Gandhiji acting from ego when he suggested people

rise up against the salt tax, or was he simply

standing up for himself and his people, and what they felt

was injustice?<br><br>If God is in everyone,

including me, and all is done by God's will, then my will

is God's will, no? It is then my duty and obligation

to allow God's true will to come shining through,

and not allow it to be clouded by my own ego. So, is

it my own ego tells me to protect the body and mind

that God has given? I thought one of the purposes of

hatha yoga was to honor the body; it is a container for

this precious soul we all have. Why do we give our

bodies proper food? If God wills us to live, we will? Or

am I totally wrong here? (Probably

that!)<br><br>Incidentally, if this life is a play, I would love to read some

of the fruits of your "jumping on stage" when the

waters of our club are calm. Seems you jump only when

provoked. I would really love to hear your opinions about

other topics. Do you have any suggestions for our club

chat? I'm sure you could teach me many things. Please

help me to understand. I am being completely honest; I

am not speaking with any veiled

anything.<br><br>With love,<br>Erica

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