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what is the true path?and destinatio

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God is not a "who" as that is limiting. God is

everything, everywhere. The best path? The one that is in

your heart. The purpose of life? To learn , through

many lifetimes to become one with God. The purpose of

God? Love.<br><br>in love, mirabai

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Om Arjuna8<br><br>Within space and time God is

Ishvara. Beyond space and time God is Brahman. God is

everywhere but is most evident deep inside of yourself. The

best path to God is whatever path your personality

allows you to take. The purpose of life is to know

yourself as God.<br><br>God need no justification. God Is.

But God's purpose for you is to bring you to

Him.<br><br>Om namaha Sivaya<br><br>Omprem

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It is my belief that our reincarnations are

lessons that help us learn how to be one with God. You

are using three dimensional thinking for something

that has many many more dimensions. We are part and

parcel of the divine as the divine always, but it is my

belief that we strive to "BE" and only a very few have

ever accomplished this. Expand your thinking past

limitations and you will see :)) in love, mirabai

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Yes, you are right. You are already one with God.

We are limited by certain deficiencies in our

terminology.<br><br>The problem is we aren't aware of that Truth and if

even we are aware mentally, we don't act with that

awareness. <br><br>Gold doesn't show it's lustre unless it's

polished. It is still Gold, polish or no polish. However no

one makes jewelry out of it, till its impurities are

removed. That process is saadhna.<br><br>_/\_ Tat twam


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how do you know what dimenson i am thinking on,

the fact that you assume a conclusion that younothing

of makes me think you know nothing of this subject

matter.reincarnations are not lessons, what use is a lesson if you

cannot remeber your previous life, reincarnation is

noting but the chain of karma in motion, nothing more

and nothing less, it has nothig ot do with

awakening.ow do youknow only few have attained this so called

stte your decribing, do tou know anyof them?And again

how so youknow if i have any limitations or what

l;evel of limitations i exhibit irt seems that your

assumiong is the baisis of your knowledge.

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very wise statement, imbedded with truth

tatwaasi, the gold anology is very similiar if not exact to

what you are tryign to conveyr relatiing to my

questions.but again what is god? is it a he? thing?

force?<br>she? personal being or impersonal beiong? explain what

this gopd is bud.

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Oh my, such hostility :) I was speaking in

general, we as humans are used to five sensory, three

dimensional thinking. Reincarnations to me....are lessons. I

believe we have choice. Again, I was not speaking of YOU

in particular (does your ego tell you that I was?) I

was speaking of the human race in general, as you

were asking general questions. You asked, I gave you

my opinion dear one......nothing more. in love,


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Om Arjuna8<br><br>One has to refer to God as

something, I chose Him for short term convenience but someon

else could just as easily and correctly refer to God

as Her, It, Cosmic Consciousness, Universal Spirit

or any other encompassing name.<br><br>The universe

and your life is arranged for you to eventually come

to God for that is your True Identity. Do we not all

want to find out who we truly are?<br><br>And, you are

correct when you ask that if God is everywhere are we not

already God. But, most of us do not realize this because

we are dazzled by the phenomena of the senses, by

our ego and we are dulled by the conditioning that

has been imposed on us by parents, school, peer,

community, country, workplace and, even, by the conditioning

we place upon ourselves as we yearn to fit into

these expectations of others. <br><br>Sadhana is the

process of removing all of that conditioning until we

come to experience directly that we in God and God is

in us and, finally, that we are God.<br><br>Sadhana

also involves moving from a linear thinking process

that merely arranges and rearranges the so-called

evidence of the senses to a more intuitive thinking

process that involves the consciousness of the

chakras.<br><br>Om namah Sivaya<br><br>Omprem

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Om Arjuna8<br><br>Unfortunately, ou are in error

when you say, "reincarnations are not lessons" and

offer as proof " what use is a lesson if you cannot

remeber your previous life"<br><br>One's personality and

life circumstances are determined by the events in our

prior lives. They are there to reward or encourage us

to continue to make choices that bring us closer to

God-Realization OR to punish and show us the futility of acting

in certain ways that take us away from

God-Realization.<br><br>The events of prior lives are alive in the

subconscious and in every cell of the body because of a Karmic

substance called Leshya that is created with each of our

thoughts, words and deeds. See the next post on

Leshya.<br><br>Om namah Sivaya<br><br>Omprem

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>>The problem is we aren't aware of that

Truth and if even we are aware mentally, we don't act

with that awareness. <<<br><br>The following

story explains the above statement.<br>There once lived

a hunter. One day as usual he set out to the forest

for game. He spotted a lioness and was chasing it.

The lioness was pregnant, and was running frantically

hither and thither to protect its young. But the hunter

ruthlessly shot the lioness. The lioness in her pain, gave

birth to her young and died. There was a farmer in a

hut nearby who was watching the whole episode. In his

pity, he took the motherless cub, and started growing

it along with his other goats. <br><br>This cub was

growing with the other goats, and started to think of

itself as a goat. It was bleating instead of roaring. It

fed on grass and other plants instead of meat. When

another carnivore came to prey, this cub also fled like

the goats. Thus it had completely transformed into a

goat. Thus passed many years and it became an adult

lion.<br><br>One day, another lion suddenly came into the field to

hunt for prey. All the goats and this lion fled

quickly. The lion that came to hunt was shocked to see

another lion flee. It ran quickly, and caught hold of the

fleeing lion and asked, ' Why are you fleeing?" The

fleeing lion answered, "B'cos you are a lion, and you

will eat me." The hunter lion was shocked and said, "

No, I will not eat you, b'cos you are also a lion.

"<br><br>The fleeing lion could not believe its ears and said,

" No, I'm not a lion. I am a goat, and you will eat

me. "<br>The hunting lion said, " No you are not a

goat. You are a lion. "<br>The fleeing lion asked, "How

can you prove that I am a lion."<br>The hunting lion

pulled the fleeing lion to a nearby well and said, "Look

into your reflection..... Now do you see that your

reflection is similar to mine. You also have a mane like me.

Now do u understand, that you are also a

lion."<br><br>The fleeing lion saw the similarities of their

reflections, and realised that it was not a goat, but a lion.

It then learned to roar, and to prey on herbivores.

When it realised it true nature, it transformed itself

into a lion. <br><br>Similarly we too like the cub,

don't know or have forgotten our true nature, and

falsely identify ourselves with this physical body. We

comprehend the Universe as we perceive it thro' these

senses, and know not that to know the Universe fully, we

need to go beyond these 5 senses. Just like how

another lion was needed to reveal the cub it's true

nature, we too need a Guru to help us remove the veil of

ignorance and to reveal or remind us our true Divine

Nature. <br><br>Hari Aum !!!

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i didn't say they weren't lessons, i said they were not of any importance to

this s o called megin with god.if you have amneisia<br>and do not even rember

your name, what use is your past then.

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Om Arjuna8<br><br>If you had bothered to read and

think about the post on Leshya you would see that your

actions, words and deeds affect the chemistry and

electromagnetic charge of your physical body which, in turn,

produces the karmic substance called Leshya. Leshya

accummulates to form impressions or samskaras as well as

making changes in the mind and ego. All of these changes

and samskaras combine to create situations in one's

current and future lives that will result in pleasure or

pain (reward or punishment, depending on one's

viewpoint). So, while one may not have an explicit memory of

past life events, those events are still recorded in

the form of samskaras and modifications of the mind

and ego in such a way that one is predisposed to act

and create situations that give expression to those

samskaras and modifications. <br><br>Memory of past lives

is not required. All that is required is observation

of one's current personality traits and thought

processes and the conditions that they create. One

naturally wants to avoid unpleasantness so future behaviour

is modified. One also wants to grasp pleasure but

over time realizes that pleasure also is a trap that

leads back to unhappiness. The result is that the

aspirant detaches his emotions from more and more actions,

thereby preventing Leshya and samskaras from occuring.

<br><br>Hope that makes it clearer for you.<br><br>Om namah

Sivaya (or, allow yourself to accept the forces that

will allow you to overcome negative qualities and

replace them with positive qualities)<br><br>Omprem

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like i aiagn said is there nay god or scripture

written by a rsi who sai dpast lives have any thing to do

with atmavid or moksa i am not interested in peoples

philosophies, i have read no agama or sastra written by god or

rsi who said past lives have anything to do with

moksa or it's cultivation.

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Before seeing if the past has anything to do with

moksha or Liberation, let's see what 'past' is . The

following is a question(s) asked by a devotee to Ramana

Maharshi.<br><br>Questioner: Yes, today is the result of yesterday, the past,

and tomorrow, the future, will be the result of

today, the present. Am I right?<br><br>Maharshi: There

is neither past nor future. There is only the

present. Yesterday was the present to you when you

experienced it, and tomorrow will be also the present when

you experience it. Therefore, experience takes place

only in the present, and beyond experience nothing

exists.<br><br>Question: Are the past and future mere

imagination?<br><br>Maharshi: Yes, even the present is mere imagination, for

the sense of time is purely mental. Space is

similarly mental. <br><br>On another occassion Maharshi

said, (I could not trace the exact text, and hence am

writing the meaning below):<br><br>Do you know the

present properly to know the past ? The past is something

that is gone and cannot be changed. The future is yet

to come and is unknown. What is fully in ur control

is the present. Make full use of the present, and

forget about the past and the future that is not in ur

hands.<br><br>Hence, let's keep aside the matters that cannot be

changed or are beyond our control and let's set our focus

on how best we can manipulate the present to quickly

and effectively reach our goal which is Moksha or

Liberation.<br><br>Hari Aum !!!

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