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Leshya 2

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Om Aspirants<br><br>According to Ayurveda, the

human body is composed of three Doshas or

catabolic/metabolic Regulators and seven essential ingredients or

Dhatus. The Doshas are the Wind Dosha (Vata), the Sun

Dosha (Pita) and the Moon Dosha (Kapha). The Wind Dosha

is responsible for sensation, motor activities,

overseeing digestion, nutrient circulation and waste

removal. The Sun Dhosha is mostly concerned with

digestion. The Moon Dhosal lubricates and moistens the body

(saliva, mucous, tears, cerebrospinal fluid, joint capsule

fluid). The Dhatus are blood, flesh, fat. bone, marrow,

semen, and chyle. Chyle is the proteins, amino acids and

other nutrients obtained from food that has been

digested by the Sun Dosha. It is also known as Rasa and is

the basic ingredients of all the physiological

systems of the body.<br><br>When Karmas are performed,

they disturb the equilibrium of the Doshas, allowing

one or two to become predominant. As this occurs, the

chemical composition of the Dhatus changes accordingly.

For example,when the Doshas are in equilibrium, the

colour of blood is red. When the Moon Dosha is dominant,

the colour of blood is more white because the white

corpuscle count increases. If the Sun Dosha is dominant,

the hemoglobin count increases and the colour of

blood becomes more yellow.<br><br>A change in the

equilibrium between the Doshas can lead to a person making

different diet choices. And a change in the Dhatus can

change the state of the Doshas. So,for example, a change

in chyle, due to a change in diet, will affect the

Doshas and consequently affect the consciousness and the

state of ease or disease of the body. There is a

correlation between diet and disease and between diet and

consciousness. These changes in the Doshas or the Dhatus will

result in changes to the chemistry and electro-magnetic

charge of the cells of the physical body, Annamaya

Kosha, which, in turn, creates changes in the subtle

body, the Pranamaya Kosha. These changes are to the

circulating Leshya and the balance between the Gunas, the

result of which is the formation of Samskaras,

subconscious memories or impressions which lead us to create

the conditions where these Samskaras can be tiggered

and a votitional desire (Vasana) is released in the

mind leading to more Karmas that maintain the cycle of

birth and death (Samsara).<br><br>Om namah


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Thank you Ompremji for sharing this information.

It is a subject close to my heart. I came to the

club today with the intention of sharing this story

(it brought me to tears last night), and here you

have already started on the subject!<br><br>I have

been reading a book by Bri Maya Tiwari titled "The

Path of Practice: A Woman's Book of Healing with Food,

Breath, and Sound". In the front of the book, she

explains that she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at age

23. She followed the path of modern medicine, but the

cancer spread to her lungs, liver...all over her body.

Her doctor finally told her that she had two months

to live. However, she fully healed herself from all

cancer by following the teachings of Ayurveda. This was

twenty years ago.<br><br>She first got to the emotional

root of her illness before trying to heal. She came to

the conclusion that her cancer was in her womb

because of her ancestors' pain of being taken from their

homeland, and also because she had herself disconnected

from her spiritual and cultural roots when she came to

America. <br><br>It amazes me how closely these two things

are related: body and mind. Sometimes we forget the

root of the term "disease"...ease. Like our soul, our

bodies have a natural state of being that we, through

actions and thought, disrupt. If we get down to the root

of our mental state, our health problems will show

their true root as well.<br><br>With love,<br>Erica

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Om Erica<br><br>Thanks for the graphic example of

Leshya.<br><br>It shows why those Yamas of Pantanjali (ahimsa -

violence, asteya - non-stealing, satya - truth telling,

Brahmacharya - sexual continence, and aparigraha

-non-receiving of presents, greedlessness) are so important and

must be practiced in thought and word as well as

deed.<br><br>Om namah Sivaya<br><br>Omprem

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The word Leshya is basically used by the Jains.<br><br>And they have cited

example of six types of Leshyas in their scriptures.<br><br>Hope we would hear

more on this here.<br><br>swagatadebi

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Om Swagatadebi<br><br>At the heart of right

conduct for Jains lie the five great vows:

<br>* Nonviolence (Ahimsa) not to cause harm to any living

beings.<br>* Truthfulness (Satya) to speak the harmless truth

only.<br>* Non-stealing (Asteya)not to take anything not properly

given.<br>* Chastity (Brahmacharya) not to indulge in sensual

pleasure.<br>* Non-possession/Non-attachment (Aparigraha) complete detachment

from people,

places, and material things.<br><br>These are also the

five yamas of Patanjali.<br><br>Paths are many, Truth

is One.<br><br>Omprem

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Paths are many is right...how many of those vows

can be linked directly to one of the Ten

Commandments? It never ceases to amaze me just how much more

alike than different we all are...<br><br>With


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Erica's last sentence is to be noted.Erica.this is what many saints have called

Universal Conciousness. The moment you feel the oneness you are at the shore of

the ocean of Divinity.<br>S.

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