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Hindu faith - Respect for other religions (Part 2)

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I proudly recall an incident that happened in my early childhood. I

come from an orthodox Brahmin family the so-called Hindu upper caste.

One day my father and I were visiting a friend's house. On the way we

came across a mosque - a Muslim religious centre. My father asked me

to remove my sandals and pay my respects to that place from outside.

It is very common that we do so when we pass a Hindu temple. I asked

my father as to why I should do this as it was not our holy place.

His words still ring in my ears: All places where God is worshipped

in any form or by any name are sacred and holy. That was my first

lesson in respecting other faiths - not just tolerating them. I would

rather prefer the term ' respect for other faiths' to 'religious

tolerance' which, in view, means that you may not like something but

tolerate it.


It was clearly said in our holy scriptures, Ekam sat vipra bahuda

vadanti - meaning Truth is only one but wise men call it by different

names. These broad-minded teachings, therefore, enable the Hindus to

consider that the Brahman of Hinduism is the same as the Jewish

Jehova, the Christian Father in Heaven, the Muslim Allah and the

Zoroastrian Ahura Mazda. It is because of this Hindu traditional

thinking, Mahatma Gandhi sang Ishwara Allah Tera Naam.


In Hinduism, belief in God is not always the only doctrine that is

acceptable. There has always been an atheistic school of thought

right from the beginning. There was a great thinker and sage called

Kapila around 600 B.C. He founded an aesthetic school of thought

called Samkhya. Far from being considered as a heretic or heterodox,

his works were included in the present six orthodox Hindu

philosophical systems.


The Hindu idea that all the religions are true is basically correct.

Every religion has some doctrines and beliefs peculiar to its own,

which followers of other religions do not accept. Hinduism's special

doctrines are Karma (the cause and effect theory regarding one's

actions), Maya (the world is an illusion). Jainism and Budhism do not

believe in God. The Christian doctrine is that Jesus Christ is the

only son of God and that one could get salvation only if one believes

in him. The Islamic doctrine is that Mohamed is the last Prophet and

it is totally against idol worship, while the Hindus, the Jains, the

Budhists and the Catholic Christians worship idols. Besides these

doctrines all these religions have their own ideas about the nature

of God (theology), about the creation of the universe (cosmology),

about soul (Psychology) and life after death.


Now, strip each religion of its peculiar and special doctrines and

features; what is left is only the moral teachings (ethics or Dharma

as the Hindus call), viz. Right thought, right speech, right deeds

and right everything else. All religions, without a single exception,

agree on these moral teachings. The criterion of a good religion is

not its special doctrines, many of them controversial, but those

indisputable eternal moral laws and values, the Dharma or

righteousness it teaching man, and which alone are of practical use

to man in this modern world. These days we have forgotten the core -

the central theme - of these faiths and unfortunately we got

ourselves bogged down in the peripherals and embellishments.


I strongly believe that religions are man-made. To improve the

quality of his life; in other words to lead a virtuous life and be

nearer to God, man has created these religions. God has given him a

mind or intellect, free will and freedom of action. So by being cruel

to and critical of others, we are not doing any favour to God.



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tks dear simham_jane for the beautiful para on Hinduism. But has

this over-tolerence not created problesm for us ? In the name of

tolenrance did we not play coward and allowed other faiths to have an

upper hand on us, which in turn is disturbing the peace of Hindus and

India now a days.


Or is there Nature's latent purpose behind this downfall of

hinduism...if yes what it could be ??


Hari Aum


Tks erica...My time for leaving Scotland has come and I was busy in

winding up establishment. My reliever is a bit delayed hence i am

back to Sadhna...for some more time till i go back!!

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, "silentsoul_55" <silentsoul_55> wrote:

> tks dear simham_jane for the beautiful para on Hinduism. But has

> this over-tolerence not created problesm for us ? In the name of

> tolenrance did we not play coward and allowed other faiths to have


> upper hand on us, which in turn is disturbing the peace of Hindus


> India now a days.


> Or is there Nature's latent purpose behind this downfall of

> hinduism...if yes what it could be ??


> Hari Aum


> Tks erica...My time for leaving Scotland has come and I was busy in

> winding up establishment. My reliever is a bit delayed hence i am

> back to Sadhna...for some more time till i go back!!


Hari Aum

As I said in my message, I do not like the word 'tolerance'; I would

prefer the word 'respect'. You are absolutely right in saying that

this respect for other religions has always created problems for

Hinduism. While I do aspect this, you must also agree that, in a

strange way, this is also the strength of Hindu faith. Probably this

great quality has helped in keeping the Hindu faith as vibrant as it

was 10,000 years ago. We have seen how some other cultures/faiths and

civilisations have disappeared in the course of time; Hindu faith has

taken (and is still taking) worst knocks from the other more

aggressive and sometimes militant faiths. But I have immense faith

that because of its evolutionary nature, Hindu faith will last much

longer and becomes stronger. I therefore do not agree with you in

saying that there is a downfall of Hinduism.


Hari Om Tat Sat



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Silent soul has a raised a couple of important questions.


1. Are we playing coward by emphasis on tolerance.

2. Do the other faiths have an upper hand over Hinduism?


1. In my opinion the basis of Hinduism is not tolerance but

acceptance. We should accept that there are many ways of reaching the

Ultimate. As many paths as there are men. So we must accept all

religions. Unfortunately other religions proclaim that their path is

the only path.


This attitude is prevalent not only in other religions but also

within Hinduism where one sect proclaims that their path is the only



Today we have this kind of sectarian conflicts even in clubs.

This is evidenced by the attack on Bagavan Sri Ramakrishna in one of

the clubs. We find this attitude is very much prevalent in India

today. When a person does not even accept the other margas of

Hinduism will he accept other religions? Mere talk of tolerance does

not get us anywhere.


2. India was ruled by Kings professing the religion of Islam for a

long time. Some of these kings were interested in converting everyone

to the religion of Islam. The British ruled us for a long time. They

gave support to the Christian missionaries in their work. The Hindus

of those days gave them ample help by their atrocious caste system.

If you are a Hindu lower caste you cannot enter the house of an upper

caste. But if you a Christian you could come and sit in the Verandah.

In some communities in Kerala only the first son was allowed to marry

and have children. He also inherited all the properties.

Such practices induced people to convert to Christianity and Islam.


3. With all this, it is to the credit of Hinduism that most of the

people did not convert to any other religion. We have faced open

attacks by Muslim and Christian rulers for centuries and survived.

Hindus faced these threats boldly. I do not think we are under a

greater threat now. The Christian Missionaries of these days do not

have the same zeal for conversion. Muslims are just not interested in

conversion. There is no Governmental support. Then where is the

question of threat?


4. Hinduism under attack is a slogan for some political parties to

rally the voters behind them. There are also the so-called secular

parties who try to corner the Muslim and Christian votes by issuing

anti- Hindu statements. But all politicians are united in one

objective. Keep the Indian people poor, illiterate and divided.


We as Hindus should strive to ensure that the people of India

irrespective of caste, creed, and religion become prosperous and

united. Our basic problems are economic and not religious.


I am one of those people who believe that partitioning India on the

basis of religion was wrong. We fell into the trap of the British.

What would have happened if there was no partition? A civil war most

likely. It would have lasted about 10 years and maybe a couple of

million people would have got killed. But we would have emerged as

the strongest nation in Asia. We should have followed the American

example. It was worth the cost.


"Sareh Jahan se Accha Eh Hindusthan Hamara ......... " This is a poem

written by Poet Iqbal who was one of the brains behind the idea of



You know about the famous Sannyasin revolution based on which,htt

Bakkim Chandra wrote the novel Anand Math. He gave us the famous

poem " Vande Matharam ...." in this novel. What most of us today do

not know is that Muslims led the Sannyasin revolution. The leader for

several decades was Majnu Shah Fakir. He belonged to the Burhana sect

of the Madari order of Fakirs. His successors were Musa Shah, Cherag

Ali Shah and Shoban shah. Hindu Sannyasins and Muslim Fakirs joined

together to fight the British.


In human history more people have been killed in the name of religion

than any other cause. We had Crusades, Inquisitions, concentration

camps and what not.

We have conflicts in Northern Ireland, Palestine and now the modern


Let us unite to ensure that there is no more killing in the name of

religion, sect or creed anywhere in the world.



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Thanks respected Sankar jee for elaborating the facts about Hinduism.

Here are my 2 cents.


You are very right when u say, that Other religions had conversions

due to our own weaknesses.


But let us go into this (not Politically but) spiritually. What

i believe is that Truth does not contradict other truth rather it

supports it....if all the religions are Truth then why do they reject

each other ?


You very rightly pointed out that even among Hindus there are big

differences among Shaktas, Vaishnavas Tantriks and others. Is it due

to ignorance of Mind..or due to one of them being untruth.... or due

to Natural law of survival of the fittest ?


What I have learnt from the lotus feet of great souls is that any

sect, any religion any philosophy which can not explain and

understand the truth of other sect/religion/belief, is either

incomplete,or half-truth or not completely understood.


It is thus easily possible to understand the depth of Advaita

through Bhakti or Fathom the Ocean of Love of Bhakti through Tantra

or find out truths of Islam or christianity through Hinduism. and if

we are not able to do that...it is sure we are wrong somewhere.


Hindusim does not believe in the sementic thought of "Your

God..and My God"... Hindusim teaches us to see the truth behind all

philosophies and all sects. Those who profess Rejection and violence

and cowardice in the name of Hinduism, are perhaps bigger enemies of

Hinduism than other religions.


So to me if a Bhakta rejects Advaita...he is not a real Bhkata

if a Vedantin rejects Bhakti as emotional outburst...he is not

real gyani

If a Hindu rejects other faiths or treats other human beings

inferior ...he is not a real Hindu..


and quoting ignorant Hindus...as true face of Hinduism is equal

folly ...which we see all around in many forums rejecting Hinduism on

this ground.





Ego - Rejects

mind - Ponders

heart - accepts

soul - smiles




Hari Aum


PS: Why are you so silent Mira Bai?? :)

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Respected Silent Soul,



In spirituality and religion there are no facts . Only opinions. What

I said was my opinion.

I think we are concentrating too much on the tolerance/acceptance

part of Hinduism. Hinduism or the different sects have not been very

tolerant. Adi Sankaracharya was involved throughout his life in

Vivadha with other sects. Later when he saw the disruption caused in

the society by the various sects, he thought of Shanmadham or the Six

religions. This was the first attempt at unifying the Hindu religion.

Many great saints have devoted their lifetime trying to unify India

and its religions.



We still have sectarian differences in Hinduism after thousands of

years of attempts at unification. Hinduism grew by absorbing good

ideas from all other religions. It is the Great thinkers/social

reformers who strived to bring about the unity of India by advocating




I will be glad if any member can give me a reference to some

scriptures where it is said that all religions are the same. Most of

the texts explain one particular marga. They rarely if ever say

anything about other margas or religions.



Tolerance is essential for the survival of the Indian and human

society. The recent incidents does not in any reflect a failure in

our efforts. It is a setback. If all of us put in an effort to build

an India or a world where all religions are respected and accepted I

am sure we will succeed.


I have always noticed that deeply religious people do not seem to

have any problems with each other. I have sen Hindu pundits, Muslim

Mullahs and Christian fathers getting on very well and also sharing

their thoughts. It is the people who do not know their religion who

air all these differences.



Again these are my opinions.



MAA Thuje SAALAM !!!




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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste all. Well said Sankar ji. Let me add a few

more verses from Bhagavad Gita.


In Bhagavad Gita 4.11 Lord DECLARES-


'ye yathA mAM prapadyante

tAM stathaiva bhajAmyaham,

mama vartmAnu vartante

manuSyAH pArtha sarvazaH'


'According to the MANNER in WHICH they SURRENDER to ME,I FAVOR them

in that VERY SAME manner.

O son of Pritha,ALL human beings always FOLLOW MY PATH in EVERY





'yo yo yAM yAM tanuH bhaktaH


tasya tasyAcalAM zraddhAM

tAmeva vidadhAmy aham'


'WHATEVER FORM any devotee with FAITH wishes to WORSHIP, I MAKE that

faith of HIS STEADY and STRONG towards that VERY FORM!'


"yAnti devavratA devAn pitRn yAnti pitRvratAH,

bhUtAni yAnti bhUtejyA yAnti madyAgino 'pi mAm"


B.Gita 9.25


'Votaries of the Devas (Heavenly gods) go to the Devas; the votaries

of Pitrus (Spirits and ancestors) go to the Pitrus; to the Bhutas

(higher evolved beings) go the Bhuta worshippers; MY VOTARIES come to



The water in the pipe can rise to the level in the reservoir to which

it is connected. Likewise the mind of man rises to the level of the

Deity Whom he ADORES.

The Saadhaka (seeker) should therefore be able to distinguish between

the minor deities at various cosmic levels and Iswara, the Ultimate



"A dyer once had a unique method of coloring clothes. He had a

SOLITARY dye tub into which he dip the cloths brought by the

customers and give whatever color they wanted.

Red, yellow, blue, green, purple- all these and more colors were

produced from the SAME tub.


An intelligent customer who watched these miracles entrusted his

CLOTH to the DYER and requested Him to DYE it as He LIKED.


Our mind is the cloth. Iswara (Lord) is the dyer and the dyeing tub.

He gives us WHAT we PRAY for. The best that we can do is NOT to ASK

Him for anything but GIVE OURSELVES over to Him.


He in His turn gives Himself to us."


-Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa


"ahaM sarvasya prabhavo mattaH sarvaM pravartate,

iti matvA bhajante mAm budhA bhAva samanvitAH"


(my favorite one - B.G 10.8)


aham=I, sarvasya=of all, prabhavaH=the source, mattaH=from Me,

sarvam=everything, pravartate=evolves,

iti=thus, matvA=understanding, bhajante=worship,

mAm=Me, budhA=the WISE, bhAvasamanvitAH=endowed with 'devotional





I am the origin of ALL.

>From Me ALL things evolve.



The important words for me in this sloka are

'bhajanti' and 'bhAva samanvitAh'.


What is the use of KNOWLEDGE if it is NOT UTILIZED properly?


MORE Knowledge should make One MORE DEVOTIONAL!


'Bhajanti' is the right word for BHAKTI.


When saying 'bhAva samanvitAH" here the Lord stresses the SINCERE



When one knows that the Supreme Lord is Everything, naturally all the

feelings of one's heart are dedicated to HIM through Universal Divine

Love, Bhakti.


"matkarma kRnmatparamo

madbhaktas sanga varjitaH

nirvaira ssarva bhUteSu

yassamAmeti pAndava"


(Gita 11.55)








he COMES TO ME, O Arjuna."


"yo mAM pazyati sarvatra

sarvaM ca mayi pazyati,

tasyA'haM na praNazyAmi

sa ca me na praNazyati."


(Gita 6.30)


How SWEET is Lord's COMMITMENT to His loving devotees!!!


"He who sees ME everywhere and sees all in ME,




'sarva dharmAn parityajya

mAmekaM zaraNaM vraja,

ahaM tvA sarva pApebhyo

mokSayiSyAmi mA zucaH'


(Gita 18.66)


"O Arjuna! Abandon all thoughts of RELIGION and IRRELIGION and come


It is then, that I, Who am a Judge to all, will cease to judge in

your case, and will instead pardon your countless past sins of past



Jaya Sri Radhey!


, "sankarrukku" <sankarrukku> wrote:


> Respected Silent Soul,



> In spirituality and religion there are no facts . Only opinions.


> I said was my opinion.

> I think we are concentrating too much on the tolerance/acceptance

> part of Hinduism. Hinduism or the different sects have not been


> tolerant. Adi Sankaracharya was involved throughout his life in

> Vivadha with other sects. Later when he saw the disruption caused


> the society by the various sects, he thought of Shanmadham or the


> religions. This was the first attempt at unifying the Hindu


> Many great saints have devoted their lifetime trying to unify India

> and its religions.



> We still have sectarian differences in Hinduism after thousands of

> years of attempts at unification. Hinduism grew by absorbing good

> ideas from all other religions. It is the Great thinkers/social

> reformers who strived to bring about the unity of India by


> tolerance.



> I will be glad if any member can give me a reference to some

> scriptures where it is said that all religions are the same. Most


> the texts explain one particular marga. They rarely if ever say

> anything about other margas or religions.



> Tolerance is essential for the survival of the Indian and human

> society. The recent incidents does not in any reflect a failure in

> our efforts. It is a setback. If all of us put in an effort to


> an India or a world where all religions are respected and accepted


> am sure we will succeed.


> I have always noticed that deeply religious people do not seem to

> have any problems with each other. I have sen Hindu pundits, Muslim

> Mullahs and Christian fathers getting on very well and also sharing

> their thoughts. It is the people who do not know their religion who

> air all these differences.



> Again these are my opinions.



> MAA Thuje SAALAM !!!



> Sankar

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