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Dreams & Sadhna !!

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Tks Erica, Tatwamasi and Nivedita for chosing dreams…. such a

fascinating subject for discussion.


Dreams are certainly an integral part of our life and as per men of

science, the dreams are due to :-


1) Settling of mind's memory to arrange the emotions and their

outcomes properly in different categories; or


2) to bring out our hidden desires and fulfil them at sub-conscious



Some also say that the dreams occur to tell us about our past

lives/future lives or to warn us of any forthcoming calamity..or just

to keep the mind busy in sleep.


Well dream have always fascinated me and I can say that my

treading on the path of sadhana and birth of this clubs called

sadhana was due to dreams, will not be a false claim. I will say ,"

I believe that all the explanations of dreams are true and together

they make an iota of the truth of dreams."


We see dreams because our Anthakarna (innerself) goes to the

astral/causal plane during sleep and as I wrote in one of my earlier

posts, sleep is just like samadhi, the only and the biggest

difference being the Guna bringing samadhi or sleep. In samadhi, we

are over-powered by Sat-guna and we see visions and in sleep we are

over powered by Tam-guna and we see dreams. It is also a fact that

we visit the plane of Astral consciousness during the Samadhi and

sleep…the only difference being the guna which is our guide on the

astral plane.


Lucid Dreaming is becoming very popular among the psychiatrists and

they have found many fascinating facts about dreaming…not covered by

science (but by our religion).


What is lucid dreaming - A dream where you are seeing a dream but you

are aware that you are watching a dream. There are different stages

of Lucid dreams, but once when we start seeing Lucid dreams, we can

safely say, we are treading into the path of Sadhna. Some people

have inborn capabitlites of going into Lucid dreams without any

sadhana, they observe Lucid dreams. I would say…it is due to their

sadhana in the previous birth….but one thing is sure those who see

Lucid dreams, are certainly higher souls than those who do not …

notwithstanding the social status, brain development or sadhana.


In a normal dream, our body numbs (and sleeps)…our faculties are

out of our control…and Tamo guna taking over us..our Viveka

(intelligence) loses power to distinguish/control the Vrittis

(thought waves) and we helplessly see what our mind is doing with the

thought-waves, or how it is reacting to them. But if we are on the

path of sadhna…and have acquired some proficiency….Slowly Tamoguna is

replaced by Satoguna..and our viveka remains with us even while

dreaming. It is here when Lucid dreaming starts. We become master

of dreams…we consciously react to a thought wave and work out on it.

In Lucid dreaming we do not act like a mere Saakshi (spectator) or a

slave…but like a master of our own dreams.


In the first stages of Lucid dreaming, we only become aware that we

are watching a dream. We do not have actual control over the

happenings of the dream. We know we are afraid or happy over a

situtation and we know that this is a temporary phase and soon we

will wake up and this will go. This type of Lucid dreaming can be

even without doing any sadhana (due to last birth sadhana)….but with

continued sadhna we can shift our consciousness to second stage of

Lucid dreaming…where we become the master of our dreams…where

miracles happen!!!


(To continue……..)

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(from prev.post)


There are 100s of books available on dream interpretation and all

of them are based upon one fact -hidden desires. The explanations

given for dreams in those books, may be true for a common person but

certainly not for those who are on the path of sadhna.


I remember once i saw a horrible dream. I had just started my Om

sadhna and was unaware of its purgatory effects. In a dream i saw

myself all burnt and wounded and I was wandering on the streets. all

the books I consulted, gave a negative effect of this dream.

Incidental Pandit Ashok jee, head Priest of Gangotri temple, visited

our house the next day. When he met me he asked what happened why I

was so sad. I told him about the dream. His first question was If I

am doing some beeja mantra japa. When i asked him the reason for

asking this he said," Look dreams have a different meaning if one is

on the path of serious sadhna...dreams have different meaning for a

sadhaka and a different meaning for those who are not doing sadhna.

This particular dream if seen by a non-sadhaka will mean a

distressful future, some loses and bad news BUT for a sadhaka, it

would mean, old bad karma being burnt...injury to the egoistical body

and progress in Sadhna. And his theory was later confirmed by many

higher souls whom i met and by my own experiences.


Our inner-self, the sakshi present in us watches us one-pointedly

and notes all our actions. When we are new on the path, HE sends us

certain signals to guide us or warn us on the path. Since we have

not yet developed our faculties to receive the signals directly, HE

passes these signals to us through visions and dreams. If we are

doing any sadhna, we should thus be very open to our dreams. We may

get great hints for our sadhna through our dreams.


The best way is to keep a note-book and pen handy near the bed, and

in the morning, we should make a habit of writing details of any

dream we remember. We should write the details of dream, its

approximate duration and whether our sleep was disturbed by the dream

or not. I have noticed that those dream which come as a signal from

our Higher self...always disturb the sleep for some time. It may be

due to great joy found in the dream or some shock we got...but we

will be disturbed. Soon we will have a record of our dreams and we

will be surprised to find how dreams are taking shape, as our sadhna



There are some dreams which have clear signals/indications about

our sadhna. Like those who are into shakti sadhna will soon see

dreams of lion lionesses or cubs. If the lions are peaceful and are

not attacking us...it would denote our shakti japa is going fine and

Mother is happy with us...if they attack us it would denote there is

some serious fault with our sadhna...mostly concerning purity of

thoughts or wrong way of japa.


Similarly dream of flying in the air is also seen by most of the

sadhaka. For a common man it denotes loses and abortion of

plans..but for a sadhaka it means..we are making progress. Dream of

flying for a sadhaka occurs when our Tamo guna reduces and pranic

body is a little free hence it wanders on the astral planes and we

see dreams of flying. However, if we see flying low and seeing

roads, buildings farms etc it may denote we are still attached to

wordly things and some more Vairagya is required.


Many sadhaka see snakes too in early days of sadhna. A snake for

a sadhaka denotes bad thought waves. However, if we are doing japa

of Shiva Mantra, seeing snakes is a good sign and denotes progress.


If we see dreams in which we listen music of Mridungam, conch or

sea waves...it is a sure sign of progress.


If we see a dream in which we are given some advice by some

elderly man/woman...we must follow the advise carefully because it is

our higher self which is trying to tell us something.


Seeing ourselves Dead in dreams, is a great sign for a sadhaka.

This normally denotes that a great leap has been achieved by a

sadhaka and soon Universal system will provide us with the second

stage of our sadhna.


Visiting a temple/holy place by sadhaka denotes there is need

of more faith (Shraddha) in his sadhna.



Seeing toilets,excreta or any such dirty things by sadhaka

means there are some bad vrittis still hiding which are hindering the

path of sadhana.


so if we start noting down our dreams and keeping an eye over the

progress in sadhna, we will soon be able connect our dreams with our

sadhna and our progress will be faster..when we start working on

these subtle signs and change accordingly.


Hari Aum




, silentsoul_55 <no_reply> wrote:

> Tks Erica, Tatwamasi and Nivedita for chosing dreams…. such a

> fascinating subject for discussion.


> Dreams are certainly an integral part of our life and as per men of

> science, the dreams are due to :-


> 1) Settling of mind's memory to arrange the emotions and their

> outcomes properly in different categories; or


> 2) to bring out our hidden desires and fulfil them at sub-conscious

> level


> Some also say that the dreams occur to tell us about our past

> lives/future lives or to warn us of any forthcoming calamity..or


> to keep the mind busy in sleep.


> Well dream have always fascinated me and I can say that my

> treading on the path of sadhana and birth of this clubs called

> sadhana was due to dreams, will not be a false claim. I will

say ,"

> I believe that all the explanations of dreams are true and


> they make an iota of the truth of dreams."


> We see dreams because our Anthakarna (innerself) goes to the

> astral/causal plane during sleep and as I wrote in one of my


> posts, sleep is just like samadhi, the only and the biggest

> difference being the Guna bringing samadhi or sleep. In samadhi,


> are over-powered by Sat-guna and we see visions and in sleep we are

> over powered by Tam-guna and we see dreams. It is also a fact that

> we visit the plane of Astral consciousness during the Samadhi and

> sleep…the only difference being the guna which is our guide on the

> astral plane.


> Lucid Dreaming is becoming very popular among the psychiatrists and

> they have found many fascinating facts about dreaming…not covered


> science (but by our religion).


> What is lucid dreaming - A dream where you are seeing a dream but


> are aware that you are watching a dream. There are different


> of Lucid dreams, but once when we start seeing Lucid dreams, we can

> safely say, we are treading into the path of Sadhna. Some people

> have inborn capabitlites of going into Lucid dreams without any

> sadhana, they observe Lucid dreams. I would say…it is due to their

> sadhana in the previous birth….but one thing is sure those who see

> Lucid dreams, are certainly higher souls than those who do not …

> notwithstanding the social status, brain development or sadhana.


> In a normal dream, our body numbs (and sleeps)…our faculties are

> out of our control…and Tamo guna taking over us..our Viveka

> (intelligence) loses power to distinguish/control the Vrittis

> (thought waves) and we helplessly see what our mind is doing with


> thought-waves, or how it is reacting to them. But if we are on the

> path of sadhna…and have acquired some proficiency….Slowly Tamoguna


> replaced by Satoguna..and our viveka remains with us even while

> dreaming. It is here when Lucid dreaming starts. We become master

> of dreams…we consciously react to a thought wave and work out on


> In Lucid dreaming we do not act like a mere Saakshi (spectator) or


> slave…but like a master of our own dreams.


> In the first stages of Lucid dreaming, we only become aware that we

> are watching a dream. We do not have actual control over the

> happenings of the dream. We know we are afraid or happy over a

> situtation and we know that this is a temporary phase and soon we

> will wake up and this will go. This type of Lucid dreaming can be

> even without doing any sadhana (due to last birth sadhana)….but


> continued sadhna we can shift our consciousness to second stage of

> Lucid dreaming…where we become the master of our dreams…where

> miracles happen!!!


> (To continue……..)

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