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Param Guru !!

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Often several questions have been raised about what God is. Is he

quality-less (Nirguna) or is He active, running the entire

Universe ? Alternatively, is He directly responsible for every

action and reaction? Has He established only certain laws and is

merely watching, the world to take its own course? What precisely

should a man seek for, in him?


In the running of the universe, every action of man must

yield results. Good actions yield good results and bad actions yield

bad results. Man with his egoistic nature, commits sins but always

looks for results of good actions. Some when they, not able to

withstand the results of bad actions, turn to God, worship him, pray

to him and seek an escape from the results of his past sins. The

question is if the law of Karma, that is action and its results-

giving nature is alone everything, there is really no need for a

separate God-entity. The facts, that God apart from being the

lawmaker, are also the giver of the results. He is really the judge

for the quantum of result to be given for each action. The attitude

and the circumstances in which these actions were performed have also

influence on the results. All this has to be precisely judged and

the results are to be given to everyone with no favouritism or

partiality. In addition to this when prayers and worship are

directed to him, He also grants relief to the individuals to the

extent that they have been able to apply to Him. This may raise a

doubt that God is partial to that extent. The truth is that He is

not. Then how can it be answered that the God seeker has a reduced

punishment, when a list of good actions and their corresponding good

results have been established in the beginning by the lawmaker? The

very first and foremost good action which is above all, has been

determined as the recognition of God as the does or everything. Next

only come all other good actions. This has been the part of the law

made by Him and is really applicable to any individual like all other

laws. To the one who is constantly engaged in recognising Him as the

Real Doer, no result is really attached. Such is his law.


All the above, that is law making and result giving, is his dynamic

nature or active principle. Apart from this and different from it,

there is also the inactive principle. In Him, this nature is such

that He stands aloof from all the above dynamism and is only a

witness of everything.. All the dynamic activity stops the moment

He seizes to be a witness. Hence the inactive principle is very

important in the running of the Universe. The inactive and the

active principles of the divinity are always together in every

universal action.


An individual, who is concerned about the mundane results,

should necessarily pray to the dynamic principle of divinity for

satisfying his dressers. However, because of egoistic nature, he

would again commit some bad actions. The results of good or bad

actions is only time bound. They again motivate him to do more and

more of either good or bad actions according to his past Karma and

thus always keep under the cycle of law of karma. Hence it is wise

to pray God for a desireless state. If, however, one has a tendency

to get attached to mundane results, it is not wrong to ask for

something that he is aspiring for the righteous path or satisfying a

Dharmic desire. While doing so it would be advisable to pray

simultaneously for a desireless state too. The entire Buddhism

advocates such a state and has set this as the highest goal for

mankind. In this although a separate God entity is not recommended

as essential the help of Buddha is taken to be necessary by all the

seekers to achieve such a state. An individual as he evolves, drifts

from the state of paying attention to the mundane results to seeking

this inactive principle of divinity. He who has experienced this

principle is a Mukta (liberated). He becomes a Gyani. It is also

said that to the extent that this inactive principle is experienced,

he would also be in possession of some Shakti or some dynamic powers

of divinity. This is because, after all the inactive principle means

the Sankalpa which is the cause and container of all activity

although by itself it is a mere Saakshi. The interesting feature of

creation is that all powers are bestowed in that which is not taking

part in it. However a real seeker pays no attention to these, but

goes on to experience completely the inactive principle of divinity,

becomes a Gyani and then only he is finally liberated. If in the

process the attention is diverted to these dynamic powers, it will be

equivalent of being into the cycle of law of Karma, probably now

with more vigour.


Apart from the active and the inactive principles of God has

also within Him the Static principle. Actually this is his very core

and is present in Him always. that is even before he has engaged

Himself in worldly activity impossible to describe this state by any

amount of vocabulary or convey by any thought. It has only to be

experienced and stands as the highest goal one can achieve. Unless

this is achieved, the evolution is not complete for an individual.

The understanding and experiences of the inactive principle,

although is good enough to make one liberated from the cycle of birth

and death, is still said to be within the world and it is possible

that he may have to take rebirth after the dissolution of the

physical worlds and a new creation is started, but the one who has

experienced and merged in the static principle nature of God is

complete in his evolution and is in a non-returning state for ever.


The dynamic aspects of divinity concerning the creation

takes place in 1/4th of his Viraatswarupa. The energy matter-space-

time matrix exists in this portion only. The last three of the five

Brahmas i.e. Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra perform their respective

functions here. Beyond this is the timeless space occupying the

other three fourths of this universal form. This state is the state

of Yogic sleep of Maha-Vishnu and is filled with pure saattvic Tejas

of Mahsa Vishnu. This aspect is in fact the Saakshi, the onlooker of

His worldly activities. There is pure universal ego in this state,

which is His inactive principle. Beyond this state of static

principle wherein there is no perceiver or perception. This is

termed as Nirguna Bramh(a). Corresponding to the Shakta school of

thought the fourth Bramaha is Shiva the inactive principle of

divinity. The param Shiva is the Paryantka (bed / base) on whom is

Shakti sitting. This Shakti is the dynamism of all the four Brahmaas.


The First three paadas of Gaayathri pertain to the

worlds "Bhoo", "Bhuva" and "Suvaha" are existing as the one fourth

of the Universal form. The 3 padas of "A..U..M.." also signify this

state. The fourth pada of Gayatri Mantra / Aum Mantra is about his

remaining 3/4th.


However it must be remembered that this 3/4th is not separate

from the 1/4th (dynamic aspect). The reflections of the timeless

aspect are also present in the time world at certain points where one

experiences timelessness physically. In other words, the matter,

time and energy get involved at these points/spots. We may sometimes

find ourselves stuck up in these points during our meditation, when

time seems to cease for us. Black holes are physical manifestations

of these cracks/spots in the universe. There may be many other

such psychic points on earth too.


While there have been a number of great souls who have

achieved this ultimate experience of and merger in the static nature

of God and consequent complete evolution and merged in His static

nature. God alone stands exclusively in containing all the above

three natures in Him simultaneously. Unless this aspect of totality

descends, it is not possible for any individual to rise to this

unique state of all the three aspects contained in one. Sri

Aurobindo is perhaps the only saint of modern times, who strongly

advocates this experience as the final and absolute truth.


Souls who have experienced the highest static state of God are no

doubt great, but it is very difficult for a common sadhaka to derive

benefits from them at all levels. It would be necessary for his to

rise first to such a level as to be able to receive the benefits

from them. Even speaking of Avataaras of God, not all of them are

total in containing all the above three aspects completely, barring

Shri Krishna of course.


These three principles in different combinations could be noticed in

the Avtaaras. In the evolution of the avataars, Matsya, Kurma,

Varaha, Narasimha, Vaaman, Parshurama etc. have manifested the

dynamic aspect only because they have come for giving punishment

only. Rama avataraa is very interesting though. The static and

dynamic aspects have together descended through Him. The saakshi is

missing. He had immeasurable might and power to subdue the demons.

By his own Sankalpa He had come down to live as an ordinary mortal.


Krishna Avataara is complete in this aspect. It has

descended with all the above three aspects in it and hence he is the

first and real Guru for all mankind, great sages and even celestial

beings. None else could have indulged in as many activities as He

did, absolutely watching them as Sakata(no doership/ego present at

any time) and keeping Brahman at the core of His heart. His was the

most evolved Avataara. All the three principles in him were helpful

for all the seekers some of whom were ordinary Gopis while others

were Rishis. Krishna only enacted his actions but did not go

through them like Rama.


It is obvious from even the activities shown outwardly that

He was within reach for everyone. He played in common terms with

ignorant Gopis and involved himself in high politics with kings,

dealt severely with all demons and men of evil character. In his

superhuman aspect, He had been a guide even for Gyanis and saints

(like (Bheeshma,vidura and Akrura) and finally had even taught a

lesson to Indra, the king of gods. This was possible when he had

brought on him the full dynamism. Each and every one of his actions

had been executed with such a perfect wisdom that they stand as path

showers for the future generations. At the same time He was equally

in his inactive nature because none these multitudes of actions could

bind him which would have been the case with any other higher soul,

possessing an ego even for a little while. The static nature of God

was also present in HIM always although this cannot be judged and

discussed by the outside world. Anyone, who could really experience

what Krishna was, setting aside his ego completely, could be in such

bliss as Shri Maha Vishnu in Yogic Sleep (certainly not like our

friends in ISCKON..hahaha)


The bliss which is hard to achieve even for the greatest of

Yogis, has been made available through this Avataar for such ignorant

and innocent souls as Gopis. Such is the greatness and completeness

of this Avtaara. Only the one that contains all the three aspects

is the real Guru for seekers of all nature and classes. Blessed

really are they who can acquire such a Guru.


Hari Aum


(this post is based upon leanings from Sh.satyamurthy jee maharaj)

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