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Srimad-Bhagavatam 10 th Canto Told As Krsna's Pastimes

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Srimad-Bhagavatam 10 th Canto Told As Krsna's Pastimes


Hare Krsna,this is a summary study of Srila Vasadeva's

Srimad-Bhagavatam,Tenth canto,translated by

His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


Im presenting this Pastime ,in 3-4 parts,so it wouldnt be, too long

to read,Its alittle longer ,than usual,But When you read This,Youll

Be Very Happy!!Hare Krsna,Krsnajoe


Sacrificial Ceremonies


Performed by Vasudeva


Among the women present at Kuruksetra during the solar eclipse were

Kunti, Gandhari, Draupadi, Subhadra and the queens of many other

kings, as well as the gopis from Vrndavana. When the different queens

of Lord were submitting their statements as to how they were married

and accepted by Lord Krsna as His wives, all the female members of

the Kuru dynasty were struck with wonder. They were filled with

admiration at how all the queens of Krsna were attached to Him with

love and affection. When they heard about the queens' intensity of

love and affection for Krsna, they could not check their eyes from

filling up with tears.

While the women were engaged in conversations among themselves and

the men were similarly engaged in conversation, there arrived almost

all the important sages and ascetics from all directions, who had

come for the purpose of seeing Lord Krsna and Balarama. Chief among

the sages were Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasa, the great sage Mrada, Cyavana,

Devala, Asita, Visvamitra, Satananda, Bharadvaja, Gautama, and Lord

Parasurama along with his disciples; Vasistha, Galava, Bhrgu,

Pulastya, Kasyapa, Atri, Markandeya, Brhaspati, Dvita, Trita, Ekata;

the four Kumara sons of Brahma, Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanitana and

Sanatkumara; Afigira and Agastya, Yajmnavalkya and Vamadeva.

As soon as the sages and ascetics arrived, all the kings, including

Mahiraja Yudhisthira and the Pandavas and Lord Krsna and Balarama,

immediately got up from their seats and offered their respects by

bowing down to the universally respected sages. After this, the sages

were properly welcomed by being offered seats and water for washing

their feet. Palatable fruits, garlands of flowers, incense, and

sandalwood pulp were presented, and all the kings, led by Krsna and

Balarama, worshiped the sages according to the Vedic rules and

regulations. When all the sages were comfortably seated, Lord Krsna,

who descended for the protection of religion, began to address them

on behalf of all the kings. When Krsna began to speak, all became

silent, being eager to hear and understand His welcoming words to the


Lord Krsna spoke thus: "All glories to the assembled sages and

ascetics! Today we are all feeling that our lives have become

successful. Today we have achieved the desired goal of life, because

we are now seeing face to face all the exalted liberated sages and

ascetics whom even the great demi­gods in the heavens desire to see.

Persons who are neophytes in devotional service and who simply offer

their respectful obeisances to the Deity in the temple but cannot

realize that the Lord is situated in everyone's heart, and those who

simply worship different demigods for fulfillment of their own lusty

desires, are unable to understand the importance of these sages. They

cannot take advantage of receiving these sages by seeing them with

their eyes, by touching their lotus feet, by inquiring about their

welfare or by diligently worshiping them."

Neophyte devotees or religionists cannot understand the importance of

great mahatmas. They go to the temple as a matter of formality and

pay their respectful obeisances unto the Deity. When one is promoted

to the next platform of trance consciousness, one can understand the

im­portance of mahatmas and devotees, and in that stage the devotee

tries to please them. Therefore, Lord Krsna said that the neophyte

cannot understand the importance of great sages, devotees or ascetics.

Krsna continued, "One cannot purify himself by traveling to holy

places of pilgrimage and taking bath there or by seeing the Deities

in the temples. But if one happens to meet a great devotee, a

mahatma who is representative of the Personality of Godhead, one

becomes immediately purified. In order to become purified, there is

the injunction to worship the fire, the sun, the moon, the earth, the

water, the air, the sky and the mind. By worshiping all the elements

and their predominating deities, one can become free from the

influence of envy, but all the sins of an envious person can be

nullified immediately simply by serving a great soul. My dear revered

sages and respectable kings, you can take it from Me that a person

who accepts this material body made of three elements-mucus, bile and

air-as his own self, who considers his family and relatives as his

own, and who accepts material things as worshipable, or who visits

holy places of pilgrimage just to take a bath there, but never

associates with great personalities, sages and mahatmas-such a

person, even in the form of a human being, is nothing but an animal,

like an ass."

When the supreme authority, Lord Krsna, was thus speaking with great

gravity, all the sages and ascetics remained in dead silence. They

became amazed upon hearing Him speaking the absolute philosophy of

life in such a concise way. Unless one is very much advanced in

knowledge, one thinks his body to be his self, his family members to

be his kith and kin, and the land of his birth to be worshipable.

>From this concept of life, the modern ideology of nationalism has

sprung up. Lord Krsna condemned such ideas, and He also condemned

persons who take the trouble to go to holy places of pilgrimage just

to take a bath and come back without taking the oppor­tunity to

associate with the great devotees and mahatmas living there. Such

persons are compared to the most foolish animal, the ass. All those

who heard considered the speech of Lord Krsna for some time, and they

concluded that Lord Krsna was actually the Supreme Personality of

God­head, playing the role of an ordinary human being who is forced

to take a certain type of body as a result of the reactions of his

past deeds. He was assuming this pastime as an ordinary human simply

to teach the people in general how they should live for perfection of

the human mission.

Having concluded that Krsna was the Supreme Personality of Godhead,

the sages began to address Him thus: "Dear Lord, we, the leaders of

human society, are supposed to possess the proper philosophy of

Iife,and yet we are becoming bewildered by the spell of Your external

euergy. We are surprised to see Your behavior, which is just like

that of an ordinary human being and which conceals Your real identity

as the Supreme Per­sonality of Godhead, and we therefore consider Your

pastimes to be all-wonderful.

"Our dear Lord, by Your own energy You are creating, maintaining and

annihilating the whole cosmic manifestation of different names and

forms, in the same way as the earth creates many forms of stone,

trees and other varieties of names and forms and yet remains the

same. Although You are creating varieties of manifestation through

Your energy, You are unaffected by all those actions. Our clear Lord,

we remain simply stunned by seeing Your wonderful actions. Although

You are transcendental to this entire material creation and are the

Supreme Lord and the Supersoul of all living entities, You

nevertheless appear on this earth by Your internal potency to protect

Your devotees and destroy the miscreants. By such appearance You

reestablish the principles of eternal religion, which the human

society forgets by long association with the material energy. Our

dear Lord, You are the creator of the social orders and spiritual

statuses of the human society according to quality arid work, and

when these orders are misguided by unscrupulous persons, You appear

and set them right.

"Dear Lord, the Vedic knowledge is the representation of Your pure

heart. Austerities, study of the Vedas, and meditative trances lead to

different realizations of Your Self in Your manifested and

nonmanifested aspects. The entire phenomenal world is a manifestation

of Your imper­sonal energy, but You Yourself, as the original

Personality of Godhead, are nonmanifested there. You are the Supreme

Soul, the Supreme Brahman. Persons who are situated in brahminical

culture, therefore, can understand the truth about Your

transcendental form. Thus You always hold the brahmanas in respect,

and thus You are considered to be the topmost of all followers of

brahminical culture. You are therefore known as -brahmanya-deva. Our

dear Lord, You are the last word in good fortune and the last resort

of all saintly persons; therefore we all consider that we have

achieved the perfection of our life, education, austerity and

acquisition of transcendental knowledge by meeting You. Factually,

You are the ultimate goal of all transcendental achievements.


Thus Ends Part One Of Sacrifial Ceremonies Performed By Vasudeva



Please Look at Pleasure Unlimited In Krsna Conscioussness



Thank You very Much!Hari Bol! krsnajoe


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