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Msg for the Day - Subhashita

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.


Subhashita - Wise Sayings


"yatra nAsti prajnya zAstram tatra karoti kiM?

locanAbhyAm vihInasya darpaNam kiM kariSyati?"


When one's own intellect and ability to grasp is lacking,

of what use are the sastras (books of knowledge)?

Of what use is a mirror to a man without eyesight?


"annadAnAt param dAnaM vidyA dAnaM

ata param annena kSaNika tRpti

yAvjjImca vidyAyo"


Providing food is a great charitable deed.

But providing knowledge and education is even more superior charity.

Whereas food only gives temporary satisfaction,

receiving knowledge provides the longlasting achievement.


"vidyA nAma narasya rUpamAdikaM

pracchanna guptam dhanaM

vidyA bhogakarI... vidyA yasya sukhakarI"


True knowledge and learning enhances one's external beauty;

it is also secretly hidden deep as wealth so that no one can steal;

it bestows prosperity upon the one who posseses it;

and thus it provides pleasure and becomes cause for happiness.


"vidyA dadAti vinayaM vinayAd yAti pAtraM

pAtravat dhanam Apnoti dhanAt dharmaM tataH sukhaM"


True knowledge and wisdom bestows the virtue of humility upon the


humility and modesty provides for the deservedness and eligibility to


having been qualified to receive the seeker attains enrichment and


enriched prosperity brings forth righteousness and harmony;


having been situated in righteousness, peace and happiness are then

enjoyed by the seeker.


Jaya Sri Radhey!

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This reminds me of a story :


There once was a learned pundit (scholar), who was an adept in Vedas,

Upanishads, Bhagavad - Gita etc. As his knowledge grew, his pride

also grew. He came to feel, that he was the most learned man on the

entire Earth, and that there was none other, who was greater than



One day, he had to go to another town to give a discourse, and had to

cross the river to go to that town. He hired a ferry to take him to

the other side of the river, and all along he was constantly engaged

in self-boasting to the poor ferry man.


He asked the ferryman, "Do you know Bhagavad-Gita?".

The ferry man replied humbly, " No sir, I do not know."

The pundit replied arrogantly, 'What ? You do not know Bhagavad-Gita.

You have wasted a quarter of your life."


A little while later, he asked again, " Do you know Upanishads?"

The ferry man replied, " No sir, I do not know."

The pundit beligerently replied, "What? You do not even know the

Upanishads. You have wasted half your life." He was thus engaged in

bragging about his own self.


A short while later, a huge storm ensued, and no matter how much the

ferry man tried to keep the ferry afloat, it was tilting. He then

asked the pundit, "Do you know how to swim".

The pundit replied in amusement, "No, I do not know how to swim."

The ferry man replied, "Well, punditji, you may have learnt the Veda,

Upanishads etc. But by not knowing swimming, you are going to lose

your whole life !"



Ramana Maharshi used to say, "More knowledge is more burden".

There is also a saying, " An ounce of practise is greater than tonnes

of knowledge".


Thus what is important is not how much we know, or learn, but how

much we put them into practise.



Hari Aum !!!

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.


Subhashita - Wise Sayings


"vidvatvaM ca nRpatvaM ca

naiva tulyaM kadAcana

swadeze pUjyate rAjA vidvAn

sarvatra pUjyate"


Scholorship and Kingship can never be equivalent.

For a king is given recognition and respect only in his homeland

whereas a learned scholor is recognized and honored everywhere.


"sva gRhe pUjyate mUrkhahA svagrAme pUjyate prabhuhu

sva deze pUjyate rAjA vidvAn sarvatra pUjyate"


A fool is respected only in his home, an adninistrator in his town,

a king in his own land, but the learned and knowledgeable is revered



"na caurya hAryaM na rAja hAryaM na bhrAtR bhAjyaM na bhArakArI

vyaye kRt vardhata eva nityaM vidyAdhanaM sarva dhana pradhAnaM"


The treasure of true knowledge and learning is the foremost among all

kinds of wealth.

It cann't be stolen by thieves, cann't be taxed by the kings, cann't

be divided among brothers, not even a burden at all to carry around,

grows and flourishes continuously as it is spent.


"ajnaha sukhaM ArAdhyate sukhataraM ArAdhyate vizeSajnaha

jnAna lava durvidagdham brahmah Api naraM na raJjayati"


The ignorant can be convinced and pleased comfortably,

the well learned one even more delghtfully with ease.

But the one infatuated with half-baked knowledge is impossible

to be appeased even by the creator, Lord Brahma.


"kAkaH kRSNaH pikaH kRSNaH ko bheda pikakAkayoH

vasanta samaye prApte kAkaH kAkaH pikaH pikaH"


A crow is black, so is a cuckoo, what's the difference?

Come springtime, a crow is a crow, and a cuckoo is a cuckoo!


Jaya Sri Radhey!

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