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The Bhagavad -Gita As it Is CH 10 Text 7-11

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The Bhagavad -Gita As it Is


The Opulence of the Absolute CH 10


Text 7-11

He who knows in truth, this glory and power of Mine, engages in

unalloyed devotional service; of this there is no doubt.

Text 8

I am the source of everything; from Me the entire creation flows.

Knowing this, the wise worship Me with all their hearts.

Text 9

Their thoughts dwell in Me, their lives are surren­dered to Me, and

they derive great satisfaction and bliss enlightening one another and

conversing about Me.


Pure devotees, whose characteristics are mentioned here, engage

themselves fully in the transcendental loving service of the Lord.

Their minds cannot be diverted from the lotus feet of Krsna. Their

talks are solely transcendental. Twenty-four hours daily, they

glorify the pastimes of the Supreme Lord. Their hearts and souls are

constantly submerged in Krsna and they take pleasure in discussing

Him with other devotees. In the preliminary stage of devotional

service they relish transcendental pleasure from the service itself,

and in the mature stage they are situated in love of God and can

relish the highest perfection exhibited by the Lord in His abode.

Lord Caitanya likens transcendental devotional ser­vice to the sowing

of a seed in the heart of the living entity. One travels throughout

the universe before he is finally for­tunate enough to meet a pure

devotee who transmits the transcendental seed of devotional service.

As one chants the maha-mantra, the great chanting for deliverance—

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rima,

Rama Rama, Hare Hare — this seed of devotional service fructifles,

just as the seed of a tree fructifies with regular watering. The

spiritual plant of devotional service grows and grows until it

pierces the sky of the material uni­verse and enters into the

brahmajyoti, the effulgence in the spiritual sky. It finally grows

until it reaches the highest spiritual planet, Goloka Vrndavana, the

supreme planet of Krsna Ultimately, the plant takes shelter there

under the lotus feet of Krsna where it gradually sprouts fruits and

flowers. And the chanting and hearing, which is the watering process,

continues. Once the plant has taken shelter of the Supreme Lord, it

becomes fully absorbed in love of God and cannot live without His

contact for a moment, as a fish can­not live without water. All this

is explained in the Caitanya­-caritamrta. The Srimad-Bhagavatam is

also rich with stories of the relationships between devotees and the

Lord, and those relationships are fully described in that work. The

realized souls take pleasure in hearing these stories.

Text 10

To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give

the understanding by which they can come to Me.

Text 11

Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with

the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.



When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was in Benares and prom­ulgating the

chanting of Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama,

Hare Rama, Rama Rama. Hare Hare, thousands of people were following

Him. Pra­kinanda, a great scholar in Benares at the time, derided Lord

Caitanya for being a sentimentalist. Typically, some philosophers

criticize the devotees for sentimentalism and philosophical naivete.

But Lord Caitanya was a great scholar who taught the philosophy of

devotion. But even if the spiri­tual master does not educate the

devotee in spiritual knowl­edge, the Supreme Godhead will do so.

Therefore, a person in pure Krsna consciousness is not in ignorance.

The Lord is telling Arjuna in this verse that there is no possibility

of understanding the Supreme Absolute Truth simply by speculating,

for it lies beyond man s reasoning powers. Man can speculate for

millions of years, and if he is not a devoted lover of the Supreme

Truth, his speculation will be in vain. But by devotional service the

Supreme Truth, the Per­sonality of Godhead, is pleased, and He reveals

Himself to the heart of the pure devotee by His inconceivable

potency. The pure devotee always has Krsna within his heart, and

therefore he is just like the sun, which dissipates the dark­ness of

ignorance. This is special mercy rendered to the pure devotee by the

Supreme Lord. Due to the contamination of material association

through many millions of births, one's heart is always covered with

the dust of materialism, but when one engages in devotional service

and chants Hare Krsna the dust quickly clears, and one is elevated to

the platform of pure knowledge. This platform can be reached only by

devotional service, and not by speculation or argu­mentation. When the

darkness of ignorance is removed, the Supreme Lord takes charge, and

the devotee has no wornes. This is the essence of the Gita's

teaching. By studying the Gita one comes to surrender completely to

the Supreme Lord, and engages in His service. As the Lord takes

charge, he be­comes free.




ALL GLORIES UNTO SRILA PRABHUPADA,who wrote and tranlated The

Bhagavad-Gita,and is Founder,and Acarya, Of this World wide Hare

Krsna movment!!

Please( Vist Krsna Consciousness the Matchless Gift!)


( http://krsnajoe.tripod.com )


The Site explains, How Srila Prabhupada,Came From India ,to New york

City,With less than 10.00 dollars,and started this worldwide

Movement,In a little Store front ,Witch Had (Mathless Gifts)Painted

on the Store Front Window,and how Well the name fit,Because Srila

Prabhupada Was giving freely, the greatest Gift ,that cannot be

Matched, (please write to me at)

Love of Krsna!!Hare Krsna,Thank You,krsnajoe


(Jaya Kesava dasa)







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