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Words of Sri Karunamayi: August 24

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The following is an excerpt taken from a message given by Bhagavati

Sri Sri Sri Vijayeshwari Devi on April 26, l990 at Ravindra Bharati,

Hyderabad (from the book KARUNAMAYI, A Biography):


The discourse, "Divine Message" is on p. l56-l67, this is only a

small portion of that talk:


"The first and foremost duty of human beings is to use their energies

to serve the afflicted with love.


The heart of every human being is dominated by the Divine. No one

should be disheartened because none could be aware of the great

duties one has to discharge. One should surrender all one's problems

at the feet of God. By lighting the eternal lamp in the heart, and

by developing complete confidence at the feet of the absolute

blissful Supreme Self, one can scale the ultimate peak of Realization.


It is natural that human life is a mixture of miseries and

happiness. One who faces all problems resolutely and calmly,

utilizing his time in quest of the eternal, has to be regarded as a

hero. One should not submit to minor problems. A piece of cotton

will fly far away with a gush of the wind. But the great mountain

will not budege even an inch when hit by a storm. So is the position

of a real devotee of God.


Many difficult situations and tests may try to frighten you. Through

constant remembrance of God, the heart gets stabilized and the effect

of problems will not bother you.


The heart of any person which gets stabilized through constant

thinking of God will overflow with divine love, and such a heart will

weep for the welfare of the distressed. On account of the inherent

spirit of the Self in every being, when equanimity develops, the

person gets filled with divine love, and that person, even if the

entire world abuses or tortures him, like an immobile mountain

pardons all his opponents with compassion and continues with his

helping nature. A person with an unbiased approach, even if

belonging to one's own family, should be regarded as a holy man.


In such persons we could see the in-flooding of spirit, and the glory

and tranquillity of the Divine. A mother experiences immense

pleasure when she loves her child. If that is so, an illumined soul

enjoys greater pleasure when he considers all beings as reflections

of his own Self and loves them. This reflects in his thought and

deed. In such a state not even an atom of selfishness will exist.

Differentiation towards others will not be there. There will be no

place for "me" and "mine."


Love towards family is defined as attachment. But when we consider

all beings as God and love them, such love will transofrm into the

love of the Divine Mother.


. Attachment to body leads to bondage.


. Universal love is the sign of Liberation.


The greatness of a person does not depend upon his wealth, high

position, name or fame, but flows from the characteristics of his

heart. A person is really great when his heart gets sanctified and

purified and becomes a confluence of forgiveness, mercy and humility.

Such persons love and serve society as doctors, lawyers, judges,

peasants, political leaders and spiritual persons.


Any aspiration of such people will not create any problem to others.

Therefore they will involve themselves in solving others problems. "

(p. l60-l6l)

--Sri Karunamayi









Note: to obtain this book, please see bookstore listed in


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