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100. Since objects other than "I," such as the body and world, do not

exist unceasingly in all the three states, but rise and appear to

exist only in between in the waking and dream states, they cannot be

the reality, which exists always and without being obstructed. This

conclusion, arrived at by scrutinizing our experience in these three

states, is the foundation for the practice of Self-inquiry.


101. These objects other than "I," which exist at one time and do not

exist at another time, are truly non-existent even at the time when

they appear to exist. When scrutinized, waking and dream are both

found to be only one in nature, because the objects, which appear to

exist in each of these states, unfailingly cease to exist in any

other state.


102. That state, in which any object seen is not experienced as other

than the one who sees, is alone the state of reality. If the seer,

who is an unreal ego, rises, then only will all the unreal objects

other than "I" rise, and seem to exist.


- Sri Sadhu Om ( A disciple of Ramana Maharshi)


Hari Aum !!!

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.


Surrender is the simple but profound wisdom of yielding to

rather than opposing the flow of life.

The only place where you can experience the flow of life is the Now,

so to surrender is to accept the present moment

unconditionally and without reservation.

It is to relinquish inner resistance to what is.


~ Eckhart Tolle


Most people confuse surrender with slavery

and that is why they are afraid of it.

Surrender is not slavery;

in fact, surrender frees you from slavery and brings you total


True surrender is having the awareness of God in everything,

in every feeling, action, and vision.

Whenever you look you should see the pulsation of Consciousness,

you should experience the inspiration of Consciousness.

That is true surrender.


~ Swami Muktananda


source: Indian Paganism Daily Quotes


, pyari_h <no_reply> wrote:

> Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.




> One such devotee expressed his desire to SERVE LORD IN A SPECIAL




> 'pancatvaM tanuretu bhUta nivahAh svAMzo vizantu sphuTam

> dhAtAraM praNipatya hanta zirasA tatrApi yAce varam

> tadvApISu payas tadIy mukure jyotis tadIyAngana-

> vyomni vyoma tadIya vartmani dharA tattAlavRnte 'nilaH ' (Sukti)


> O Lord! When I die,

> it is my desire that

> all the five elements

> of this material body

> should be utilized

> only in Your service!


> Let the element of water in it

> mix with the water You bathe in!


> Let the element of light

> unite with the mirror

> You use as a looking-glass!


> Let the element of ether

> merge in the space of the

> courtyard where You play!


> Let the element of air

> mix with the fanned air

> near You, so that it serves

> as a cooling breeze for You!


> Let the element of earth

> mix with the dust particles

> in the path upon which

> Your lotus feet tread.


> O Lord! You being the true

> Master, the Universal Soul,

> naturally my spirit soul,

> ever remains absorbed in You,

> the Absolute Supreme Soul.


> - A Rasik Paramahamsa


> Even after the death, the devotee in the bhava of Servitude (Dasya

> Rasa) desires to continue the service by using all the five


> of the material body in Lord's Loving Service.


> The soul is the part and parcel of the Absolute.


> "mamaivAMzo jIvaloke jIva bhUtaH sanAtanaH" (Gita 15.7)


> "cinmAtraM zrIharer amzaM sUkSmam aksharaM avyayam" (Veda)


> "Izvara amza jIva avinAzI" (Rama Carita Manas-Sri Tulasi das)


> The Lord being the devotee's True, eternal Master, naturally the

> spirit soul of the devotee always remains absorbed in the Absolute,

> the Supreme Soul.


> "jIvera svarUpa haya kRSNera nitya dAsa" (Caitanya Caritamritam)


> This is the ecstasy of Divine Love in Servitude enjoyed by the

> devotees through selfsurrender.


> - Adapted from the excerpt given in - "Prema-Rasa-Siddhant", Sri

> Kripaluji Maharaj whose website is located at:



> Jaya Sri Radhey!


> , s_v_c_s <no_reply> wrote:

> > 91. Destroying the ego through Self-attention is alone the

> excellent

> > path of self-surrender. Therefore, scrutinizing and knowing one's

> own

> > Self is alone the proper method of practicing both self-


> > the path of devotion, and Self-inquiry, the path of knowledge.

> >

> > 92. The path of knowledge, in which we scrutinize "Who am I?", is

> > itself the path of devotion in which we have true love for God.

> > Knowing thus, that Self-inquiry and self-surrender are one and


> > same, not only in their goal but also in their method of


> > follow the practice of Self-attention.

> >

> > Note: In one of His stray verses Garland of Guru's Sayings (or


> > Vachaka Kovai) verse B-13, Sri Bhagavan says, "Attention to Self


> > supreme devotion to God, because God exists as Self."

> >

> > - Sri Sadhu Om ( a disciple of Ramana Maharshi)

> >

> > Hari Aum !!!

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