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Bhagavad-Gita As it Is Ch 2 Text 29

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It is a fact and pleasant surprise that SWAMI

VIVEKANANDA is still working in subtle form , in

order to accomplish his task of making this earth into

a 'divine planet'.

Divine Park, a temple-universal is the spiritual

laboratory of Swami Vivekananda where He has been

delivering enlightening spiritual messages publically

as 'Lipis' by writing by means of planchette, on the

first and last sundays of every month, through His

medium, a realised soul (and privately as 'Shruthis'to

His medium in deep meditation).

Swami Vivekananda the incarnate entity of God, though

left His physical body, has retained His identity

(even as Swami Vivekanada)in the supreme abode of

'Almighty' discarding even 'Mukti' (liberation) with a

single outlook of unity and upliftment of the world.

With this view He has founded an International

Organisation of house-holders and a guide-magazine

both named as 'Viveka Sampada'.

He opens our eyes and convinces the doubting minds

with His past sayings and present appeal in respect of

His continued task of uniting spiritual streams of the

world and making everyone manifest his/her potential


With great reverence 'He' is now being called Sri

Guruji, the real master of the world. He is indeed the

greatest torch-bearer of the world, who backs us in

performing our earthly duties, mitigating the miseries

of our life and leading us in the path of

'self-realisation', through our devoted effort of

continuous Ishta Nama Smarana [i.e, constant flow of

remembran-ce of holy name of God - (Ishta Devatha)]

that being the greatest cleanser of mind and protector

of life in this age - Kali Yuga.

Let us follow 'Sri Guruji-Swami Vivekananda'

surrendering our-selves at His feet, with great

devotion and immense faith and living according to His

message and guidance so as to reach the true goal of

life-the manifestation of divinity already present in

us - by enhancing our Bhakti(faith),

Shraddha(devotion) and Vyakulatha(yearning) in God the

omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, of Whom we be

the indivisible parts.

Let us realise the truth that Swami Vivekananda is

residing in everyone's heart. 'He'is already present

within everyone of us assuming infinite forms !


DIVINE PARK -Temple Universal

(Spiritual Laboratory of Swami Vivekananda)




As Swami Vivekananda Had I not told before?

Why do you doubt now therefore


*‘It may be that I shall find it good to get outside

my body to cast it off like a worn-out garment. But I

shall not cease to work as 1 have fallen in love with

MAN and MAN only ! 1 shall inspire men everywhere

until the world shall know that it is one with God’.

*‘May I be born again and again, and suffer thousands

of miseries so that I may worship the only God that

exists, the only God I believe in, the sum total of

all souls - and above all, my God the wicked, my God

the poor of all races, of all species, is the special

subject of my worship’.

*‘I want to preach my ideas for the good of the

world.... I have a message for the world which I will

deliver without fear and without care for the

future.Let me give it to the people who appreciate it

and who will work it out. What care I who takes it ?

'He who doeth the will of my father' is my own’.







Don't think 'Me' dead and gone Into ashes ! I

am still living. Arise ! Awake!! Stop not till the

goal is reached!!!

0 'I really back anyone who is pure in his heart and

holy in his mind and really seeks God's help for any

of his procedures. Do not think that I am dead and

gone into ashes! I am still living. But worldly people

doubt My existence because of their ignorance and


0 'In this age suspicion becomes first and foremost

thing in all the proceedings in day to day life and

man still doubts the existence of of God! It is just

..like the wombed baby doubting the existence of

the,mother often,!

0 'See, the trend of the present generation is like

this-the child argues with its parents about its

origin and concludes that it has no parents at all!

Yes, the situation becomes still worse in the coming

decade and if you consider My statement in 2000 A. D.

see then, one man will be stranger to the other kith

and kin in the family.! One wants only material

welfare and nothing else at that time! This is just

like going to the gold mine and collecting only the

dirty dust from which gold has been extracted’

0 ' Yes, the present status is very pathetic! See, the

man readily agrees any restrictions in worldly affairs

but he hesitates and hates to admit any restriction in

the spiritual field. This is because he thinks 'God'

as lifeless and His power nil!'.

0 'See, now-a-days the fashion of age is to remember

the phone number of fire-brigade and police-station

thinking that these two can protect' them all the

while ! But see, I definitely stress you all to-

remember Ishtanama and Ishtanama only, and see, it can

protect you from any danger or any calamity. This is

100% truth. ,

0 ‘I am bored with the people who care only for

wealth and capital and have no mind to think about the

force by which they can think and act. The modern man

is very keen about other things rather than his own

owner of the body-Yes, the God, who is the owner of

his heart, mind and body! Yes, it is just like

visiting Mysore city and not seeing ' Brindavan' or

going to a sugar factory and not seeing the turning

point of sugarcane into sugar or going to a wedding

party and not seeing the couple and wishing them !

Yes, it happens with this man as he is not interested

always about himself, i. e.» in studying his own mind

and nature, but he is keen on other subjects around

him! yes, he forgets the foundation of the building

and decorates the roof! Alas! I pity this man! see,

this has been the trend from centuries together and

thus the state of affairs ! See, it is worsening day

by day !'.

0 ‘See, the world is burning

with misery and see, people lack Bhakti, Shraddha and

Vyakulatha and they fail to strain for these. They

evaluate God's grace in terms of material gain and

income and then they dislike God and Godly forces!

See, I know all but still tolerate all, as I want to

change this ' Earth' into a ' Divine Planet' with

divinity manifested with and through everyone here'.

0 Cleanse the mind, this is

all of religion. Do not stick to particularisations;

go to the principle, to the One. See, the Nation is

going towards deterioration in its morality and

spirituality and you the youngsters and the real

devotees should 'Awake ! Arise! and stop not till the

goal is reached ! '.

0 I am

not dead and gone into ashes. I am still LIVING not in

body, but in SPIRIT and striving hard to spread the

'Divine Spark' world-wide through the'Divine Park', My

Spiritual Laboratory. Those who come here and bend

with 'Bhakti(faith) sink with Shraddha'(devotion) and

melt with 'Vyakulatha'(yearning) are bond to get the

Eternal Bliss the 'Divine Spark'. My brothers and

sisters, be bold and brave; obey and observe! If you

forget your 'self I see you get'Himself the

Almighty! If you become zero I am here to make you a




Sri Guruji (Swami Vivekananda)






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