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Happy Janmastami

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Lord you never die never born,

Manifest and unmanifest are your lorn.

Sometimes in Jail, or in a Stinking stable,

Where horses of desire are tied;

You Appear with all your might.

Some times as Ram other time Budha,

Do this time within our hearts,

O our Lord Krishna.


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Festivals of Shravana: Janmashtami -- The Legend


In Indian religion and culture Lord Krishna has a unique status as a

divine personality, combining in himself the qualities of a hero and

a statesman, a warrior and a philosopher.

He grew to enormous proportion in the race memory of the Aryans and

came to be worshipped as an Incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The teachings

of this Supreme Personality as delivered in His Immortal "Bhagavad

Gita"- The Song Divine - to Arjun on the battlefield of Kurukshetra,

stand out untouched through the ages. He has also been portrayed as a

naughty child, an inspired cowherd, a destroyer of demons, an

enthralling flute-player, a divine lover, and a clever diplomat - all

rolled in one. No wonder then that his day of birth is celebrated

throughout the country very enthusiastically.


In the month of Shravan - July / August /September- falls the

festival of Janmashtami. Lord Krishna was born as the eighth

Incarnation of Lord Vishnu. This is an important festival especially

of the Vaishnavas who are devotees of Lord Vishnu.


The main object of the incarnation of Vishnu as Krishna, who was born

on the 8th day of Shravan at midnight, was to destroy the cruel King

Kansa of Mathura. After the marriage of his sister, Devaki to

Vasudev, when Kansa was driving the bridal chariot there burst forth -

a voice from heaven -an AKASHVANI - predicting that the 8th child of

Devaki would kill him.

Kansa immediately put behind bars his sister Devaki and her husband.

In prison she gave birth to 6 kids when Kansa brutally killed, but

when Devaki conceived for the seventh time, gods transformed the

embryo to the womb of Rohini, Vasudev's second wife who gave birth to

a son whom was named Balram. Balram was the incarnation of the Shesh

Nag - the ten-headed cobra on whose back Lord Vishnu always rested

and slept in "Kshirasagar"- the sea of milk.

When Devaki gave birth to her eighth child the newly born baby

changed himself into the form of Vishnu and commanded Vasudev to

carry him to Nandgaon and place him besides Yasodha and bring back

the baby girl whom Yashoda had delivered. Vasudev immediately obeyed

and brought back the baby girl. Enraged Kansa smashed her on the wall

but she escaped and flew away to heaven announcing -"Beware, your

killer is alive".


Krishna grew up in Nandgaon amongst cowherds. His flute-playing not

only maddened the "gopis" who danced around him but even the cows

would come to him hearing his flute. As such Krishna is regarded as

the god of song and dance and hence the main celebrations on this

festival is "RASLILA" in imitation of Krishna's moonlight dance with

the gopis in the fields of Vrindavan. The Dandiya or Garba dances of

today originated from that "Raslila in Vrajbhoomi" on banks of river



By Malini Bisen


Festivals of Shravana: Janmashtami -- The Rituals


On this auspicious day of Janmashtami a small idol of child Krishna

is placed in a cradle and everyone swings the cradle to the tune of

songs. Exactly at midnight, Krishna's birth is announced with ringing

of bells and blowing of conch shells. The whole atmosphere becomes

full of joy and exultation as Vishnu's incarnation Krishna is born to

give security to the suffering humanity. Then "Naivedya" is offered a

of a mixture of puffed rice, milk , curds and sugar and distributed

as "prasad".


Many women observe fast for the whole day and partake food only after

Krishna's birth. In temples "Bhajans" - recitation of devotional

songs and "Kirtans" - religious discourses - start early in the

evening and continue till midnight - the hour of the Lord's birth.

Singing and music continue throughout the night. The following

morning "NAND-MAHOTSAV" is celebrated in praise and gratitude to

Nand, the ruler of the cowherds of Nandgaon where Krishna grew up and

lived in his childhood.


The day is also celebrated as "Gopal-Kala" or Dahi-Kala". Krishna

loved milk products and would steal butter & curds from the earthen

pots hanged high in the houses. Hence in this Dahi-Kala his childhood

pranks of stealing are re-created by youngsters who call

themselves "Govindas" and "Gopalas" and move about in streets.

Earthen pots filled with milk curds, and rice flakes along with

silver coins are hung up very high in streets and boys climbing upon

each other form themselves into a pyramid to reach up to the pot and

break it with shouts of joy. The coins are equally distributed. The

superstition exists that if the broken pieces of the pot is kept in

house mice do not enter and damage things.


Krishna's life is so enthralling and magnificent that poets like

Surdas and Nandadas and even the Muslim Poets Rakshan Rahim, Alam,

Miya Nazir were inspired to compose poems on the many-sided splendour

of his individuality. It is a historical fact that Maharani Meerabai

of Mewar not only wrote poems in his praise but discarded her royal

status and devoted her entire life in Krishna's service, singing in

temples and even on streets. In modern times the renowned Hindi

poetess the late Mahadevi Varma and poet Maithilisharan Gupta

composed poems on Krishna.


On this day Mathura, Vrindavan, Gokul, Puri, Dwarka and Barsana

resound with prayers in praise of Lord Krishna. At Mathura, devotees

after a holy bath in Yamuna river go to the temple of Dwarkadhish for

darshan. "Pancharti" is performed in the evening and in the evening

in a gracefully adorned palanquin Krishna's idol is taken out in a

procession which ends in the temple courtyard. Exactly at 12 midnight

Krishna's birth is announced amongst loud cheers. All the delicious

sweets that the women prepare are placed before the idol. With closed

eyes people pray to him to taste the sweets. This is the complete

pouring-in of man's faith and dedication to his adored deity.


In Mathura and its surrounding places "Jhankis"- glimpses of

Krishna's childhood adventures like "Kaliya-mardan", Kansa-Vadha",

uplifting of govardhan parvat are presented in brilliant colours.

Thus Gokulashtami is celebrated all over the country.


By Malini Bisen



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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namste.


The great Advaita acarya Sri Madhusudana Sarasvati and Jagadguru Sri

Shankaracarya had glorified Lord Krishna in their Divine realization

and revealed to all sadhakas through their sublime hymns.


parAkRta namad bandhaM

paraMbarahma narAkRtiM

saundarya sAra sarvasvaM

vande nandAtmajaM mahaH


(gUDArtha dIpika, Ch.14. Sri Madhusudana Sarasvati)


I adore the great Personality, the Son of Nanda,

Who removes all the bondage of those that worship (Him),

Who is the Supreme Brahman in the form of a Human being,

and Who is all that is the Essence of beauty.


dhyAnAbhyAsa vazIkRtena manasA

tannirguNaM niSkriyaM

jyotiH kiMcana yogino yadi paraM

pazyanti pazyantu te,

asmAkaM tu tadeva locana

camatkArAya bhUyAcciraM

kAlindI pulineSu yat kimapi

tannIlaM maho dhAvati!


(Advaitacarya Sri Madhusudana Sarasvati- Gudaartha dipika)


If the yogis with their MINDS

which have been brought UNDER CONTROL

through the practice of MEDITATION,













vaMzI vibhUSita karAn nava nIradAbhAt

pItAMbarAd aruNabiMba phal AdharoSThAt

pUrNendu sundara mukhAd aravinda netrAt

kRSNAt paraM kimapi tattvam ahaM na jAne!






WHOSE Delicate Hands are adorned with Divine Flute,

WHOSE BLUE Bodily luster is that of a fresh rain-cloud,

WHOSE Silken Attire is the Golden yellow robe,

WHOSE Delicious Lips are like the red, ripened fruit,

WHOSE Charming Face is beautiful like the cool full moon, and

WHOSE Loving eyes are like the petals of blooming lotus flower!!!


Sri Shankara's composition of 'Sri Krishnashtakam' is on the next



Jaya Sri Radhey!


, safar_x <no_reply> wrote:


> Lord you never die never born,

> Manifest and unmanifest are your lorn.

> Sometimes in Jail, or in a Stinking stable,

> Where horses of desire are tied;

> You Appear with all your might.

> Some times as Ram other time Budha,

> Do this time within our hearts,

> O our Lord Krishna.

> Satish

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Here is the English translation of 'Sri Krishnashtakam' composed by

Sri Shankara from:




shrii kR^ishhNaashhTaka ##-## sha.nkara bhaagavatapaada


bhaje vrajaikamaNDanaM samastapApakhaNDanaM

svabhaktachittara.njanaM sadaiva nandanandanam.h .

supichchhaguchchhamastakaM sunAdaveNuhastakaM

ana.ngara.ngasAgaraM namAmi kR^ishhNanAgaram.h .. 1..




I worship the naughty Krishna, the sole ornament of Vraja,

Who destroys all the sins (of His devotees),

Who delights the minds of His devotees, the joy of Nanda,

Whose head is adorned with peacock feathers, Who holds

a sweet-sounding flute in His hand, and Who is the ocean of

the art of love.




manojagarvamochanaM vishaalalolalochanaM

vidhUtagopashochanaM namAmi padmalochanam.h .

karAravindabhUdharaM smitAvalokasundaraM

mahendramAnadAraNaM namAmi kR^ishhNAvAraNam.h .. 2..




I bow to Krishna Who rid Kama deva of his pride, Who has

beautiful, large eyes, Who takes away the sorrows of the

Gopas (cowherds), the lotus-eyed One . I bow to Krishna

Who lifted the (Govardhana) hill with His hand, Whose

smile and glance are extremely attractive, Who destroyed

the pride of Indra, and Who is like the King of elephants.




kadambasUnakuNDalaM suchArugaNDamaNDalaM

vrajA.nganaikavallabhaM namAmi kR^ishhNadurlabham.h .

yashodayA samodayA sagopayA sanandayA

yutaM sukhaikadAyakaM namAmi gopanAyakam.h .. 3..




I bow to that Krishna Who wears earrings made of Kadamba

flowers, Who has beautiful cheeks, Who is the only darling

of the Gopikas of Vraja, and Who is very difficult to attain

(by any means other than Bhakti). I bow to Krishna Who is

accompanied by Gopas (cowherds), Nanda, and an overjoyed

Yashoda,Who gives (His devotees) nothing but happiness, and

Who is the Lord of the Gopas.




sadaiva pAdapa.nkajaM madIya mAnase nijaM

dadhAnamuktamAlakaM namAmi nandabAlakam.h .

samastadoshhashoshhaNaM samastalokaposhhaNaM

samastagopamAnasaM namAmi nandalAlasam.h .. 4..




I bow to the son of Nanda, Who has placed His lotus feet

in my mind and Who has beautiful curls of hair . I adore

Krishna Who removes all defects, Who nourishes all the

worlds and Who is desired by all the Gopas and Nanda.




bhuvo bharAvatArakaM bhavAbdhikarNadhArakaM

yashomatIkishorakaM namAmi chittachorakam.h .

dR^igantakAntabha.nginaM sadA sadAlisa.nginaM

dine dine navaM navaM namAmi nandasambhavam.h .. 5..




I bow to Krishna Who relieves the burden of the earth

(by vanquishing innumerable demons and other evil forces),

Who helps us cross the ocean of miseries, Who is the son

of Yasoda, and Who steals the hearts of everyone . I bow to

Nanda's son Who has extremely attractive eyes, Who is always

accompanied by saintly devotees, and Whose (pastimes and form)

appear newer and newer, day by day.




guNAkaraM sukhAkaraM kR^ipAkaraM kR^ipAparaM

suradvishhannikandanaM namAmi gopanandanam.h .

navInagopanAgaraM navInakelilampaTaM

namAmi meghasundaraM taDitprabhAlasatpaTam.h .. 6..




Krishna is the repository of all good qualities, all

happiness, and grace . He destroys the enemies of the gods

and delights the Gopas . I bow to the mischievous cowherd

Krishna, Who is attached to His exploits, which (appear)

new (every day), Who has the handsome complexion of a

dark cloud, and Who wears a yellow garment (pItAmbara)

that shines likes lightning.




samastagopanandanaM hR^idambujaikamodanaM

namAmi ku.njamadhyagaM prasannabhAnushobhanam.h .

nikAmakAmadAyakaM dR^igantachArusAyakaM

rasAlaveNugAyakaM namAmi ku.njanAyakam.h .. 7..




Krishna delights all the Gopas and (plays with them)

in the center of the grove (kunja). He is appears as

resplendent and pleasing as the sun and causes the

lotus that is the heart (of the devotee) to blossom

with joy . I bow to that Lord of the grove of creepers

Who completely fulfills the desires (of the devotees),

Whose beautiful glances are like arrows, and Who plays

melodious tunes on the flute.





namAmi ku.njakAnane pravraddhavanhipAyinam.h .

kishorakAntira.njitaM dR^iaga.njanaM sushobhitaM

gajendramokshakAriNaM namAmi shriivihAriNam.h .. 8..




Krishna lies down on the bed that is the minds of the

intelligent Gopis who always think of Him . I adore Him

Who drank the spreading forest-fire (in order to

protect the cowherd community). I bow to Krishna Who has

eyes which are made attractive by His boyhood charm and

a black unguent (anjan), Who liberated the elephant

Gajendra (from the jaws of the crocodile), and Who is the

consort of Lakshmi (shrii).




yadA tadA yathA tathA tathaiva kR^ishhNasatkathA

mayA sadaiva gIyatAM tathA kR^ipA vidhIyatAm.h .

pramANikAshhTakadvayaM japatyadhItya yaH pumAna

bhavetsa nandanandane bhave bhave subhaktimAna .. 9..




O Lord Krishna! Please bless me so that I may sing your

glories and pastimes, regardless of the position I am in.

Anyone who studies or recites these two authoritative ashtakas

will be blessed with devotion to Krishna in every rebirth.



iti shriimachchha.nkarAchAryakR^itaM shriikR^ishhNAshhTakaM

sampUrNam.h ..


shrii kR^ishhNArpaNamastu ..


nityAnandaikarasaM sachchinmAtraM svayaMjyotiH .

purushhottamamajamIshaM vande shriiyAdavAdhIsham.h ..




I adore Krishna, the Supreme Person, the Unborn

Lord, the Self-effulgent One, the Supreme Lord of

the descendents of Yadu, Whose nature is that of

existence and consciousness, and Whose essence is

entirely that of eternal bliss.


>From Prabodha sudhAkara of shrii shankarAchArya


Jaya Sri Radhey!

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"Yada yada hi dharmasya,

glanir bhavati bharata

abhyutthanam adharmasya,

tadatmanam srjamy aham."


Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O

descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion--at that

time I descend Myself.


Bhagvad Gita IV-7

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