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Why did Krishna choose Ashtami for his birth thithi?


Before going into that story we'll first see what a 'thithi' is.

Based on the phases of the moon (starting from new moon to full

moon), the period of time is named appropriately.

The counting starts from Amavasai (new moon) or Purnima (full moon)

till the fourteenth day after new moon / full moon.

They are named serially viz. 2,3,4 5, etc

Dwithiyai (dwi = 2) is the second day after new/full moon.

Trithiyai (tri=3) is the third day and so on...


Ashtami (ashta = 8) is the eigth day after new/full moon.

Normally while performing any auspicious functions/ rituals/ puja,

people refer to the panchangam to see the good day/ time etc.

None of the thithis are regarded inauspicious except for Asthami and



Thus no one performed any kind of rituals / functions / pujas on

Ashtami or Navami. According to the scriptures, this saddened the

devathas (celestial beings ) of Ashtami and Navami, for all men

feared the 2 Thithis. They were always neglected for any occasion.

Feeling thus dejected , they cried to Lord Vishnu about their plight.


Moved by their tears, Lord Vishnu consoled them and assured them that

the day would soon be when people all over the world would eagerly

anticipate Ashtami and Navami and would celebrate it with great joy

and happiness.


To please the two Thithis, Lord Vishnu incarnated as Rama in the

Thithi 'Navami' which is celebrated as Rama Navami, and as Krishna

when the moon in its 8th day 'Ashtami' was in confluence with the

star 'Rohini'.

When the moon is in its 8th day, Gokulashtami / Janmastami is

celebrated. And when the star' Rohini' rises Krishna Jayanthi / Sri

Jayanthi is celebrated. They normally come within a day of each

other, and this year Gokulashtami falls today (30th Aug) and Sri

Jayanthi falls tomorrow (31st aug).


People look forward to Gokulashtami, and Sri Jayanthi, and back home

in India, they draw small feet from the gate of their houses till

their puja room signifying Krishna's Divine entry into their

respective houses.


People offer to the Lord all kinds of sweets, and they exchange

sweets with one and all. Though out of love, many kinds of savouries

are offered, one thing very important that must be offered is water.


There is a small story behind this. Once during Krishna Jayanthi

celebrations, everyone in the village prepared various kinds of

sweets/ savouries and offered it to Krishna. Krishna had a nice time

eating all those yummies, when suddenly he felt thirsty. Everyone

were so busy with preparing the yummies, that all forgot to offer

water. Krishna thus wandered hither and thither for water. In an old

hut, there lived an elderly woman, all by herself, and was extremely

poor. She had nothing to offer to the Lord, but out of her love she

wanted to offer something. Knowing not what to offer, she offered a

glass of water. As Krishna was searching desparately for water, he

came upon this house where the lady had kept water. His thirst was

finally quenched, and relieved he bestowed upon this devout lady all

riches and prosperity.


Thus one must not forget to offer water too, in addition to all the

sweets and savouries.


Happy Krishna Jayanthi to one and all


Aum Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaya !

Aum Sri Krishna Sharanam Mama !

Hari Aum !!!

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.


Another blessed Vraja Rasik Saint who is visualising Lord Sri

Krishna's appearance day in Vraja Dhama, giving the devotees a

description of the Divine event of 'Gokulashtami' in this pada

of 'Prema Rasa Madira'.


"us, jasumati kE bhayE lAl rE,"


The Blessed Mother Yasoda has been

gifted with a Divine Child, Baby Krishna.


"lOg lugAyin, janu nidhi pAyin, nAcati sub dai tAl rE,"


For His appearance day, the whole population of Braj

has crowded at the residence of Nanda Maharaj.


The gathered men, women and children are playing loud musical

instruments in a great joyful mood and dancing in ecstasy!


They simply look very satisfied like the poor beggar

who has found a precious treasure of touchstone!


(The ancient touchstone, otherwise known as the Philosopher's stone

is capable of turning any metal into gold!)


"kaliyan kusuma bicyO naliyanahUm, galiyan udata gulAl rE,"


The whole courtyard and the streets are sprinkled with

countless fragrant flower-petals and covered with delicate blossoms.


Adding to this, there goes the red colored saffron like powder,

'Gulal', thrown by the jubiliant crowds, flying in the air!


"kOvu kacu kahata na sunata, sabai sudhi bhUlE gwAlini gwAl rE,"


The devotees are so overwhelmed in the joy of celebration

that they cannot hear anyone nor speak to anyone !


They have even forgotten their own families,

their own kith and kin!


"mOhana-mantra daryO janu braja maha, gayi sudhi tiya, pati, bAl rE,"


They seem to be spell-bound as if they are

victimized by a powerful curse, through an

incantation called 'Mohana-Mantra', laid upon them!


"kahalaum kahiya 'kRpAlu' dEkh jOyi, yaha sukha, sOyi bEhAl rE"


In the concluding verse, the Saint-Poet,

Sri Kripaluji Maharaj says-


"Even as I am visualizing the immensely Blessed,

cheerful folks of the sacred Braja, celebrating

the appearance day of my Baby Krishna,

it is utterly impossiblle to stay alert and

conscious, without drowning my soul in the

ecstatic trance of Divine Love.

So my words have come to an end now!"


Boliye, Nand ke Anand bhaye,

Jaya Kanhaiya Lal Ki!!!


All Glories to the Blue Baby Boy,

the Divine Joy of Nanda Maharaj!!!


Jaya Sri Radhey!

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.


Here is a song of the Braja Rasik Saint Suradasji, glorifying the

spontaneous Love and attachment to Lord Krishna.








Take Vidur: what high-caste status was his?


Or the hunchback (Kubja); YET HARI WAS DRAWN TO HER CHARMS.


What sort of splendor graced the Pandava house



And what storehouse of wealth did SUDAMA possess?







(from the translation of John S. Hawley)


Jaya Sri Radhey!

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> Thus no one performed any kind of rituals / functions / pujas on

> Ashtami or Navami.


I am ignorant about most rituals, therefore forgive this question.

Ashtami and Navami are in fact the most important days in Shakti

puja during Navaratri, which comes several times a year. So I don't

understand this part of the story.


Thanks for your patience....:)


Janmashtami is one of the most important festivals in India, and is

celebrated in so many ways in different parts of the country. We hear

about the celebrations in Mathura and Vrindavan; I wish our members

would share some of the activities that are specific to their



Thanks again!






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Festivals : Sri Krishna Janmaashtami




Janmashtami Animation





, "tatwamasi" <tatwamasi> wrote:

> > Thus no one performed any kind of rituals / functions / pujas on

> > Ashtami or Navami.


> I am ignorant about most rituals, therefore forgive this question.

> Ashtami and Navami are in fact the most important days in Shakti

> puja during Navaratri, which comes several times a year. So I don't

> understand this part of the story.


> Thanks for your patience....:)


> Janmashtami is one of the most important festivals in India, and is

> celebrated in so many ways in different parts of the country. We


> about the celebrations in Mathura and Vrindavan; I wish our members

> would share some of the activities that are specific to their

> regions.


> Thanks again!



> _/\_


> Uma

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It is true that Navami that corresponds to Saraswathi Puja / Ayudha

puja is considered very important. But most functions / rituals like

grihapravesam (house warming cermony) , naming ceremony, marriage,

betrothal, ear-piercing ceremony, thread ceremony (upanayanam), baby

showers etc etc etc are performed only on auspicious days,

and 'Ashtami' and 'Navami' are avoided even today.

When people are starting a new business, or when the bride leaves for

hher husband's house for the first time, or when the child eats rice

for the first time, or when a new art (classical singing / dancing)

is to be learnt, people avoid 'Asthami' and 'Navami'.


Even today many people observe these injunctions strictly, lest

misfortune befalls them.


Hope this answers your question.


Hari Aum !!!

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Dear Tatwamasi, Kindly note down the following basics for future

reference if you do not know as how to use Hindu Calander and the

rituals assosiated with them:-

1.Indian calander obeseves moon for counting a month, while sun to

earmark an year.Thus it is a sun as well as a luner calander

2 each month has two "Pakhshas"(parts), first a "krishna"(dark) and

second "shukla"(moonlit) days. each Parksha are named in sanskrit

numeric system and called as Pariva(first) "Dwitiya(second)

tritiya9third..and so on. Thus Ashtami/ navmai are counted.

3.In India the when the calander day( known as tithi) assosiated with

some immortant eventis celeberated, the rituals are performed as

suitable to specific event. Janmastami, Dushahara, Shiva Ratri are

example of such "tithis"(dates). But sometimes the "dates"

or "tithis" are commomerated as such, like Holi (the new year day),

Deepawali(harvest day).

4. Thus, it is clear that Janmastami is celebrated as birthday of

lord krishna, and devotees celeberate it like birth rituals of any

Hindu kid.Birth rites begin from the day, the child is born, then

sixth day(shasti", then 12th day(Barahi) and so on. Navaratra are

assosiated with Mother worship of varrious cults including tantrics

Hope this information is understood by a large memebrs.











, "tatwamasi" <tatwamasi> wrote:

> > Thus no one performed any kind of rituals / functions / pujas on

> > Ashtami or Navami.


> I am ignorant about most rituals, therefore forgive this question.

> Ashtami and Navami are in fact the most important days in Shakti

> puja during Navaratri, which comes several times a year. So I don't

> understand this part of the story.


> Thanks for your patience....:)


> Janmashtami is one of the most important festivals in India, and is

> celebrated in so many ways in different parts of the country. We


> about the celebrations in Mathura and Vrindavan; I wish our members

> would share some of the activities that are specific to their

> regions.


> Thanks again!



> _/\_


> Uma

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