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Happy Radhashtami to all!

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste all.


Let me share a few more prayers to Sri Radhika

on this blessed, auspicious occasion:


yo brahma rudra zuka nArada bhiSma mukhyai

rAlakSito na sahasA puruSasya tasya

sadyo vazikaraNa cUrNam ananta zaktiM

taM rAdhikA caraNa reNum anusmarAmi


(Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi)


A Rasik Saint-Poet says:


The great Gods like Brahma, and Sankara,

the great devotees like, Sukadeva paramahamsa,

Narada Muni and grand-father Bishmadeva,

are UNABLE to obtain the TOTAL BLISS of the Supreme Lord

and CANNOT FULLY attract His Grace, being UNREALIZED of



But the SAME Godhead Personality ,

CAN BE SOON brought UNDER favorable CONTROL

by the POWER of A sacred DUST particle of

the Lotus feet of Sri Radhika,

the EMBODIMENT of Lord's Divine BLISS.





Without BEING FAVORED by Sri Radhika,


the GLORIES of Sri Radha-Krishna and

HER Rasik SAINTS, so what to speak of

Prema-Rasa-CONTEMPLATION upon the

DIVINE COUPLE and Their Nitya Madhurya Lila !!


rAdhA nAma sudhA rasaM rasayituM jihvAstu me vihvalA

pAdau tat padakAGkitAsu carataM vRndATavi vIthiSu

satkarmaiva karaH karotu hRdayam tasyAh padaM dhyAyatAt

tad bhAvotsavataH paraM bhavatu me tat prANa nAthe ratiH


The Rasik Saint continues:


"O My Radhe! O Queen of Vrindavan!

When will that most fortunate moment

in my life will come?

When Will I become RESTLESS for Your vision,

tasting the Sweet Nectar of Your Names DANCING

on my tongue?


When will I ROLL on the GROUNDS of the gardens

and flower bowers, looking for Your Foot-Prints

and RUN like a MAD person?

Contemplating on Your Lotus Feet alone in my HEART,

when will I UTILIZE my hands and body for doing

Your Loving SERVICE?


Having dedicated forever MY WHOLE SELF to You,

IMMERSED myself in Your Devotional Ecstacies,

when will I ATTAIN the self-less Love for the

Lord of Your Heart and ADORE Him , just for the

SAKE of GIVING pleasure to You ALONE?


O My Radhe! When will You make me

ELIGIBLE for Your Grace?"


ONLY with HER Grace ONE gets some UNDERSTANDING of

Her Glory and Her Saints.



Here is a devotional song composed by the Rasika Acharya, Sri

Kripaluji Maharaj, glorifying Srimati ji.


jayati, jayati rAdhe ! jayati jaya ! (1)


Meaning and explanation -

Glory to Sri Radha! Glory to Radha Maharani,

Who is the Other Form of Lord Krishna,

Who is His PLEASURE POTENCY, and His very Soul!!!


rAdhikA kRSNa svarUpaM ca

kRSNo rAdhA svarUpakaH

(sanat kumara samhita)


The Blessed Form of Sri Radha alone is the Form of Sri Krishna and

the Divine charming Personality of Sri Krishna alone is the Blisful

Figure called Sri Radha. They are non-different.


"mamaiva pauruSam rUpam

gopikA jana mohanam"


(Brahma Vaivarta Purana)


"Ananda cinmaya rasa prati bhAvitAbhiH

stAbhirya yeva nija roopata yA kalAbhiH "


(Brahma Samhitam)


"devi kRSNa mayi proktA rAdhikA para devatA

sarva lakSmI svarUpA sA kRSNAhlAda svarUpiNi"


(Padma Puranam)


The Transcendental Goddess

Srimati RadhaRani is the DIRECT,

NON-DIFFERENT, Counterpart of Sri Krishna.

She is the Central, PRINCIPAL figure for

all the Goddesses of Fortune.

She POSSESSES All the Attractiveness to attract

the All-Attractive Personality of Godhead.

She is the Primeval INTERNAL POTENCY of the Lord.


"nirasta sAmyAtisayena rAdhasA

svadhAmani brahmani raMsya te namaH"


(bhagavatham 2.4.14)


"jaga ArAdhe jehi hari soyi hari, rAdhe Aradhe, (2)


Meaning -


All the three WORLDS and more,

ardently WORHIP Bhagavan Sri Krishna

and the same Lord Himself,

inturn ADORES Sri Radha.


"kRSNena ArAdhyate iti rAdhA"


(Rg veda- rAdhikopanishad)


Because She is WORSHIPPED by Lord Krishna, Her Name is Radha.


"rAdhai varAdhyate mayA"


(brahmAMda purAna)


"anayArAdhito nUnaM, bhagavAn haririzvaraH"


(Bhagvatam 10.30.24)



"gAvata rAdhe nAma murali maha, roopadhyAn sAthe" (3)


Meaning - Sri Krishna is always SINGING the

Names of Radha, calling on His Flute,


'rAdhe ! rAdhe !'


and meditating on the blissful, beautiful

FORM of His eternal Consort, Radha.


"nAma sametaM kRta saGketam

vAdayate mRdu veNuM,

bahumanute nanu te tanu saGgata

pavana calita mapi reNuM"


(Gita Govindam 5.11.2 by Sri Jayadeva Kavi)


Taking the Names of Sri Radha,

Lord Krisna is playing on His Flute,

CALLING Her for the Secret Tryst.


When the wind blows,

He feels so happy and blessed to recieve the

accidental REWARD of the DUST-PARTICLE

touching the Divine body of His Beloved, Radhaji.


The description of the Beauty of Sri Radha itself

takes up another MILLION songs!!!


"khojata gahavara-galina viraha maha,

kala nahi pala Adhe" (4)




In the SEPARATION of Sri Radha,

Sri Krishna becomes overwhelmingly RESTLESS,

and even for HALF a second,

He cannot REMAIN peaceful and composed.


He TIRELESSLY goes around all the bushes and

gardens of Vrindavan, SEARCHING for His Soul, Radha!


"tava virahe vana mAli, sakhi, sidati, rAdhe!

vasati vipina vitAne, tyajati lalita dhAma

luThati dharaNi zayane, bahu vilapati tava nAma,

manasi calita virahe, nizi nizi rujamupayAti"


(Gita Govindam. 5.10 by Mahaprabhu's favorite

Rasik-Saint-Poet, Sri Jayadeva Kavi)


O my dear Friend, Radhey!

Lotus-eyed Krishna longing for Love,

wildflower-garlanded Krishna

Suffers in your separation, friend.


He dwells in dense forest wilds,

Rejecting his luxurious house.

He tosses on his bed of earth,

frantically calling your name.


Your neglect affects his heart,

Inflicting pain night after night.


(Love Song of Dark Lord- B.S.Miller,

English translation of Gita Govindam of Sri Jayadeva)


"nayanaM galadazru dhAraya

vadanaM gadgada ruddhayA girA...."


"yugAyitam nimeSeNa,

cakSuSA prAvrSAyitaM

sUnyAyitaM jagat sarvaM

govinda virahena me"




"'rA' kahi girata dharani pai muracita,

mukha kahi saka nA 'dhe'" (5)




Sri Krishna while CALLING OUT the Name of Sri Radha,

is overpowered by "ashta sAtvica bhAva ",

the eight devotional emotional Ecstasies and

due to the transcendental bhava vikara TAKING OVER Him,

He can ONLY UTTER the first syllable of the word Radhe,

that is "raa".


Then He FALLS to the ground in an Ecstatic TRANCE!

Thus, He is UNABLE to complete the FULL Name of Radha,

by missing the latter syllable, "dhe".


"patati madana vizikhe

vilapati vikala karoti

dahati zizira mayUkhe

maraNam anukaroti"


(Gita Govindam. 5.10)


Cool moon rays scorch him,

Threatening death.

Love's arrow falls

And he laments his weakness.


(Love Song of the Dark Lord- B.S.M.)


The SAME reason is attributed to Sri Sukadeva for NOT mentioning

Radha's Name LOUDLY, in Bhagavatham, since the recital had to be

FINISHED in SEVEN days for the Salvation of Parkshit maharaj.


Sri Suka would GO into TRANCE for atleast

SIX MONTHS just by UTTERING the Name of Radha!!!


"radhA nAma mAtrena mUrcha SAnmAsi kI bhavet"


Still, Rasika Mahatmas, say that,


"yatha priyaGgu patreSu gUDham Arunyam iSyate

zrimadbhAgavate zAstre rAdhika tattvamI dRzaM "


Just like the HIDDEN red color is present in every HENNA leaf though

it is INVISIBLE until it is APPLIED to skin, Sri Radhaji alone is the

EMBODIMENT of the ESSENCE of ALL Sastras INCLUDING Srimad Bhagavatham.


"mohi 'kripalu' sakhi, mAnu apane, prema sudhA agAdhe" (6)


Meaning -


In the concluding verse (6),

the Rasik-Saint-Poet is PRAYING to Sri Radha

for Her Grace and to accept him as Her OWN MAID SERVANT

and KINDLY COUNT him as ONE among Her OWN Sakhis,

since She ALONE is the UNFATHOMABLE Ocean of



"..zri radhikA sphuratu me hRdi keli sindhu"


(Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi)


I PRAY, Sri Radhika,

Who ALONE is the Ocean of

Blissful Exploits of Lord Krishna,

may be KIND enough to APPEAR in my HEART!


On this happy occasion of Her Appearance, LET US ALL PRAY to Her




"munIndra bRnda vandite tri loka zoka hAriNe

prasanna vktra paGkaje nikunja bhU vilAsinI

vrajendra bhAnu nandini vrajendra sUnu saGgate

kada kariSyasI ha mAM kripA katAkSa bhAjanaM "


"O my Radhey, Queen of Vraja!

O Enchanting Mistress of Vrindavan!

Please ACCEPT my salutations to You.

You are NOT ONLY worshipped by

ALL the Sages and Saints,

You ALONE are the REMOVER of the


ALL the three worlds.


You have APPEARED as the Darling Daughter of

King Sri Vrishabhanu and Enjoyed the

CONSTANT COMPANY of the Son of Sri Nanda Maharaja,

Lord Krishna, indulging in Amorous Pastimes in

the flowery bowers of that Sacred land.


Your Face is charming like a Fully Bloomed

Lotus flower and always COMPASSIONATE.

When will You MAKE me WORTHY of receiving Your Grace,

by simply STEALING a LOOK at me with Your MERCIFUL GLANCE?"


"vrajesvarI vrajAdhipe zrI rAdhikA namostu te"


Jaya, Jaya Sri Radhey!

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