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Dear All,


Hello/Namaste. I am a beginner in this world of spirtuality and I

really find the messages posted in this club very helpful. I have

been a member of this club for a long time but only for the past few

days i have been reading the messages regularly. I also read few old

messages. They have given a new direction/new thought to the little

knowledge I have gained till now. My knowledge is mostly from the

book 'Vedanta Treatise' by A.Parthsarthy and the experiences i have

gained from my birth till now.


I wish to participate in the discussions regularly. I hope that

experienced and more learned people will guide me and encourage me

for the same.


I am very much impressed by the sweetness and the content the

language used in the messages. I thank everyone for the same and I

will try to use similar kind of language.



Thank you everyone for your time for reading this message.



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Welcome Mr. Prasad,

Sir, the Vedic saying goes "AA NO BHADRA KRITYO VISHWA DEVA...',

meaning "Let all noble thoughts come to us..." Thus however less read

you are, if spirituality interests you, you are blessed and great

soul.Every one of us has something special in her/him; thus you too

must be.And be asured that spirituality does NOT mean denouncing the

world and talk of havens, it is the manure for all human values which

are endanged today. Save it's exctinction.



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Hello Prasad,


It is always nice to see different members posting. I, too, am

continueously impressed with the wealth of knowledge and experience

found within this group.


I would encourage you to read through some of the archived messages,

and perhaps find a topic of interest to you and reopen it for



I feel that we are all beginners in one way or another. Each person

we come across has the potential of being both teacher and student. I

am sure we would all benefit if you'd share with us some of your

knowledge from the book you mentioned.


With love,




, prasad_s_deshpande <no_reply> wrote:

> Dear All,


> Hello/Namaste. I am a beginner in this world of spirtuality and I

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Welcome prasad!


Thank you for your kind words, and I feel specially encouraged by the

fact that you are an old member who has been silent for long.


Lack of participation is often discouraging for us founders. The

purpose of the group is not for one person to give "lectures" while

others listen. There are many groups for that. The purpose here has

always been to encourage dialogue, which is one of the most powerful

(after silence) tools that trigger spiritual growth. Our moderators

role is really to encourage that conversation and providing a forum

for exchange of available information. Therefore, when members don't

participate, I tend to feel that perhaps the role of the group is

over and we may need to fold.


While I have been gone a lot, I personally thank those of our members

who have continued with faith and kept the flow of thought going in

our club. I again urge members to jump in and share your journey with

us, only as much as you feel confortable with. I know it will be a

fruitful one.


Having said that.. aren't I supposed to work without attachment to

fruits? :P hmmm


Welcome again


_/\_ Tat twam asi









Post 4376 prasad_s_deshpande wrote:


> Hello/Namaste. I am a beginner in this world of spirtuality

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Satishji, Ericaji and Umaji,


Thank you very much for your kind reply messages.


I really feel happy and encouraged to have all you people with me in

our journey to self realisation. Did I use the right word --

'Journey'? I have a question. As per my understanding one has to

cover this journey all alone until one reaches the destination. Then

I am not sure, whether we are already on our way or are discussing on

how to start this journey?


Could someone please explain me as I need to understand this before i

get on with other things involved in the journey.


Umaji, I am very sorry that I was silent for so long. Anyway, as I

cannot change the past so will not waste our enery in regretting.

>From now onwards I will regularly participate in discussions and

share my views.



Thank you very much all of you for your time.



With love,


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Dear Prasad,


I take great delight in welcoming you to our spiritual family.


>>As per my understanding one has to cover this journey all alone

until one reaches the destination.<<


I think that we do not cover this journey alone, but have our Guru

with us to guide us all along until we reach our destination. Our

Guru may not be in a physical form, but nonetheless, He guides us

from the inside.


Ramana Maharshi said, "If you seek God with your whole heart, then

you may be assured that the Grace of God is also seeking you. "


This world (samsara sagara) is like a dark jungle, and we are lost in

the middle surrounded by ferrocious animals of lust, anger, greed,

pride, jealousy and hatred. Our Guru is the one who knows the way

out of the jungle and to our home, and He alone can guide us safely

to our destination.


Thus we are never alone on this path, for we have our Guru / Self

with us constantly until the barriers cease to be, and we are all ONE.


>>Then I am not sure, whether we are already on our way or are

discussing on how to start this journey? <<


I think we are already on the path (it could be just the beginning o

the path however, nontheless we are on the path), else would we ever

have this cyber satsangha ? Is it not but His Grace that we come

across His beautiful teachings in some way or the other ?


I welcome you once again Prasad, and let us all join hands and help

each other as we move towards our common goal i.e. Self Realisation /

Mukti / Liberation / Nirvana.


Hari Aum !!!

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What a delightful thought!!!!


Dear s_v_c_s ji,


Thank you so much for this wonderful information.


The guru was always with me but i was not able see him. After looking

inside and thinking, now I can feel the presence of my guru and his



Hari Aum








, s_v_c_s <no_reply> wrote:

> Dear Prasad,


> I take great delight in welcoming you to our spiritual family.


> >>As per my understanding one has to cover this journey all alone

> until one reaches the destination.<<


> I think that we do not cover this journey alone, but have our Guru

> with us to guide us all along until we reach our destination. Our

> Guru may not be in a physical form, but nonetheless, He guides us

> from the inside.


> Ramana Maharshi said, "If you seek God with your whole heart, then

> you may be assured that the Grace of God is also seeking you. "


> This world (samsara sagara) is like a dark jungle, and we are lost


> the middle surrounded by ferrocious animals of lust, anger, greed,

> pride, jealousy and hatred. Our Guru is the one who knows the way

> out of the jungle and to our home, and He alone can guide us safely

> to our destination.


> Thus we are never alone on this path, for we have our Guru / Self

> with us constantly until the barriers cease to be, and we are all



> >>Then I am not sure, whether we are already on our way or are

> discussing on how to start this journey? <<


> I think we are already on the path (it could be just the beginning


> the path however, nontheless we are on the path), else would we


> have this cyber satsangha ? Is it not but His Grace that we come

> across His beautiful teachings in some way or the other ?


> I welcome you once again Prasad, and let us all join hands and help

> each other as we move towards our common goal i.e. Self

Realisation /

> Mukti / Liberation / Nirvana.


> Hari Aum !!!

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste all.

It is the teaching of all God-realized Mahapurusha, not to think of

ourselves, even for one moment, to be alone!

Sri Kripaluji Maharaj teaches the 'sadhaks' as an important step in

the sadhana (journey), to ever remember that we are NEVER alone.

In each and every life, the Lord is accompanying the individual soul

from time immemorial. It is even impossible to exist if the Lord

withdraws Himself from the individual soul.

Jiva shakti, being the 'shakti (taTasha)' of the Lord,

how can Lord's power be separated from the Lord?


We can learn more from this illuminating bhajan of Sant Suradasji's



It is not the Sants or their Satsang as such that are essential for

Suradasji, but the presence of the Lord that they may make possible.

That is the ultimate Satsang, and the poet rails against himself for

not having recognized that this more radically INTIMATE COMPANION

(suhrd), has been AT HIS SIDE through his entire life.


The term Satguru (True Guru) is not the object of explicit reverence,

rather, Sur sets his own counsel on a par with that of Satguru as he

desparately addresses his heart, (S 77):


"What did you do to deserve that day?


For what purpose but God's were you born?

Give it some thought, you miser minded one;

remember, if you can, and reflect.


Think of the pain,the harsh karmic past

that thrust you into the world that day

And smeared you with your mother's blood

as you came into the womb again.


It's a tortuous place, where no one can go,

dreadful, daunting, dark,

Full of fear, in every way vile.

What dirt you had for food!

Does the sense of this begin to descend?


Eveyrthing living had first to be born-

Your mind, your strength, the family line

that bore you, whose honor you prize.

It all goes back to that same disastrous

space that kept you, fed you, bred you,

And gifted you with your precious face,

your eyes and nose, your hands and feet.


Ingrate, listen, Who then do you think

has stayed by you both day and night,

BEFRIENDING you, though you long ago forgot-

that is, if ever, you KNEW?


Even today HE stands at YOUR SIDE,

ready to bear your birth-born shame,

Always wanting for life to go well,



In sum, says Sur, HE'S LORD AND JEWEL,


So listen, NO NEED to stay



(This 'pada' is from the book 'Surdas, Poet, Singer, Saint' by John

S. Hawley)


"gatirbhartA prabhuH sAkSI

nivAsaH zaraNaM suhRt

prabhavaH pralayaH sthAnaM

nidhAnaM bija mavyayaM"


(Gita 9.18)


The Blessed Lord said:


"I am the GOAL,


the LORD,


the ABODE,









The Scriptures have also declared the same.


"dvA suparNA sayujA sakhAyA samAnaM

vrikshaM parisha svajAte tayor anyaH

pippalaM svAdvattyan aznanna nyo



(Mundaka Upanishad 3. 1. 1)


"sarvasya cA 'haM hRdi sanniviSTo mattaH smRtir jnAnam apohanaM ca,

vedaizca sarvair ahameva vedyo vedAntakRd vedavid eva ca 'ham "


(B.Gita 15.15)




as well as their loss;


I am VERILY that WHICH has to be KNOWN

by Vedas (Holy Scrptures);

I am indeed the AUTHOR of the VEDANTA

(Sacred Essence) as well as

the KNOWER of the Vedas.


"aham AtmA guDAkeza sarva bhUtAzayasthitaH

aham Adiz ca madhyaM ca bhUtAnAm anta eva ca"


(B.Gita. 10.20)


"I am the Self, O Gudakesa (Arjuna), seated in the HEARTS of ALL

beings. I am the beginning, the middle and also the end of ALL

beings." (B.G.10.20)


" IzvaraH sarva bhUtAnAM hRddeze 'rjuna tiSThati,

bhrAmayan sarva bhUtAni yantrArUDhAni mAyayA "


(B.Gita 18.61)


"The Lord DWELLS in the HEARTS of ALL BEINGS, O Arjuna, and by His




Srimad Bhagavatam 11/29/6, Uddhava revealed more:


naivapanyanty apachitim kavaya tavesa

barhmayasapi krtamrddam udah smarantah

yo' antarbahis tanubhritam asubham vidhunvan

na acarya caitaya vapusa svagatim vyanakti


The devoted Uddhava says to Lord Krishna :


"O Lord, the surrendered devotees,

whose joys increase as they THINK of THY favours,

can NEVER- not even in the lifetime of Brahma

(Cosmic creator)- repay their DEBT of gratitude to Thee,

Who revealest Thy naure, by removing the evil

(hankering for sense-pleasures) of ALL beings

in a DOUBLE form - outside, as the TEACHER,

and inside as the Indwelling Ruler."


Jaya Sri Radhey!


Hope all Christians are familiar with the famous 'Foot Prints'



Jaya Sri Radhey!


, prasad_s_deshpande <no_reply> wrote:

> What a delightful thought!!!!


> Dear s_v_c_s ji,


> Thank you so much for this wonderful information.


> The guru was always with me but i was not able see him. After


> inside and thinking, now I can feel the presence of my guru and his

> guidance.


> Hari Aum


> Prasad

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