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Kirtans of Saint Suradasji

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Jaya Sri Radhey!


Here are a few songs of remorse pertaining to 'sadhana' by the Saint.


"Life has filtered away in a thousand tiny bothers-


Matters of state, of salary, of sons.

Without my even noticing, my life has ambled off

And tangled in illusion, in a snare so foolproof

that I can never break it loose.


Songs of the Lord, gathering of the good-

I left myself hanging in air without either,

Like an overeager acrobat who craves just one more trick

as if his ample cleverness could hide his skimpy clothes;

Like a sad abandoned strumpet, says SUr,

who sways and swings her hips when her lover is gone."


(S 292.4)


"Master, my mind is absent and lost.


It's left Your lotus feet, that treasury of all,

and taken to the scavenging habits of a dog.

It wanders without aim, scratces after food

in barren houses and near burning pyres

With a desperate thirst it can never quench-

the thirst that stirs from inner depths.


And wherever it goes, it's ever-present fear

of hundred stones, sticks, and well-placed kicks.

Howmany animal insults has it suffered, poor dumb dog?

How many vicious slurs for a mouthful here and there?


Lord, All merciful, You guard the very world,

and every heart You master as Your own;

Surely, says SUr, only a foolish dog like me

would leave Your home to join the company of the lost."


(S 103)


-'Pada' of the Rasik Saint Sura das, from the book 'Surdas, Poet,

Singer, Saint' by John S. Hawley


Jaya Sri Radhey!

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.


Song of humility and self-analysis:


"In the realm of the fallen, Hari, I am the king.


Regent of a world filled with folk

who live to beat the drums of slander.

An animal thirst is the liquid of the this land;

desires are servants, the sense torturers,

And lust, ever ready to proffer good advice,

is the chief adviser in this dismal state.


Snarling anger serves as bodyguard;

and what could be a suitable steed

Than that unvanquished victor, the elephant of pride?

And the parasol of greed provides a regal shade.

As king I've fled from any native truth I ruled

and enthroned myself lord of a legion of liars

Who sing of my glories, how I've conquered through delusion,

how my evil is unequaled, how criminal ny name.


SUr says, I am garrisoned in self-congratulation-

an unyielding fortress: only death suggests a door.


(S 144)


Songs of wise self-counsel:


"My soul, abandon the blandishments of flesh.


Why yearn like a parrot for some silk-cotton fruit?

In the end, you know, it evades your grasp.

Waves of illusive passion- women and wealth:

they slip through the sieve of your hands.


Fool, dispense with pride and pretension

and take refuge in the Name of Ram

before you leave and you're lost to the flames.


As you've heard the words of the True Guru,

now you're witness to these words of mine:

If ever you would reckon the treasurehouse of gems

that is Ram, dear soul, the time's at hand.


Unless you reflect on Hari, the Lord of SUr,

you'll be like those yogis- like monkeys they are-

you'll wriggle on a leash, and dance.


(S 59)


-'Pada' of the Rasik Saint Sura das, from the book 'Surdas, Poet,

Singer, Saint' by John S. Hawley


Jaya Sri Radhey!

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste all.


The following expression of self-congratulation -- a desperate lament

as well -- is typical (S 138):


" I, only I, am best at being worst, Lord.

It's me! The others are powerless to match me.

I set the pace, forging onward, alone.

All those other sinners are a flock of amateurs,

but I have practiced every day since birth,

And look: you've abandoned me, rescuing the rest!


How can I cause life's stabbing pain to cease?

You've favored the vulture, the hunter, tyrant, whore,

and cast me aside, the most worthless them of all.


Quick save me, says SUr, I am dying of shame:

who ever was finer at failure than I? "



-'Pada' of the Rasik Saint Sura das, from the book 'Surdas, Poet,

Singer, Saint' by John S. Hawley


Jaya Sri Radhey!

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