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SRI RADHA-KRISHNA: Song from Prema Rasa Madira

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste all.


Here is another 'pada' of 'Prema Rasa Madira' by Sri Kripaluji

Maharaj glorifying Nama Sankirtana-


"rato re mana, cina, cina shyaamaa-shyaam!!"- (1)


O my blessed mind! Kindly listen to my pledge!

Please sing unceasingly the Divine Names of

Sri Radha and Her Beloved, Shyama Sundar,

every moment of your life!


"sad ghan, cid ghan, aananda ghan jo roopa yek, dvai naam" (2)


Sat-Cit-Ananda Brahman, the Supreme Lord eternally manifests in TWO

Embodied non-different Divine forms - Radhika and Govinda for the

continous expansion of Divine Bliss and out of His causeless Grace

performing the Divine exploits attracting the fortunate souls to the

Divine Couple.


ye yaM rAdhA yas ca kRSNo rasAbdhiH

ddehazcaikaH krIdanArthaM dvidA bhUt


(RadhikA tapaniyopanishad)


The Divine couple, Radha and Krishna constitute the unfathomable

ocean of ultimate Divine Bliss.


They have assumed Two Personalities only to engage in the playful

pastimes of Divine Love.


rAdhikA kRSNa svarUpaM ca

kRSNo rAdhA svarUpakaH


(sanat kumara samhita)


The Blessed Form of Sri Radha alone is the Form of Sri Krishna

and the Divinecharming Personality of Sri Krishna alone is the

Blisful Figure called Sri Radha. They are non-different.


"mamaiva pauruSam rUpam

gopikA jana mohanam"


(Brahma Vaivarta Purana)


"Ananda cinmaya rasa prati bhAvitAbhiH

stAbhirya yeva nija roopata yA kalAbhiH "


(Brahma Samhitam)


"jaasu naama shiva, suka, sanakaadika, gaavata aaThoyaam" (3)


O my doubting mind! Please hear more about the virtues of the Divine


The transcendental Name of Sri Radha Krishna are ever meditated upon

not only by Lord Sada Shiva, the Gopiswara Shankar Bhagavan, the

Parama Vaishnava, Maha-Bhagavatottama, but also by God-realized

Paramahamsa saints, like Sukadeva and ever liberated heavenly sages

like Sanat Kumaras.


'zrI rAma rAma rAmeti rame rAme manorame,

sahasra nAma tat tulyaM rAma nAma varAnane!'


(Vishnu Sahasra Nama)


Lord Shiva tells to His Consort Devi Parvati-


"O Delight of My heart, O My dear Beautiful-faced Lady!

I Myself constantly enjoy the Supreme Bliss chanting the Divine Name

of My Beloved as 'Sri Rama, Sri Rama' Which is EQUAL to reciting the

ONE THOUSAND Names of Lord Vishnu, Sriman Narayana!!


'yatpAda paGkaja rajaH zrutibhirvimRgyaM

yannAbhi paGkaja bhavaH kamalAsanazca,

yannAma sAra rasiko bhagavAn purAris

tam rAmacandram anizaM hRdi bhAvayAmi'


(Adhyatma Ramayana I.5.47)


I fondly contemplate upon that Lord Ramacandra constantly in my


the dust of Whose lotus-feet is searched for by the Vedas as well as

the lotus-seated lord Brahma, who is born from His very own lotus-


and the ESSENTIAL TREASURE of Whose NAME is RELISHED even by Lord

Shiva, the Connoiseur of Divine Bliss.


Lord Siva is often portrayed as in constant MEDITATION ON KRISHNA,

WEEPING, DANCING with ECSTASY of devotion.


Of all those who know Krishna, it is Siva, the BEST OF VAISNAVAS, who

knows Him best.


'svapne jAgaraNe zazvath kRSNa dhyAna rataH


yathA kRSNA stathA zambhur na bhedo mAdhavezayoH"


(Brahma Vaivarta Purana-Prakriti khanda II.56.61)


"Sleeping or awake, Siva is constantly absorbed in MEDITATION of



and ISA"


"haste 'kSa mAlA hRdi kRSNa tattvaM

jihvAgra bhAge vara rAma mantraM

yan mastake kezava pAda tirthaM

zivaM 'mahA bhAgavatAM' namAmi"



I salute to Lord Shiva, the Supreme Devotee, (Maha Bhagavata)

in Whose hand is the a-ksha (A to Z) japamaala,

in Whose heart is the reservoir of Divine Essence of Lord Krishna,

on Whose tongue is ever residing the Name of His Beloved Rama,

on Whose head is ever flowing Sacred water that washes the Lotus feet

of Lord Keshava.


"jaakee leelaa lakhana jnani jana, bane viTapa braja dhaam" (4)


O restless mnd!

Get some peace and confidence knowing that to witness the Blissful

exploits of the Divine Couple and Their Gopis in the sacred Vridavan,

the liberated Jnani Mahapurusha, God-realized saints accept even the

blessed forms of trees, bushes and flowering vine in the holy land of



"AsAmaho carana renu jushamahaM zyAM

vRndAvane kimapi gulma latauSadhI nAM

yA dustyajaM svajana mArya pathaMca hitvA

bhejur mukunda padavIM zRti bhirvi mRgyAM"


(Bhagavatam 10.47.61)


The great Jnani devotee Uddhava, dedicated friend of Sri Krishna



"O Sri Krishna!

How fortunate I would be, to become a grove, a creeper, or a plant in

the forest of VrindAvana, in order to be blessed with the "foot-dust"

of the Gopis, who have cut off all bonds of worldly attachments and

attained the Highest state of transcendental Bliss of Divine love,

which is being searched in Vedas, from time immemorial (but invain)!


"jaasu dham, vidhi braja raja yaacata, ThaaDe eka hi paam" (5)


O unsteady mind!

Please be aware of the fact that just to receive the Divine dust

particle of the transcendental realm of Vraja, the cosmic creator,

Lord Brahma, performed severe penance of standing on one leg for

millions of years!

But still, Brahmaji failed to obtain the Divinelove Bliss of Vraja

Rasa Madhuri.


"SaSTi varSa sahasrANi mayAtaptaM tapaH purA

nanda gopa vrajastrINAM pAdareNupalabdhaye

tathApi na mayA prAptAstAsAM vai pAdareNavaH"


(Brhad Vamana Puranam)


Lord Brahma declares-

"I have performed penance for sixty thousand years to attain the foot-

dust of the Gopis of Braja, who are ever submerged in the Bliss of

Divine Love, yet I failed to receive!"


"tadastu me nAtha sa bhUri bhAgo

bhave 'tra vAnyatra tu vA tirazcAm

yenAhameko 'pi bhavajjanAnAM bhUtvA

niSeve tava pAda pallavam"


Bhagavatam 10.14.30


Sri Mahalakshmi also could not participate in the Great esctatic

Divine Dance, Maha Raasa of Sri Radha Krishna and Vraja Gopikas.


(SB 10.16.36, C.C.1.5.223 & 3.7.28)


"jina 'kRpalu' guna suni, suka se muni, tajata samadhi lalaam" (6)


In the concluding verse, Prema Rasa Parama Acarya, Sri Kripaluji

urges :


O blessed mind! Reap your good fortune!

Know that just by hearing one sublime verse about the blissful

attributes of Divine Grace and Supreme charm of Lord Krishna, the

Paramahamsa muni, God-realized saint from birth, Sri Sukadeva

renounced his 'nirvikalpa samadhi'- the Divine trance of oneness with

Absolute Brahman.


"barhApIDaM naTavara vapuH karNayoH karNikAraM

bibhradyAsaH kanaka kapizaM vaijayantIM ca mAlAm

randhrAn veNor adharasudhayA pUrayan gopabRndair

vRndAraNyaM svapada ramaNaM prAvizad gIta kIrtiH"


(Srimad Bhagavatam 10/18/5)


Sri Krishna is adorned with a peacock feather and

His ears are graced with flowers,

Krishna's clothes are the color of bright gold.

He wears a Vaiyanti forest garland

And appears as the actor-husband.

He is the Svaminis (Gopis) choice,

Their Lord and husband.


He fills the holes of His flute

With the nectar from His lips.

The song of His praise sounds

As He enters Vrindavan

Surrounded by His cowlad friends.

His lotus feet appear splendid

And create dalliance wherever

They touch the ground. (Bhagavat 10/18/5)


This is the first verse that broke the samadhi of Sri Sukadeva,

forcibly attracting him to the charms of the Supreme Lord and His

transcendental beauty.


And upon hearing the next verse Sri Suka fell deeply in love with

Lord Krishna.


aho bakIyaM stana kAlakUTaM

jighAMsayA 'pAyayadapya sAdhvI

lebhe gatiM dhAtryucitAM tato 'nyaM

kaM vA dayAluM zaraNaM vrajema


(Bhagavatam 3.2.23)


" O, Lord! There is NO ONE Who is as LOVING

and MERCIFUL as YOU, at Whose feet I can take REFUGE.

You are so CAUSELESSLY Merciful, that You EVEN gave the

WICKED demoness, Putana, the place of a FOSTER-MOTHER

in Your abode and LIBERATED her, even though she came

to You with the MURDEROUS INTENTION of suckling You

with her POISONED breasts."


Sri Suka even longed to hear more about his Divine Beloved Radha-

Krishna and learned the entire Bhagavatam from his father-teacher,

Sri Veda Vyasa, the compliler of the sacred Vedas.


nigama-kalpa-taror galitaM phalaM

zuka-mukhAd amRta-drava-samyutam

pibata bhagavataM rasam Alayam

muhur aho rasikA bhuvi bhAvukAH "


(Bhagavatam 1.1.3)


O ye Rasik devotees possessing a TASTE for DIVINE JOY!


Srimad Bhagavatam is the FRUIT ESSENCE of the wish-yielding tree of

Veda, dropped on earth from the mouth of (Parrot*) Sage Suka, and

full of the NECTAR of Supreme Bliss.

It is UNMIXEd SWEETNESS (devoid of rind, seed or other superfluous



GO ON DRINKING this DIVINE NECTAR again and again till there is

"consciousness" LEFT in you !


* It is well-known truth that a fruit bit by a parrot is

EXCEPTIONALLY sweet. There is a pun on the word 'Suka' in this verse,

which also means a parrot.

The Bhagavatam is compared to a ripened fruit -- one that has neither

skin nor a seed that need to be discarded. In other words, there is

no aspect of this Bhagavatam that should be discarded; it is all



So O wise mind!

What more evidence do you need to be convinced of the glories of

chanting Divine Names?

Please sing the holy Names of Beloved Lord and make your human life

successful and enjoy the bliss of Prema bhakti, Divine Love.


Jaya Jaya Sri Radhey!


'Prema Rasa Madra' and its translations into various languages are

available at:



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