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Navaratri Pujas-Happy celebrations of Vijaya Dashami to all

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.

Happy celebrations of Vijaya Dashami to all.




I like to share this episode from the 'Baala Kaanda of Sri Rama

Carita Manas', the Divine Meeting of Sri Ramacandra and Sita Devi Who

offered prayers to Mother Parvati (Gauri devi) before Her Swayamvara

(wedding prelude).


"Considering how hard it was to break the unyielding bow of Lord


She proceeded sobbing silently on Her way with the image of the

Swarthy Form on Her heart.

When Lord saw Her going, that fountain of Bliss and affection and

Grace and virtue,

- then with the gentle ink of Supreme Love He traced Her infinite

beauty on the tablet of His Soul.

Sita Devi then sought Mata Bhavani's (Devi Durga) temple and adoring

Her feet, prayed to Her with clasped hands:


'jaya jaya giri raaja kishoree!

jaya mahesh mukha chandra chakoree!!

jaya gaja vadana shaDaanana maataa!

jagata janani daaminiduti gaataa!!


"Glory, all glory to You, O Daughter of the Mountain King!

Glory to You, Who gaze on the countenance of the great Lord Shiva as

the partridge on the moon!

Glory to You, O Mother of the elephant-headed Ganesha and the six-

faced Karttikeya.

O Mother of the universe with limbs as lustrous as the lightning-



nahi tava aadi anta avasaanaa!

amita prabhaavu veda nahi jaanaa!!

bhava bhava vibhava paraabhava kaarini!

viswa vimohini svabasa vihaarini!!


Your beginning and end know no ceasing;

Your infinite majesty is a mystery even to Vedas.

You are responsible for the birth, continuance

and ultimate destruction of the world;

You bewitch the whole universe and

sport independently of others!


patidevataa suteeya mahu maatu prathama tava rekha!

mahimaa amita na sakahiM kahi sahasa saaradaa sesha!!


Among all good women who adore their husbands as gods,

O Mother, You rank foremost!

Your measureless majesty is more than thousand Saraswathis

and Sheshas could tell!!


sevata tohi sulabha phalacaaree,

varadaayinee puraari piaaree!

devi pooji pada kamala tumhaare,

sura nara muni saba hohim sukhaare!


The four-fold rewards of life (viz., religious merit,

worldly riches,

sensuous enjoyment and liberation)

are easily attainable through Your service, O Granter of boons,

Beloved of Shiva (the Slayer of Tripura)!

All who adore Your lotus feet, O Goddess, attain happiness,

be they gods, men or Sages.


mora manoratha jaanahu neekem,

basahu sadaa ura pura saba hee kem,

keenhevu pragaTa na kaarana teheem,

asa kahi charana gahe vaideheem. '


Full well know My heart's longing,

O You Whose dwelling-place is the hearts of all;

wherefore I have refrained from declaring aloud."


With these words Videha's Daughter, Sita Devi

clasped the feet of the Goddess Parvati.




Raama Lakshmana Jaanaki,

Jaya bolo Hanuman ki!


Jaya Sri Radhey!

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.


Happy celebrations of Vijaya Dashami to all.


... mahishhaasuramardinistotram.h composed by Adi Jagadguru

Sri Shakar Acarya Bhagavatpada.. with translation:


ayi girina.ndini na.nditamedini vishvavinodini na.ndanute

girivara vi.ndhya shirodhinivaasini vishhNuvilaasini jishhNunute .

bhagavati he shitikaNThakuTuMbini bhuuri kuTuMbini bhuuri kR^ite

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 1..


O daughter of the mountain, who makes the whole earth happy,

who makes the whole universe rejoice, praised by Nandin |

dwelling on the peak of the great Vindhya mountain,

glittering widely, praised by those desirous of victory |

O Goddess, wife of the blue necked Siva, One who has many families,

One who has done a lot, |

be victorious, be victorious, O destroyer of the demon mahisa, with

beautiful braids of hair, daughter of the mountain Himalaya ||


suravaravarshhiNi durdharadharshhiNi durmukhamarshhiNi harshharate

tribhuvanaposhhiNi sha.nkaratoshhiNi kilbishhamoshhiNi ghoshharate .

danuja niroshhiNi ditisuta roshhiNi durmada shoshhiNi sindhusute

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 2..


O bestower of boons on Gods, One who assails those hard to

control, who tolerates those with ugly faces (?),

one engrossed in rejoicing |

One who nourishes the three worlds, One who pleases sankara,

One who removes sins, One who engrosses in sound of Om (?) |

One who is angry with the progeny of Danu (demon), One who is angry

with the sons of Diti (also demon), One who destroys those with evil

intoxication of pride, O daughter of the ocean ||


ayi jagadaMba madaMba kadaMba vanapriya vaasini haasarate

shikhari shiromaNi tuN^ga himaalaya shR^i.nga nijaalaya madhyagate .

madhu madhure madhu kaiTabha ga.njini kaiTabha bha.njini raasarate

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 3..


O mother of the world, my mother, One who loves to dwell

in a forest of Kadamba trees, One who keeps on smiling |

One who is on her own dwelling on the tall peak of the

Himalaya, the greatest among the mountains |

One who is very sweet, One who has the treasure of demons Madhu and

Kaitabha, destroyer of the demon Kaitabha, engaged in raasa

dancing ||


ayi shatakhaNDa vikhaNDita ruNDa vituNDita shuNDa gajaadhipate

ripu gaja gaNDa vidaaraNa chaNDa paraakrama shuNDa mR^igaadhipate .

nija bhuja daNDa nipaatita khaNDa vipaatita muNDa bhaTaadhipate

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 4..


O One who split the heads (of demons) into hundreds of

pieces and One who cut the trunks of great battle elephants |

whose great lion is skilled in terrifying valor in tearing apart the

temples of enemy elephants |

One who has cut down into pieces the heads of enemy

chieftains with the strength of her own arms ||


ayi raNa durmada shatru vadhodita durdhara nirjara shaktibhR^ite

chatura vichaara dhuriiNa mahaashiva duutakR^ita pramathaadhipate .

durita duriiha duraashaya durmati daanavaduuta kR^itaa.ntamate

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 5..


O One who holds the invincible and undiminishing striking

force which arose on the occasion of killing the enemies who were

hard to subdue on the battlefield |

who made Pramatha, the great attendant of Shiva, a leader in subtle

thinking, her commander (?) |

who decided to destroy the messenger of demons who were

sinful, with evil intentions, thoughts and mind ||


ayi sharaNaagata vairi vadhuuvara viira varaabhaya daayakare

tribhuvana mastaka shuula virodhi shirodhi kR^itaamala shuulakare .

dumidumi taamara du.ndubhinaada maho mukhariikR^ita tigmakare

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 6..


O One who gives protection to the great heroic husbands of

the enemy wives who have come seeking refuge |

One who holds in her hands a spotless spear pointed towards the head

of the opponent who is causing a great pain for all the three worlds


One who is like the blazing hot sun, aroused by the power of

resounding noise of the drums of Gods ||


ayi nija hu.NkR^iti maatra niraakR^ita dhuumra vilochana dhuumra


samara vishoshhita shoNita biija samud.hbhava shoNita biija late .

shiva shiva shuMbha nishuMbha mahaahava tarpita bhuuta pishaacharate

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 7..


O One who has blown aside hundreds of streams of smoke

coming from demons with smoking eyes merely with her own

roaring |

who is like a vine of blood-drops grown from the dried blood drops in

battle |

One who delights in the company of auspicious Shiva, Shumbha,

Nishumbha, and the spirits who were fed during the great battle.|


dhanuranu sa.nga raNakShaNasa.nga parisphura da.nga naTatkaTake

kanaka pisha.nga pR^ishhatka nishha.nga rasad.hbhaTa shR^i.nga

hataavaTuke .

kR^ita chaturaN^ga balakShiti raN^ga ghaTad.hbahuraN^ga raTad.hbaTuke

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 8..


One who decks herself with dancing ornaments on throbbing

limbs at the moment of the battle, making her bow ready |

who killed the huge enemy soldiers with a shining sword and with

(arrows from) a quiver which has golden brown spots |

who made the battleground with fourfold army into a stage with a

colorful drama with screaming little soldiers ||


jaya jaya japya jayejaya shabda parastuti tatpara vishvanute

bhaNa bhaNa bhiJNjimi bhi.nkR^ita nuupura si.njita mohita

bhuutapate .

naTita naTaardha naTiinaTa naayaka naaTita naaTya sugaanarate

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 9..


Be victorious! be victorious! whose victory should be sung,

praised by the whole universe ready to sing the praise extolling her

victory |

who attracted the attention of shiva by twinkling of bells making

various sounds of dancing |

who delights in beautiful singing and in dance-drama presented by a

leading dancer acting out the role of an actress with half of his

body ||


ayi sumanaH sumanaH sumanaH sumanaH sumanohara kaa.ntiyute

shrita rajanii rajanii rajanii rajanii rajaniikara vaktravR^ite .

sunayana vibhramara bhramara bhramara bhramara bhramaraadhipate

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 10..


O One who has a flowerlike complexion attractive to the

good heart of the goodhearted people |

(meaning of this part is unclear, the last word seems to mean

"surrounded by the face of the moon" )

(meaning of this compound is not clear)


sahita mahaahava mallama tallika mallita rallaka mallarate

virachita vallika pallika mallika bhillika bhillika varga vR^ite .

sitakR^ita pullisamulla sitaaruNa tallaja pallava sallalite

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 11..

avirala gaNDa galanmada medura matta mataN^gaja raajapate

tribhuvana bhuushhaNa bhuuta kalaanidhi ruupa payonidhi raajasute .

ayi suda tiijana laalasamaanasa mohana manmatha raajasute

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 12..


Who is in charge of huge royal elephants in fury whose rut is

streaming down their temples incessantly |

princess, the daughter of the ocean, who has the beauty of the moon,

the ornament of all the three worlds |

princess of cupid who enchants the minds desirous of ladies with

beautiful teeth |


kamala dalaamala komala kaa.nti kalaakalitaamala bhaalalate

sakala vilaasa kalaanilayakrama keli chalatkala ha.nsa kule .

alikula saN^kula kuvalaya maNDala maulimilad.hbhakulaali kule

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 13..


Whose spotless forehead is enhanced by the beautiful

complexion, pure and delicate like that of lotus petals |

whose flock of swans is moving sportingly with steps which are the

marks of all beautiful arts |

whose bees from the bakula trees meet on the tops of lotus flowers

which are crowded with (their own) bees ||


kara muralii rava viijita kuujita lajjita kokila maJNjumate

milita pulinda manohara guJNjita ra.njitashaila nikuJNjagate .

nijaguNa bhuuta mahaashabariigaNa sadguNa saMbhR^ita kelitale

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 14..


Whose sweet cooing sounds made with the flute held in her

own hands have put to shame the Kokila bird and who has sweet

thoughts |

who is in colorful mountain groves pleasantly resounding with the

assembled mountain folks |

whose playground is filled with good qualities of the flocks of the

great tribal women who are manifestations of her own qualities ||


kaTitaTa piita dukuula vichitra mayuukhatiraskR^ita cha.ndra ruche

praNata suraasura maulimaNisphura da.nshula sannakha cha.ndra ruche .

jita kanakaachala maulipadorjita nirbhara ku.njara kuMbhakuche

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 15..


Who has set aside the brilliance of the moon with the colorful

rays coming from the yellow silk she is wearing on her waist |

whose toe-nails shine like the moon because of the rays

emanating form the crest jewels of the bowing gods and demons |

whose breasts outshine the temples of wild elephants and the

high peaks of the golden mountains ||


vijita sahasrakaraika sahasrakaraika sahasrakaraikanute

kR^ita surataaraka saN^garataaraka saN^garataaraka suunusute .

suratha samaadhi samaanasamaadhi samaadhisamaadhi sujaatarate

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 16..


Who has set aside the brilliance of the moon with the colorful

rays coming from the yellow silk she is wearing on her waist |

whose toe-nails shine like the moon because of the rays

emanating form the crest jewels of the bowing gods and demons |

whose breasts outshine the temples of wild elephants and the high

peaks of the golden mountains ||


padakamalaM karuNaanilaye varivasyati yo.anudina.n sa shive

ayi kamale kamalaanilaye kamalaanilayaH sa kathaM na bhavet.h .

tava padameva paraMpadamityanushiilayato mama kiM na shive

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 17..


O benevolent goddess accompanied by Shiva, if someone daily

cherishes your lotuslike feet |

(contd. from prev line) then, O lotus dwelling Lakshmi, how will he

not become wealthy? |

O auspicious Goddess, is there anything that I would not have, if I

earnestly believe that your feet are the highest goal to be achieved?



kanakalasatkala sindhu jalairanu siJNchinute guNa raN^gabhuvaM

bhajati sa kiM na shachiikucha kuMbha taTii pariraMbha

sukhaanubhavam.h .

tava charaNaM sharaNaM karavaaNi nataamaravaaNi nivaasi shivaM

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 18..


If someone bathes you, the playground of virtues, with

shining golden waters of the ocean |

will he not experience in heaven the happiness (equal to that of

Indra) embracing the full bosom of Sachi? |

O Goddess worshipped by the speech of Gods, I take refuge in your

feet, which are also the abode of Shiva ||


tava vimalendukulaM vadanendumalaM sakalaM nanu kuulayate

kimu puruhuuta puriindumukhii sumukhiibhirasau vimukhiikriyate .

mama tu mataM shivanaamadhane bhavatii kR^ipayaa kimuta kriyate

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 19..


He who sufficiently dedicates himself to your entire

moonlike face, which is as bright as a host of spotless moons |

will he be turned away (in heaven) by the moon-faced

beauties of the city of Indra? |

(the text of this line is unclear)


ayi mayi diinadayaalutayaa kR^ipayaiva tvayaa bhavitavyamume

ayi jagato jananii kR^ipayaasi yathaasi tathaa.anumitaasirate .

yaduchitamatra bhavatyurari kurutaadurutaapamapaakurute

jaya jaya he mahishhaasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute .. 20..


... iti shriimad.h aadyasha.nkaraachaaryavirachitaa

shriimahishhaasuramardini stotraM saMpuurNam.h ..


O Uma, you should be kindly disposed toward me because of

your virtue of compassion toward the meek |

(meaning unclear) |

you may choose to do (with me) whatever is appropriate, she

removes the great pain (of her devotees). |



source: http://sanskrit.gde.to/doc_devii/mahisha_mean.itx




To enjoy listening to the Sanskrit chanting of 'Mahishasura mardini

stotra' just Go to this Web location:






Jaya Sri Radhey!

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