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Lover's Life

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste all.




"When they got to the southern end of the Govardhan Hill, just

two miles from where they started, Shri Nathji announced, "It is

almost sunset. Lets rest here for the night. We will reach Surat



The Anyor Brahmin took his rest there while Shri Nathji returned to

his temple. The following morning, Shri Nathji came back and awoke

the Anyor Brahmin "Lets go, get ready."

After the Anyor Brahmin tied up his blanket Shri Nathji

confirmed, "We have arrived in Surat."

"I heard it takes two months to get there and we got here over


"We have been walking the entire night! My feet are exhausted.

Don't you feel anything?"

"Yes my feet are also very tired."

Shri Nathji then laughed and continued, "Now go into town and

give the letter and My prasada to the head man here at the Surat

temple and tell him that you need to take all the offerings back to

Braja today. He will tell you to stay over night and take your

prasada here, but don't listen to him. Remember to take enough

flour and beans for the two of us and come back here soon so we can



The Anyor Brahmin then walked a short ways to the town of Surat and

gave the temple manager there the letter and prasada and then told

him, "I need the offerings for Shri Nathji's temple today."


"It is the custom for people like you to stay here for a few


Find a place to live and daily take your meals here."

"I don't know anything about your prasada, but I do need some

flour and beans so I can cook a meal. Also, can you get the offerings

all collected today so I can be on my way. Yesterday I got my flour


beans from Shri Nathji's temple in Braja, but I now I need some

additional items."


"Are you saying that you made it here from Shri Nathji's

temple in Braja in a single day!"

"I told you, I cooked in Braja yesterday and today I will cook


The manager reflected, "He is a very simple and strange man. He

does not seem to understand anything."


When the manager opened up the letter from Shri Nathji temple and saw

that it had yesterday's date and that Shri Nathji betal leafs were

all fresh,

he started to believe what the Anyor Brahmin said and turned to him,

"I will give you whatever you want, just name it."


"Just flour and beans and please gather all the offers for Shri


I won't be staying long. By the way, I need enough flour for two

people. One for me and one for Shri Gusainji's Move Aside."


The Anyor Brahmin was given everything he needed along with some

extra ghee and sugar. He returned to Shri Nathji and told him,

"Look at all the ghee and sugar they gave me. What should I do

with it?"

"Make some sweet balls."

The Anyor Brahmin prepared the sweet balls and after both of them ate

their meals, Shri Nathji told the Anyor Brahmin, "Now go into town


do your work so we can get quickly get back to Shri Gusainji."


By the time the Anyor Brahmin arrived back in the Surat temple, the

manager had called all the local bhaktas and after giving them Shri

Nathji's prasada he told them, "A very unusual messager has

come from Braja and has brought us fresh betal leaf and prasada from

Shri Nathji's temple. The letter he bears has yesterdays date on it

and he tells me that he left Braja yesterday.

It is impossible to fathom Shri Nathji's way.


He wants to leave today, so everyone please make your offerings to

Shri Nathji now so we can send him on his way."


After the collections were made, the Anyor Brahmin objected when he

was given ten rupees for his services, "What is this for?"

"For expenses along the way."

"I don't need this money, I will be back in Shri Nathji's

temple in the morning."

The ten rupees was then added to Shri Nathji's offering and after

a letter to Shri Gusainji was written about everything that happened,

the Anyor Brahmin took the offerings and the letter and returned to

Move Aside."


"My friend, you have done a lot today." Move Aside then

added, "We will leave for Braja after dawn. We will sleep here

and see Shri Gusainji in the morning."


Move Aside, who was really Shri Nathji, then returned to his temple

while the Anyor Brahmin took his rest. The following morning, Shri

Nathji came and awoke the Anyor Brahmin, "Look! We are back in

Braja, just a mile from the temple. Come on, wake up and give the


manager the offerings you collected, and don't forget to get some


and beans for us from the temple."


When the Anyor Brahmin arrived in the temple, the manager called out

to him, "Why haven't you left for Surat?"

When he produced the letter from Surat the manger was stunned,

"How did he get to Surat in one day! Maybe this is a forged



But when he saw all the offerings he went directly to Shri Gusainji

and told him, "I sent your Anyor Brahmin to Surat to collect

offerings and he returned from there in two days with offerings and a

letter from Surat."


After Shri Gusainji read the letter from the bhaktas in Surat, he

called the Anyor Brahmin and asked him about everything that

happened. The Anyor Brahmin explained, "Brother Vitthalnathji,

you wouldn't believe me, but confrim it with Move Aside,

we went to Surat together.


"Who is Move Aside?"

"Don't your remember that day we were playing together, you

took hold of my arm and told me that my Krishna's name is



Now He always dines and plays with me at the Bilchu lake."


Shri Gusainji then went into the temple and gently pressed Shri

Nathji cheeks, "Did you take the Anyor Brahmin to Surat?"


"Your manger sent him there. He believes in your words. I have

remained with him from the day he thinks you told him My name is Move


"Maybe we should offer the Anyor Brahmin prasada from the


"Then go and ask him." Shri Nathji replied.


Shri Gusainji then came out of the temple and offered the Anyor

Brahmin, "Shall we arrange for your cooked prasada every day at

the temple?"


"Brother Vitthalnath, what will I do with that, I want to cook

for Move Aside and myself, so just give me flour and beans."


Shri Gusainji then called Shri Nathji's store room manager and

told him, "Give the Anyor Brahmin enough food items so he can cook

for two people every day."


The Anyor Brahmin daily went to the Bilchu lake where he cooked for

Shri Nathji. The Blessed Lord came to him daily. The Anyor Brahmin

was blessed everyday by Shri Gusainji and Shri Nathji. His life was

full of blissfully play. He was a very blessed bhakta. To what extent

can we praise his life? (106)


Contributed by Sri Shyam das



Jaya Sri Radhey!

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Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.


Another milkmaid of Vrindawan says to Krishna:


O! Cowkeeper! Leave my saree, the robe around my skirt!

Don't you see people will put blame on me?

I know you do not know delicacy of love

And I know the reason:

You are master of cow-keeping!

How could one expect you be expert in the art of love?

You after all a cowkeeper! Keep on keeping cows! :)


Posted by Sekhar (shreeradha) at:





Queen Mirabai, the Gopi-saint confides:


"jhattkyo meri cheera ...."


Murari (Krishna) yanked

at my skirt (sari),

the clay pot of indigo bounced

from my head

my sari snagged on my

nose ring,

hair knot slipped loose,

earrings got tangled -

the Dark One makes love an art of enchantment -


I lower my head

to his feet.


(For Love of The Dark One - Songs of Mirabai)




"vikretu kAmAkhila gopakanyA

murAri pAdArpita citta vRittiH

dadhyAdhikaM moha vazAda vocad

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti"


(Govinda-Damodara-Stotra. verse 3,

Gopibhava Rasik Saint Sri Lilasuka Bilvamangala)


Once the milkmaids of Vrindavan, were going with

the curd pots on their heads, trying to sell

their products. They were supposed to yell,


'Come quickly to buy my curds and milk,

someone please buy the curds and milk!'


But the Gopis were so engrossed in the

thoughts of their Beloved, Lord Krishna

and having been completely absorbed their

mental faculty in Krisna alone, they were

overpowered by the ecstasy of Divinelove.


They were simply shouting,


"Someone please buy my Govinda!

Someone please buy my Damodara!

Someone please buy my Madhava!"


Jaya Sri Radhey!

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