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Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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Dear Satsangh


May we all take this opportunity to focus on giving Thanks for the

blessings we do have today. I share the following story I received.




one very simple method of enlightenment. She advised everyone who

came to her to adopt an affirmation to be said many times a day,

under all conditions.





Many people from all arenas of life came to Sono for healing.

Some were in physical pain; others were emotionally distraught;

others had financial troubles; some were seeking soul liberation. No

matter what their distress or what question they asked her, her

response was the same: "Thank you for everything. I have no complaint

whatsoever." Some people went away disappointed; others grew

angry; others tried to argue with her. Yet some people took her

suggestion to heart and began to practice it. Tradition tells that

everyone who practiced Sono's mantra found peace and healing.


Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever. My

friend Lisa, an attractive woman in her late 30's, came to one of my

seminars after I had not seen her for a number of years. She

informed the group that a year earlier she had been diagnosed

with a brain disorder that required immediate surgery. The surgery

was done, a steel plate was inserted in her head, and her doctor

keeps her under close observation. Lisa reported that now she lives

from day to day. Privately I told Lisa that I was sorry she had gone

through this whole ordeal. "Oh, don't be sorry," she told Me



"I'm not sorry at all. This was one of the best Things that has

ever happened to me. It really got me to appreciate my life and

relationships. I married a wonderful guy and we are thinking

about having children. I wouldn't trade the experience if I could."

Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever.


Can you imagine what your life would be like if you simply

dropped your complaints? It's a radical proposal, since most of us

have Been trained to question, analyze, and criticize everything we

see. But then we end up questioning, analyzing, and criticizing

ourselves. Then we miss out on joy, the only true measure of success.


The ecstatic mystic poet Hafiz proclaimed, "All a sane man can

ever think about is giving love." One evening I received a phone call

from my friend Cliff, a Jewish guy from Brooklyn who discovered A

Course in Miracles and became a world-class love exuder. Cliff just

went around finding good and beauty in everyone he met. On the

phone, Cliff told me, "I just called to tell you how much I love And

appreciate you."


"Well, thank you Cliff," I answered, delighted. "I really

Appreciate that.


.. . What prompted you to call me at this moment?"


"My knee was hurting me, and I knew that the only way I could

Feel better would be to give more love. So I began to think of the

people in my life who I care about, and you came to mind." Thank you

for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever.


As we approach the holiday of Thanksgiving, many of us will be

getting together with our families. Perhaps family issues may

come to the fore and we might be tempted to fall into a pattern of

rehashing old resentments and arguments. Wouldn't it be

fabulous if, as we sat with our relatives, we held in mind, "Thank

you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever."


Yes, I know, there is a voice inside you objecting, "But if I

did not complain, people would walk all over me and selfish

opportunists would genetically manipulate my food and terrorists

would keep crashing airplanes into buildings and . . . and. . .

Got it. Now if you went to Sono, her response would be, "Thank you for

everything. I have no complaint whatsoever." I am simply

suggesting that we practice the mantra for an entire Thanksgiving

day. And then maybe one day a week. Then we might start to feel so

good and our lives will become so effective that we want to turn

every day into Thanksgiving.


In my book Handle with Prayer I state that the highest form of

prayer is gratitude. Instead of asking God for stuff, start thanking

God for stuff, and you will find that God has already given you

everything you could want or need, including the adventure of

discovering more riches every day.


Life is a big treasure hunt. Eventually we grow weary of

seeking treasures outside ourselves, and we begin to look within.

There we discover that the gold we sought, we already are. The

beauty we overlooked because we were focusing on what was missing,

still lives and awaits us like an anxious lover. As T.S. Eliot

nobly noted, The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we

started and know the place for the first time.


Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever. Have a

great Thanksgiving."


_/\_ Tat twam asi



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Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever.

However, I need some clarification as to whether we should see

questioning and analyzing in the same manner as criticizing?


"Can you imagine what your life would be like if you simply

dropped your complaints? It's a radical proposal, since most of us

have Been trained to question, analyze, and criticize everything we

see. But then we end up questioning, analyzing, and criticizing

ourselves. Then we miss out on joy, the only true measure of success."


Does it mean that we should refrain from Questioning and/or analyzing

which, I think, helps to broaden knowledge.


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I think your right my friend.........I agree with you....


May you feel my warmth as it rides the wind......Namsate Jeffrey







, umakanth3 <no_reply> wrote:

> Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever.

> However, I need some clarification as to whether we should see

> questioning and analyzing in the same manner as criticizing?


> "Can you imagine what your life would be like if you simply

> dropped your complaints? It's a radical proposal, since most of us

> have Been trained to question, analyze, and criticize everything we

> see. But then we end up questioning, analyzing, and criticizing

> ourselves. Then we miss out on joy, the only true measure of



> Does it mean that we should refrain from Questioning and/or


> which, I think, helps to broaden knowledge.

> Umakanth

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Yes you are certainly correct in saying that we broaden our knowledge

through question and analysis.


At the same time if we examine the mind we see that it stands between

the "self" and "Self", a manifestation of the ego and its collection

of samskaras and vasanas. We also know that while it is the ego which

stands in the way of realizing our True Self, we have to use ego-

centered tools to break through the illusion of ignorance. In other

words, while our mind is a manifestation of our ego, we can use it

selectively to assist our sadhnaa. This we do by learning to use it

when we need it and "switch" it off when we don't. Mental chatter

that is constant and undirected, reflects that baggage of mpressions

and desires carried in our karmic baggage.


So yes, we question, analyse, debate and dialogue to clarify and

expand our knowledge, but at the same time it has been found that

this process itself can become an obstacle if one gets carried away

by doing it all the time and not taking the time to BE the silent

space between the thoughts when the barriers between the "self"

and "Self" are down. The knowledge of the "Self" is experiential and

no texts can describe it, much like taste in our mouth. It has to be

experienced. A pitfall to be avoided in the pursuit of knowledge

about Truth through anaylsis etc (Gyana marga) is to know when and

how to switch off the mind and experience the Truth itself.


Giving thanks, expressing gratitude, deferring to a source higher

than one's own self are methods to let go of that mental chatter in

which one can get caught up. Let go, relax one's mind and simply BE.

That is often when true knowledge is gained.


_/\_ Tat twam asi







In post 4556 umakanth3 wrote:

> Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever.

> However, I need some clarification as to whether we should see

> questioning and analyzing in the same manner as criticizing?


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