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self-realization in 8 minutes per day

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Hello everyone, I was browsing the Hinduism

groups and when I saw this one, I joined it

right away. I am very impressed by it. I

would have to say that this is the best group

I've seen in Hinduism and I would really like

to congratulate the creator of this group. I

WILL be promoting this group in my own

group. What I would like to do now however

is to share my path. To make sense of it, you

will first have to know how I decided on my

current course. Please forgive any offense that

might be perceived, none is intended. I used to

chant the Hare Krsna mantra but I couldn't do it

very quickly and it therefore took enormous amounts

of time to do LESS than the prescribed 16 rounds of

japa per day (ISKCON), I did as many rounds as I

could, but I was always told, "that's fine, now add

another round to your total each day and NEVER

fall below that set amount!" (Of course, to me that

seemed at odds with Sri Caitanya's teaching of "there

are no hard and fast rules for chanting these holy

names.") If somehow I managed to

do another round every day I was told, "keep trying,

eventually you will reach the standard."(16)

Then I asked myself, "what will happen if I DO reach

the standard?" Well, I had often read ISKCON founder

Srila Prabhupada talking about 'going back home,

back to godhead' by following the regulative

principles of Bhakti Yoga and chanting the prescribed

number of rounds per day. BUT on the other hand I've

read him saying 'the pure devotee does not ask for

anything, including liberation BUT asks only that he

may serve lifetime after lifetime'(quote is approximate,

not exact). In my small mind, it seemed like a catch

22,I couldn't imagine myself being liberated if I hadn't

attained the standard of a 'pure devotee', but at the

same time, if I DID attain the standard of a 'pure

devotee' then I shouldn't be seeking liberation anyway -

only to serve lifetime after lifetime as a pure devotee.

I've heard devotees say that "it would be better to serve

Krsna, even in hell, than to seek liberation." This seemed,

to me at least, to be at odds with one of their many songs

which entreats the Lord very sincerely for liberation!

"Lord, somehow or another I have fallen into this material

world ... now pick me up and place me as an atom at your

lotus feet." I needed a consistent message. I found that

in the Gita Mahatmya. The Mahatmya, given in Kali Yuga, is

for people who are very clear on their goals. The goal is

NOT to serve lifetime after lifetime in the material world,

"even in hell" nor is it to perhaps attain Goloka Vrindavan

as a "blade of grass" or an "atom" BUT to attain Vaikuntha

in a form like the Lords, full of bliss and knowledge!

Further, the prescription to acheive this comes from THE

highest authority, Sri Visnu himself, who is not speaking

in the guise of a pure devotee, an old man, or even an

incarnation, but directly from Vaikuntha AS THE SUPMEME LORD!

Lord Visnu: "This Bhagavad-Gita is the destroyer of all sins.

The intelligent man who daily recites one chapter ... will

attain the same position as Susharma ..."

(Susharma "attained the supreme destination 'Vaikuntha'."

as detailed in chapter 1 of the Gita Mahatmya)

This prescription is unequivocal - IF you faithfully chant

one chapter of the Sanskrit Gita daily, you WILL acheive

liberation at the end of THIS lifetime. You will NOT take

birth here again, regardless of your present position. You

WILL attain a body like the Lords, full of bliss and

knowledge. The shortest chapter of the Bhagavad-Gita is

only 20 verses, with practice this can be chanted in the

Sanskrit in 8 minutes or less. To be sure, I follow the

4 regulative principles of the Vaisnavas and I offer my

food and drink to Lord Visnu before consuming them. And

I assure you, I DO taste the "nectar of the results

of sacrifices"(B-G 4:30)and I am confident that anyone

who faithfully follows the same prescription will also

taste the "nectar" in one month or less. I know of no

easier path that guarantees unequivocal results.

I therefore commend it to you all. Haribol!


P.S. "Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, who is the

Paramatma(Supersoul) in everyones heart and the benefactor

of the truthful devotee, cleanses desire for material

enjoyment from the heart of the devotee who has developed

the urge to hear His messages, which are in themselves

virtous when properly heard and CHANTED." S-B CNT 1, CH 2,

text 17 (The message of Sri Krsna, the Personality of

Godhead IS the Bhagavad-Gita!)

"Thus he is the actual seer who worships, in the form of

transcendental sound representation, the Supreme Lord

Visnu, who has no material form." S-B CNT 1, CH 5, text 38

The Supreme Lord Visnu has no material form, but in Kali Yuga

He is manifest ''in the form of transcendental sound

representation". In the Mahatmya, the Lord is unequivocal,

"I My Self have manifested in the Form of Bhagavad-Gita ...

In this way you should understand the transcendental Deity

of the Bhagavad-Gita." The Bhagavad-Gita, each sloka

containing four verses, is a song - literally 'The song of

God'. Before printing presses, it was transmitted from

master to initiate verbally. The "Form of Bhagavad-Gita"

that Lord Visnu has manifested Himself in is that form spoken

of in Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 1, Chapter 5, text 38 -

"the form of transcendental sound representation". When we

vibrate the Sanskrit Gita, it is as if He is dancing on our

tongue! The speaking of the Gita is a pastime of the Supreme

Lord Krsna, let us all chant the pastimes of the Lord!

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