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Jaya Sri Radhey! Sri Gurave Namah!


bhaktis tu bhagavad bhaktaH saGgena parijAyate

sat-saGga jAyate puMbhir sukRtaiH pUrva saJcitaiH


(Naradiya Purana)


"Bhakti is born from the association

of the devotees of the Lord, and

people obtain such saintly association

as the result of previously accumulated piety."


Brahmanda bramite kona bhagyavana jiva

Guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija


[C.C. Madhyalila, 19.151]


"According to their karma, all living entities

are wandering throughout the entire universe.

Some of them are being elevated to heavenly abodes, and

some are going down into the lower planetary systems.


Out of many millions of wandering living entities,

one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity

to associate with a Rasik Saint by the grace of Krsna.

By the mercy of both Krsna and the Saintly Preceptor,

such a person receives the seed for the creeper of Divine Love."


tate krsna bhaje, kare gurura

maya-jala chute, paya krsnera carana


"If the surrendered soul engages in the

loving service of the Lord and

follows the sadhana given by his/her

Divine Preceptor and faithfully serves him,

he/she can get out of the clutches of maya and

become eligible for shelter at Krsna's lotus feet."


guru krsna-rupa hana sastrera pramane

gure-rupe krsna krpa karena bhakta-gane


[C.C. Adilila, 1.45]


"According to the opinion of all revealed scriptures,

the Spiritual Master himself is another form of Lord Krsna.

Lord Krsna Himself in the form of the Spiritual Master

delivers His surrendered devotees."


siksa-guruke ta jani krsnera svarupa

antaryami, bhakta-srestha, -- ei dui rupa


[C.C. Adi, 1.47]


"One should know the instructing Spiritual Master

to be the Personality of Krsna,

Lord Krsna manifests Himself in both forms,

One as the 'Antaryami', Inner Self (Paramatma) and

as the Rasik Saint, the pure devotee of the Lord."


jive saksat nahi tate guru caitya-rupe

siksa-guru haya krsna-mahanta-svarupe


[C.C. Adi, 1. 58]


"Since the seeker cannot visually experience

the Divinity of the Lord, as the Inner Self,

He appears before the surrendered soul

in the form of a Rasik Saint.

Such a Divine Preceptor is

none other than Krsna Himself."


"AcAryaM mAM vijAnIyAn

nAvamanyeta karhicit

na martya buddhyA sUyeta

sarva devamayo guruH."


(Bhagavatam 11.17.27)


"Know the Guru to be Myself (Lord Krishna).

Never think unfavorably about Him.

Do not use your material mind to comprehend His Divine actions,

for all forms of God dwell within the Guru."


"yasya deve para bhaktir yathA deve tathA gurau

tasyaite kathitA hyarthAH prakAzyante mahAtmanaH"


(Svetasvataropanishad 6.23)


If one has supreme devotion to God,

and for one's Teacher as much as for God,

to this one these teachings which have been declared

may become manifest in a great soul,

yes, may become manifest in a great soul.


Jaya Sri Radhey!




Pongal - Makara Sankranti Greetings



Wish you all happy celebrations of another joyous Hindu festival of

Pongal, also known as Makara Sankranti.

This day also has special significance to Sri Kripaluji's devotees

since this event is celebrated as 'Jagadguru Day'.


Jagatguru means 'Spiritual Preceptor of the entire world'. It is a

title given to a Saint who brings about spiritual upilftment

through a revolution by wisely interpreting and thoroughly explaining

the deep philosophy of the scriptures in a unique way.


More than 2,000 years ago, it was noticed by scriptural scholors that

too many unrealized teachers and hypocrites in the guise of 'Guru'

were misleading the gullible public. This discovery led them to

conduct a search for a true qualified Teacher of Divine knowledge of



He would have to be not only proficient in all Vedic literature

and Darsana shastras, but also a God-realized soul.

He would then be declared 'Universal Guru'. Bhagavatpada Sri

Shankaracarya was chosen and proclaimed as the Adi (first) Jagadguru.


In the course of history, many saints have come to this world, but

only a few considered it necessary to be chosen Jagadguru.

After Adi Shankaracarya came Jagadguru Nimbarkacarya, Jagadguru

Ramanujacarya, and Jagadguru Madhvacarya.


Approximately 700 years after the fourth Jagadguru, the title of

fifth Jagadguru was bestowed upon Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji Maharaj on

January 14, 1957 in the ancient holy city of Varanasi (Benares,

India) by the scriptural scholors of the prestigious board - 'Kashi

Vishva Vidya Pitha'.


Our beloved present Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji was only 35 years of age

when He proved to 500 topmost Vedic scholors that He possessed

complete mastery of all ancient sacred scriptures despite never

having studied them.


He has been accepted as being the leading preceptor in both spiritual

disciplines; Jnana yoga- Divine knowlege and Bhakti yoga- Divine

love, and has been proclaimed 'Bhakti Yoga Rasa Avatar' - 'Descension

of Devotional Nectar'.


Enjoy the celebrations of 'The festival of Jagadguru Divas - January

14, 2003' at:




Jaya Sri Radhey!


, pyari_h <no_reply> wrote:

> Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.


> jaga viraag ho titanoyee,

> jitanoyee hari anuraag!

> taba ho hari anuraag jaba,

> guru charanan mana laag!!


> - Bhakti Shatak. 12, Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji Maharaj


> Hindi translation:


> vaastavika guru ki sharanagati se hee

> Sri Krishna me anuraag utpanna hotaa hai.

> Jitani maatraa me yah anuraag hotaa hai utni hee

> maatraa me sansaar se vairaagya bhi hotaa hai.


> English:


> True Love for God dawns only through the Divine Grace of a Rasik

> Saint.

> By taking full refuge in the lotus feet of God-realized genuine

> Master,

> the aspirant experiences Divine love.

> The degree of seeker's detachment from the material world is


> proportional to the intensity of her or his attachment for the

> Lord.



> Listen to the melodious chantings of the sublime verses of "Bhakti

> Shatak" - "One Hundred Gems of Divine Love" composed by Jagadguru

> Sri Rama Kripalu Maharaj Ji at:


> http://jkp.org/home/home.html


> Jaya Sri Radhey!

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  • 3 years later...

Namaste dear devotees!


Many happy greetings for the worldwide celebration.


This joyful event from Barsana, U.P. India, is being broadcasted live

along with the divine message from Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji Maharaj,

on 'AASTHA' television from 7.pm to 9.pm (Indian Standard Time).


As I am in Bangalore, India, I'll be very much delighted to watch

this special telecast on 'AASTHA' channel.


Hope all divine lovers will enjoy this opportunity to watch Sri

Maharaj ji on this auspicious occasion.


Jaya Sri Radhey!


Dr. Jaya


, pyari_h <no_reply wrote:


> Jaya Sri Radhey! Sri Gurave Namah!


> bhaktis tu bhagavad bhaktaH saGgena parijAyate

> sat-saGga jAyate puMbhir sukRtaiH pUrva saJcitaiH


> (Naradiya Purana)


> "Bhakti is born from the association

> of the devotees of the Lord, and

> people obtain such saintly association

> as the result of previously accumulated piety."


> Brahmanda bramite kona bhagyavana jiva

> Guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija


> [C.C. Madhyalila, 19.151]


> "According to their karma, all living entities

> are wandering throughout the entire universe.

> Some of them are being elevated to heavenly abodes, and

> some are going down into the lower planetary systems.


> Out of many millions of wandering living entities,

> one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity

> to associate with a Rasik Saint by the grace of Krsna.

> By the mercy of both Krsna and the Saintly Preceptor,

> such a person receives the seed for the creeper of Divine Love."


> tate krsna bhaje, kare gurura

> maya-jala chute, paya krsnera carana


> "If the surrendered soul engages in the

> loving service of the Lord and

> follows the sadhana given by his/her

> Divine Preceptor and faithfully serves him,

> he/she can get out of the clutches of maya and

> become eligible for shelter at Krsna's lotus feet."


> guru krsna-rupa hana sastrera pramane

> gure-rupe krsna krpa karena bhakta-gane


> [C.C. Adilila, 1.45]


> "According to the opinion of all revealed scriptures,

> the Spiritual Master himself is another form of Lord Krsna.

> Lord Krsna Himself in the form of the Spiritual Master

> delivers His surrendered devotees."


> siksa-guruke ta jani krsnera svarupa

> antaryami, bhakta-srestha, -- ei dui rupa


> [C.C. Adi, 1.47]


> "One should know the instructing Spiritual Master

> to be the Personality of Krsna,

> Lord Krsna manifests Himself in both forms,

> One as the 'Antaryami', Inner Self (Paramatma) and

> as the Rasik Saint, the pure devotee of the Lord."


> jive saksat nahi tate guru caitya-rupe

> siksa-guru haya krsna-mahanta-svarupe


> [C.C. Adi, 1. 58]


> "Since the seeker cannot visually experience

> the Divinity of the Lord, as the Inner Self,

> He appears before the surrendered soul

> in the form of a Rasik Saint.

> Such a Divine Preceptor is

> none other than Krsna Himself."


> "AcAryaM mAM vijAnIyAn

> nAvamanyeta karhicit

> na martya buddhyA sUyeta

> sarva devamayo guruH."


> (Bhagavatam 11.17.27)


> "Know the Guru to be Myself (Lord Krishna).

> Never think unfavorably about Him.

> Do not use your material mind to comprehend His Divine actions,

> for all forms of God dwell within the Guru."


> "yasya deve para bhaktir yathA deve tathA gurau

> tasyaite kathitA hyarthAH prakAzyante mahAtmanaH"


> (Svetasvataropanishad 6.23)


> If one has supreme devotion to God,

> and for one's Teacher as much as for God,

> to this one these teachings which have been declared

> may become manifest in a great soul,

> yes, may become manifest in a great soul.


> Jaya Sri Radhey!


> --------------


> Pongal - Makara Sankranti Greetings



> Wish you all happy celebrations of another joyous Hindu festival of

> Pongal, also known as Makara Sankranti.

> This day also has special significance to Sri Kripaluji's devotees

> since this event is celebrated as 'Jagadguru Day'.


> Jagatguru means 'Spiritual Preceptor of the entire world'. It is a

> title given to a Saint who brings about spiritual upilftment

> through a revolution by wisely interpreting and thoroughly


> the deep philosophy of the scriptures in a unique way.


> More than 2,000 years ago, it was noticed by scriptural scholors


> too many unrealized teachers and hypocrites in the guise of 'Guru'

> were misleading the gullible public. This discovery led them to

> conduct a search for a true qualified Teacher of Divine knowledge


> scriptures.


> He would have to be not only proficient in all Vedic literature

> and Darsana shastras, but also a God-realized soul.

> He would then be declared 'Universal Guru'. Bhagavatpada Sri

> Shankaracarya was chosen and proclaimed as the Adi (first)



> In the course of history, many saints have come to this world, but

> only a few considered it necessary to be chosen Jagadguru.

> After Adi Shankaracarya came Jagadguru Nimbarkacarya, Jagadguru

> Ramanujacarya, and Jagadguru Madhvacarya.


> Approximately 700 years after the fourth Jagadguru, the title of

> fifth Jagadguru was bestowed upon Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji Maharaj


> January 14, 1957 in the ancient holy city of Varanasi (Benares,

> India) by the scriptural scholors of the prestigious board - 'Kashi

> Vishva Vidya Pitha'.


> Our beloved present Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji was only 35 years of


> when He proved to 500 topmost Vedic scholors that He possessed

> complete mastery of all ancient sacred scriptures despite never

> having studied them.


> He has been accepted as being the leading preceptor in both


> disciplines; Jnana yoga- Divine knowlege and Bhakti yoga- Divine

> love, and has been proclaimed 'Bhakti Yoga Rasa Avatar' -


> of Devotional Nectar'.


> Enjoy the celebrations of 'The festival of Jagadguru Divas -


> 14, 2003' at:


> http://jkp.org/festivals/jagadguru_divas.html


> Jaya Sri Radhey!


> , pyari_h <no_reply> wrote:

> > Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.

> >

> > jaga viraag ho titanoyee,

> > jitanoyee hari anuraag!

> > taba ho hari anuraag jaba,

> > guru charanan mana laag!!

> >

> > - Bhakti Shatak. 12, Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji Maharaj

> >

> > Hindi translation:

> >

> > vaastavika guru ki sharanagati se hee

> > Sri Krishna me anuraag utpanna hotaa hai.

> > Jitani maatraa me yah anuraag hotaa hai utni hee

> > maatraa me sansaar se vairaagya bhi hotaa hai.

> >

> > English:

> >

> > True Love for God dawns only through the Divine Grace of a Rasik

> > Saint.

> > By taking full refuge in the lotus feet of God-realized genuine

> > Master,

> > the aspirant experiences Divine love.

> > The degree of seeker's detachment from the material world is

> directly

> > proportional to the intensity of her or his attachment for the

> > Lord.

> >

> >

> > Listen to the melodious chantings of the sublime verses

of "Bhakti

> > Shatak" - "One Hundred Gems of Divine Love" composed by


> > Sri Rama Kripalu Maharaj Ji at:

> >

> > http://jkp.org/home/home.html

> >

> > Jaya Sri Radhey!


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I have watched the live telecast of Sriji's program and he

spoke on Jagadguru Tattva based on the first verse of 'Sri

Krishnashtakam' -


'vasudevasutam devam.....krishnam vande jagadgurum'.


The author of this beautiful prayer was attributed to Mahaprabhu

Sri Vallabhacharya but the choice of Sanskrit words and style of the

poetry reminds us Adi Jagadguru Sri Shankaracharya, who had most of

the time included the 'phala sruti' at the end of his prayers.


Another verse from Brahma Vaivarta Purana quotes:


jagadguro namastubyam sivaya siva daya ca

yogindranam ca yogindra gurunam ca gurave namah


Lord Shiva is addressed as 'Jagadguru' in this verse. In Bhagavatam

also, Lord Shiva is addressed at many places as 'Jagadguru'.


I am happy to worship both and Lord Shiva's greatness was told to

Srimati Radha Rani by Lord Krishna Himself in B.V.P.

Will share the summary of Their talk later on.


Jaya Sri Radhey!



, pyari_h <no_reply wrote:

> This joyful event from Barsana, U.P. India, is being broadcasted


> along with the divine message from Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji Maharaj,

> on 'AASTHA' television from 7.pm to 9.pm (Indian Standard Time).

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