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Bhagavad-gita As It Is Ch 4 Text 4

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Bhagavad-gita As It Is Ch 4 Text 4





Transcendental Knowledge





Text 4

arjuna uvaca

aparam bhavato janma

param janma vivasvatah

kat ham etad vijaniyam

tvam adau proktavan iti


arjunah uvaca—Arjuna said;aparam—junior; bhavatah—Your;janma

birth; param—superior; janma—birth; vivasvatah—of the sun-god; katham—

how; etat—this; vijaniyam—sha1l I understand; tvamYou;adau in the

beginning; proktavan—instructed; iti— thus.




Arjuna said: The sun-god Vivasvan is senior by birth to You. How am I

to understand that in the beginning You instructed this science to





Arjuna is an accepted devotee of the Lord, so how could he not

believe Krsna's words? The fact is that Arjuna is not inquiring for

himself but for those who do not believe in the Supreme Personality

of Godhead or for the demons who do not like the idea that Krsna

should be accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead; for them

only Arjuna inquires on this point, as if he were himself not aware

of the Personality of Godhead, or Krsna As it will be evident from

the Tenth Chapter, Arjuna knew perfectly well that Krsna is the

Supreme Personality of Godhead, the fountainhead of everything and

the last word in Transcendence. Of course, Krsna also appeared as the

son of Devaki on this earth. How Krsna remained the same Supreme

Personality of Godhead, the eternal, original person, is very

difficult for an ordinary man to understand. Therefore, to clarify

this point, Arjuna put this question before Krsna so that He Himself

could speak authoritatively. That Krsna is the supreme authority is

accepted by the whole world, not only at present, but from time

immemorial, and the demons alone reject Him. Anyway, since Krsna is

the authority accepted by all, Arjuna put this question before Him in

order that Krsna would describe Himself without being depicted by the

demons who always try to distort Him in a way understandable to the

demons and their followers. It is necessary that everyone, for his

own interest, know the science of Krsna Therefore, when Krsna Himself

speaks about Himself, it is auspicious for all the worlds. To the

demons, such explanations by Krsna Himself may appear to be strange

because the demons always.study Krsna from their own standpoint, but

those who are devotees heartily welcome the statements of Krsna when

they are spoken by Krsna Himself. The devotees will always worship

such authoritative statements of Krsna because they are always eager

to know more and more about Him. The atheists, who consider Krsna an

ordinary man, may in this way come to know that Krsna is superhuman,

that He is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha—the eternal form of bliss and

knowledge—that He is transcendental, and that He is above the

domination of the modes of material nature and above the influence of

time and space. A devotee of Krsna's like Arjuna, is undoubtedly

above any misunderstanding of the transcendental position of Krsna.

Arjuna's putting this question before the Lord is simply an attempt

by the devotee to defy the atheistic attitude of persons who consider

Krsna to be an ordinary human being subject to the modes of material






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Pleasure Unlimited In Krsna Consciousness



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