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The Netar of Devotion

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The Netar of Devotion

A Summary study of Srila Rupa Gosvamis Bhakti-rasamrta Sindue

By His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



The Attraction of Krsna Leg Bells


A certain gopi once stated to her friend, "My dear friend, when I

heard the sound of the leg bells of Sri Krsna I immediately started

to go out of the house to see Him. But most regrettably, my superiors

were present just before me at that time, and I could not go out."


Krsna's Conchshell

Krsna's conchshell is known as Pancajanya. This Pancajanya conch is

also mentioned in Bhagavad-gita. Krsna sounded it before the Battle

of Kuruksetra. It is said that when Lord Krsna blows on His

transcendental conchshell, the wives of the demons become subject to

abortions, and the wives of the demigods become blessed with all

auspiciousness. In this way, the sound of Krsna's conchshell used to

vibrate and circulate all over the world.


Krsna's Footprints

It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam that when Akriira, who drove Krsna

from Vrndavana to Mathura saw the footprints of Krsna on the land of

Vrndavana, his ecstatic love for Krsna increased so much that the

hairs on his body stood up. His eyes became overflooded with tears,

and in such ecstasy he jumped out of the chariot and fell down on the

ground and began to chant, "How wonderful this is! How wonderful this


Similar feelings were expressed by the gopis when they were going to

the bank of the Yamuna and saw Krsna's footprints in the dust. When

Krsna walked on the ground of Vrndavana, the marks of His sole (flag,

thunderbolt, fish, a rod for controlling elephants, and a lotus

flower) would be imprinted upon the dust of the land. The gopis

became over­whelmed simply at seeing those marks on the ground.



Krsna's Places of Pastimes

One devotee has exclaimed, "Oh, I have not as yet visited the wonder­

ful places where the pastimes of the Lord were performed. But simply

by hearing the name of Mathura I have become overwhelmed with joy!"



Krsna's Favorite Plant: Tulasi

Lord Krsna is very fond of tulasi leaves and buds. Because tulasi

buds are usually offered up to the lotus feet of Krsna a devotee once

prayed to the tulasi buds to give him some information about the

lotus feet of the Lord. The devotee expected that the tulasi buds

would know something about the glories of Lord Sri Krsna's lotus feet.


Krsna's Devotees

One may sometimes become overwhelmed with joy by seeing a devotee of

the Lord. When Dhruva Maharaja saw two associates of Narayana ap­

proaching him, he immediately stood up out of sincere respect and

devo­tion and remained before them with folded hands; but because of

his ecstatic love, he could hardly offer them a proper reception.

There is a statement by a gopi who addressed Subala, a friend of

Krsna "My dear Subala, I know that Krsna is your friend and that you

always enjoy smiling and joking with Him. The other day I saw you

both standing together. You were keeping your hand upon Krsna's

shoulder, and both of you were joyfully smiling. When I saw the two

of you stand­mg like that in the distance, my eyes at once became

overflooded with tears."



Special Days for Remembering Krsna

There are many statements about the festive days in connection with

Krsna's different activities. One of these festive days is Janmastami

the day of Krsna's birth. This Janmastami day is the most opulent

festival day for the devotees, and it is still observed with great

pomp in every Hindu house in India. Sometimes even the devotees of

other religious groups take advantage of this auspicious day and

enjoy the performance of the ceremony of Janmastami. Ecstatic love

for Krsna is also aroused on the days of Ekadasi, which are other

festive days in connection with Krsna.


Thank You!!Hare Krsna ,,Hari Bol!Please look at

Pleasure Unlimited In Krsna Consciousness

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me if it works ---Please, Your Servant Jaya Kesava Dasa


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