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The Nectar of Devotion--The Original Source of All Incarnations

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The Nectar of Devotion--The Original Source of All Incarnations



The Nectar of Devotion

PT 2 Text 58

The Original Source of All Incarnations


Jayadeva Gosvami, in his Gita-govinda, has sung as follows: "The Lord

has saved the Vedas in His form as a fish, and He has borne the whole

universe on His back in the form of a tortoise. He has picked up this

earthly planet from the water in the form of a boar. He has killed

Hiranyakasipu in the form of Nrsimha. He has cheated Maharaja Bali in

the form of Vamana. He has annihilated all the dynasties of the

ksatriyas in the form of Parasurama. He has killed all the demons in

the form of Lord Rama. He has accepted the great plow in the form of

Balarama. He has annihilated all the atheistic persons in the form of

Kalki. And He has saved all the poor animals in the form of Lord

Buddha."* These are some of the descriptions of the incarnations

emanating from Krsna, and from Srrmad-Bhagavatam it is understood

that innumerable incarna­tions are always coming out from the body of

Krsna, just like waves in the ocean. No one can even count how many

waves there are, and similarly no one can count how many incarnations

are coming from the Lord's body.

Text 59

Krsna Gives Salvation to the Enemies That He Kills


Another name for salvation is apavarga. Apavarga is the opposite of

pavarga, or the various miserable conditions of material existence.

The word pa-varga indicates the combination of five Sanskrit letters:

pa, ~, pha, ba, bha and ma. These letters are the first letters of

the words for five different conditions as described below. The first

letter, pa, comes

from the word parabhava, which means "defeat." In this material strug­

gle for existence, we are simply meeting defeat. Actually, we have to

conquer birth, death, disease and old age, and because there is no

possibility of overcoming all these miserable conditions, due to the

illu­sion of mdya we are simply meeting with parabhava, or defeat. The

next letter, pha, is taken from the word phena. Phena is the foam

which is found on the mouth when one is very tired (as is commonly

observed with horses). The letter ba comes from the word bandha, or

bondage. Bha is taken from the word bhiti, or fearfulness. Ma is

taken from the word mrti, or death. So the word pavarga signifies our

struggle for exis­tence and our meeting with defeat, exhaustion,

bondage, fearfulness and, at last, death. Apavarga means that which

can nullify all of these material conditions. Krsna is said to be the

giver of apavarga, the path of liberation.

For the impersonalists and the enemies of Krsna, liberation means

merging into the Supreme. The demons and the impersonalists do not

care for Krsna, but Krsna is so kind that He gives this liberation

even to His enemies and to the impersonalists. There is the following

statement in this connection: "0 Murari [Krsna]! How wonderful it is

that al­though the demons, who were always envious of the demigods,

have failed to penetrate Your military phalanx, they have penetrated

the region of mitra, the sun globe." The word mitra is used

metaphorically. Mitra means "the sun globe," and mitra also

means "friend." The demons who opposed Krsna as enemies wanted to

penetrate His military phalanx, but instead of doing this, they died

in battle, and the result was that they penetrated the planet of

Mitra, or the sun planet. In other words, they entered into the

Brahman effulgence. The example of the sun planet is given here

because the sun is ever-illuminating, like the spiritual sky, where

there are innumerable illuminating Vaikuntha plan­ets. The enemies of

Krsna were killed, and instead of penetrating Krsna's phalanx, they

entered into the friendly atmosphere of the spiri­tual effulgence.

That is the mercy of Krsna and therefore He is known as the deliverer

of His enemies also.


Text 60

The Attractor of Liberated Souls


There are many examples of how Krsna attracted even great liberated

souls like Sukadeva Gosvami and the Kumaras. In this connection the

following statement was given by the Kumaras: "How wonderful it is

that although we are completely liberated, free from desire and

situated at the stage of paramahamsa, we are still aspiring to taste

the pastimes of Radha and Krsna."


Text 61

Performer of Wonderful Activities


In the Brhad-vdmana Purana, the Lord says, "Although I have many

fascinating pastimes, whenever I think of the rasa-lila, which I

perform with the gopis, I become eager to have it again."

One devotee has said, "I know about Narayana, the husband of the

goddess of fortune, and I also know about many other incarnations of

the Lord. Certainly all the pastimes of such incarnations are

exciting to my mind, but still the pastimes of the rasa-1i1a

performed by Lord Krsna Himself are wonderfully increasing my

transcendental pleasure."



Thank You very Much!!Hare Krsna!! Please Look at

Krsna the Resevoir of Pleasure



Your servant

Jaya Kesava Dasa

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