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The Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 4 Ch 7 Text 18 - 22

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The Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 4 Ch 7 Text 18 - 22





The great sage Maitreya said to Vidura: My dear Vidura, as soon as

King Daksa offered the clarified butter with Yajur Veda mantras in

sanctified meditation, Lord Visnu appeared there in His original form

as Narayana




Lord Visnu is all-pervading. Any devotee who, in sanctified medita­

tion, following the regulative principles, chants the required

mantras in service and in a devotional mood can see Visnu. It is said

in the Brahma­samhita that a devotee whose eyes are anointed with the

ointment of love of Godhead can see the Supreme Personality of

Godhead always within his heart. Lord Syamasundara is so kind to His







Lord Narayana was seated on the shoulder of Stotra, or Garuda, who

had big wings. As soon as the Lord appeared, all directions were

illuminated, diminishing the luster of Brahma and the others present.




A description of Narayana is given in the following two slokas.






His complexion was blackish, His garment yellow like gold, and His

helmet as dazzling as the sun. His hair was bluish, the color of

black bees, and His face was decorated with earrings. His eight hands

held a conchshell, wheel, club, lotus flower, arrow, bow, shield and

sword, and they were decorated with golden ornaments such as bangles

and bracelets. His whole body resembled a blossoming tree beautifully

decorated with various kinds of flowers.



The face of Lord Visnu as described in this verse appears like a

lotus flower with bees humming over it. All of the ornaments on the

body of Lord Visnu resemble molten gold of the reddish-gold color of

the morn­ing sunrise. The Lord appears, just as the morning sun rises,

to protect the whole universal creation. His arms display different

weapons, and His eight hands are compared to the eight petals of a

lotus flower. All the weapons mentioned are for the protection of His


Generally in the four hands of Visnu there are a wheel, club, conch-

shell and lotus flower. These four symbols are seen in the four hands

of Visnu in different arrangements. The club and the wheel are the

Lord's symbols of punishment for the demons and miscreants, and the

lotus flower and conchshell are used to bless the devotees. There are

always two classes of men, the devotees and the demons. As confirmed

in Bhagavad-gita (paritranaya sadhunam), the Lord is always ready for

the protection of the devotees and annihilation of the demons. There

are demons and devotees in this material world, but in the spiritual

world there is no such distinction. In other words, Lord Visnu is the

proprietor of both the material and spiritual worlds. In the material

world almost everyone is of the demoniac nature, but there are also

devotees, who ap­pear to be in the material world although they are

always situated in the spiritual world. A devotee's position is

always transcendental, and he is always protected by Lord Visnu.





Lord Visnu looked extraordinarily beautiful because the god­dess of

fortune and a garland were situated on His chest. His face was

beautifully decorated with a smiling attitude which can capti­vate the

entire world, especially the devotees. Fans of white hair appeared on

both sides of the Lord like white swans, and the white canopy

overhead looked like the moon.



The smiling face of Lord Visnu is pleasing to the whole world. Not

only devotees but even nondevotees are attracted by such a smile.

This verse nicely describes how the sun, moon, eight-petaled lotus

flower and humming black bees were represented by the fans of hair,

the overhead canopy, the moving earrings on both sides of His face,

and His blackish hair. All together, accompanied by the conchshell,

wheel, club, lotus flower, bow, arrows, shield and sword in His

hands, these presented a grand and beautiful audience for Lord Visnu

which captivated all the demigods there, including Daksa and Lord








As soon as Lord Visnu was visible, all the demigods—Lord Brahma and

Lord Siva, the Gandharvas and all present there—im­mediately offered

their respectful obeisances by falling down straight before Him.





It appears that Lord Visnu is the Supreme Lord even of Lord Siva and

Lord Brahma, what to speak of the demigods, Gandharvas and ordinary

living entities. It is stated in a prayer, yam brama varunendra­rudra-

marutah: all the demigods worship Lord Visnu Similarly,

dhyanaavasthita-tad..gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah yogis con­

centrate their minds on the form of Lord Visnu. Thus Lord Visnu is

worshipable by all demigods, all Gandharvas and even Lord Siva and

Lord Brahma Tad visnoh paramarn padam sada posyanti surayah Visnu is

therefore the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Even though Lord Siva

was previously referred to in prayers by Lord Brahma as the Supreme,

when Lord Visnu appeared, Siva also fell prostrated before

Him to offer respectful obeisances.


Thank you very much for Reading!Hare Krsna!!All translations are done

by His Divine Grace ,our Dear Srila Prabhupada !






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Please Feel Free to write to me at krsnajoe

or jayakesava


Hare Krsna ,Your Servant

Jaya Kesava Dasa


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