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Karma Bandhana........The Bondage of Actions

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God is beyond everything.Beyond the spirituality even; beyond the karma,

senses, reason and all such.God is the absolute truth within , which can

be known only by being that.


Kukarma --- the wicked actions, the sinful deeds committed n the past lives

and in this life, that bind us to the world of misery.That which drags us

to the untruth is kukarma.

Satkarma --- Sat+Karma. That which leads us to Sat(Truth) is satkarma. Good

deeds done with the spiritual consciousness lead us to the Truth; Only

with the spiritual awareness we do not get bound even by satkarma(good

deeds).Satkarma is to reach the Sat (through virtuous deeds as an offering

to God within). That is a ladder to the truth.After attaining that

highest state, the ladder is not needed anymore.


As long as we are bound by kukarmas, satkarmas are needed to mitigate

those kukarmas. Through japa/dhyana/meditation…,kukarma dissolves.

But the quantity of kukarmas dissolved need to be balanced by

way doing satkarmas to attain the state of Self-realisation.


In the state of self-realisation, there is neither kukarma nor satkarma

with an individual. Both have been balanced or both are nil. Sri

Guruji-Swami Vivekananda says that "`samadhi' is the beginning of true




When kukarma dissolves to nil , sadhak starts to experience the visions of

God within, and God within leads the sadhak in the path of

`Jeeva-Shiva-Seva', self-less service to humanity with the true love to


True life starts with the vision of God within.It leads to

self-realisation(Atma Sakshatkara); the state of being God itself. It is



Today's sinner is tomorrow's saint. The sinner is a person who has

misutilised the energy through wicked deeds, due to ignorance and ego(

Maya), doing `dourjanya' (harm) to the mankind/society.He may be a dacoit, a

robber, a terrorist, a brute..He goes on committing mistakes/sins out

of `ahankara', where his energy is being mischannelised. But there is an

end to that; sin can never be infinite.., it is finite,.. limited by

time,..limited by janmas/births. When it reaches its peak(as destined by

God), the tranformation of sinner takes place through the blows to his

`ego'. Sufferings, as the result of kukarmas make one realize the truth.

Then starts the spiritual process.


Spirituality originates out of this state of being sinful.Through the

spiritual process the negativity starts getting transformed into

positivity.Sinner will now be going to become divine gradually, through

the spiritual process. Until there is sin (kukarma) in us, we need to deal

with `satkrma'..( through sadhana and seva).Sadhanais to dissolve the sin .


Seva is to balance those sinful acts,…this seva leads us to the state of

Atma- Sakshatkara. Apart from spiritual Gurus and Avatharis… (incarnate

entities), all the living beings born on earth are bound by karmas(both

positive and negative).Spirituality has to play its role only when there is

kukarmas(negativity)in us. He who has no kukarmas with him, need not be

spiritual.Because he is already God/Godly.He is called

Jeevanmukta…a liberated living being.


God is beyond spirituality.Spirituality is the way to God, way to the

truth within. Spirituality is that which is related to the Spirit/Truth

within.This relation to spirit takes place only when all the `SINS' become

nil. Because, spirituality is the process by which the `sin'

is mitigated, to attain the eternal TRUTH within.

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