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The common question in sadhana is this: €  '±Which is important €  '¶


contemplate upon Him or to visualise Him?€  '²


This is just like another question: €  '±Which is important €  '¶ to

go to

school or to pass?€  '²


Likewise, in Sadhana too, continuous contemplation of God when well

maintained, you are sure to realise God at the earliest. But for that

3 main conditions should be fulfilled:-


1. Catholicity (50%) 2. Yearning (30%) 3. God€  '²s will for

nullification of karma (20%)


1. CATHOLICITY: You should be 100% convinced that God is ONE, ONE

forever. His force is ONE, the names and forms may be different. You

should be ready to bow down in front of Church thinking that Lord

Krishna is there with the Christ. You should be ready to respect the

mosque assuming it to be a divine abode of Lord Ganesha. A ray of

doubt should never peep in your mind regarding that. However the

prayer should be always €  '±Oh Lord, make me Your ideal devadasa,


me as Your ideal servant; let me be €  '±zero€  '² always in front of

a real

Hero!€  '²

2. YEARNING: You should be ready to pour incessant tears in front of

God with 100% gratefulness. There should be 100% contentment in you

that but for His grace you would have been no more! You are always

for the persistant prayer €  '¶ €  '±Oh God, enough You have given to


Kindly accept my heartfelt thanks now. How gracious You are! I

can€  '²t

forget You even for an instant! Forgive me, lead me, guide me

forever€  '¥ Make me always good and godly€  '¥ p€

  '¥l€  '¥e€  '¥a€  '¥s€  '¥e!€  '²

3. GOD€  '²S WILL: If He wills only, you can get His splendid

visions. As

you progress in your sadhana, the kukarma becomes nullified first and

later on satkarma starts accumulating.


As the karmic stock is decreased 80-87%, when you sit for meditation,

you can be pleased to have so many waterborne vivid experiences:- you

get elated to be drenched by showers of rain; you take a dip in holy

water; you see people watering plants; you see some one roaming in

boats; you see clear cut scenes of beach also.


With persistant sadhana, when the karmic stock is reduced to 88%-95%,

various air-borne experiences come into picture; you may see grassy

layer bending nicely to the breeze, you may see someone enjoying the

evening walk, you may hear clearly the auspicious bells of the

temple, you may witness mangalarathi in a temple amidst the various

sounds of the drum, conches, talas etc.


When the karmic stock is about to be nullified, from 95%-100%, you

can have various experiences relating to Light. You can experience

sunrise or sunset, you can see glowing lamps in the shrine, you can

see mangalarathi in a temple€  '¥.


When the karmic stock is nullified completely, by your regular

sadhana, satkarma starts accumulating. Then also you can have so many

experiences like this €  '¶

(i) crawling of ants just about kundalini level,

(ii) jumping of frog at that level,

(iii) creeping of a snake at that level,

(iv) flying of a bird at that level,

(v) the thumping of an elephant at that level,

(vi) the typical burning sound of a fire- crackers at that level,

(vii) the special sound of the gushing water from a fountain at that


(viii) a crystal clear light at the Ajna chakra, in between the

eyebrows at the root of the nose.


When the accumulation of satkarma increases, you can hear His sweet

voice too, in meditation.


In the beginning that will be short and sweet like this €  '¶

€  '±Oh

my child, I am here€  '²

€  '±My Child, I guard€  '²

€  '±Oh my dear, I lead€  '²


Later on, He can relay His guidance, even 2-3 sentences together.

This is called Divyananda (Sacred Bliss).


When the yearning, surrender and €  '±zeroness€  '² get matured, you

can even

get His vision during meditation. At the Ajna Chakra or sahasrara you

can see His beautiful visions €  '¶ it may be His handsome face, only

eyes, only ears, only mouth, only hands or so. This is called

Bhavyananda (Holy Bliss).


When the inner purity increases, in your meditation you can get His

direct confrontation. He asks, you reply; you request, He graces!

This stage is called Brahmananda (Divine Bliss)


When you still progress in your daily regular sadhana, you can easily

control your mind. You can win the €  '±inner 9 foes of sedation€  '²


easily and effectively. There will be no trace of Lust, Anger and

Suspicion. You are worryless, fearless and always with bliss.

Simplicity and innocence that of a child is prominent in your

personality. This stage is called Nityananda (Eternal Bliss).


Thus, in Sadhana, if you are very strict and punctual, God really

graces you with the invaluable prize of His glorified vision!€  '²


you realise Him, then automatically you intensify your sadhana. You

practise continuous deep meditation, you obey Him and never do

anything without His consent. You talk to Him repeatedly and when He

inspires in many ways, you continuously talk to Him and get extra

spirit and strength. You pray for all and forget yourself and become

100% zero. Then a special divine stage comes when you are not at all

there, He fills full in you or You = HE, the Almighty.


This is the fulfilment of the eternal spiritual equation Nara=Hara,

Maanava=Maadhava, Jeeva=Shiva.


Thus the purpose of sadhana is Samshodhana

to see Him within,

to seek Him within,

to seize Him within,

to care Him within,

to rear Him within,

to be with Him within,

to become He within.


This is the stage of GOD in MAN.


Cause for not having any spiritual experiences despite regular


1. €  '±Zeroness€  '² and surrender is not full.

2. A ray of doubt still persists.

3. Prayer to end the life is there.

4. Catholicity is not complete.

5. Yearning is yet to be developed.

6. A trace of inferiority-complex too haunts there.

7. Hesitation to reveal the vivid experiences is there.

8. The sadhana is very irregular.

9. Typical Premakalaha with Bhagavan is not practised.

10. A routine introspection has become a dream.


Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal of self-realization is




Question: How is a true friend?

Answer: Anatomy of a true friend is like this €  '¶

1. EYES : will always see you for the way you really are, your true

inner self as such!

2. EARS: will always have them open to listen all kinds of


3. MOUTH: To always tell you the truth and give his honest opinions,

tell you when you mess up or congratulate you whenever you do

something good.

4. NOSE: To smell divinity and to demarcate you from others.

5. HANDS: To hold yours when you need a good guidance, to lend all

when you need help and to assist you up when you may fall.

6. SHOULDERS: To strengthen you when you find it hard to carry

yourself. Ready to support you so that you may lean on them.

7. HEART: To provide a sublime place for you always. To love you from

in and out always.

8. ARMS: To make you feel comfortable in them and to offer hugs when

you need. Will definitely try to warm you nicely when you are cold!

9. FEET: To walk with you throughout your life and be the best friend

that you can€  '²t forget.

10. TRUNK: To rest you in your distress and to support you to be able

and noble!



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