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thank you for clarification on visions. Since hindu religion is very

old, it was quite natural that it was infested with many wrong

rituals and wrong perceptions. When Guru Nanak Dev ji incarnated,

wrong doings of hindus were on extreme and He had to declare the

futility of many rituals and wrong doings of Pandits.


It is still seen that hindus have not come out of the web of Idol

worshipping, tantrik rituals (done with alocohol, sex and sacrificing

of humans before Kali), dowry, Sati etc.


will you tell me please what are the views of this forum on :-


- Idol worshipping (when it has been rejected by many reformists

like Guru Nanak, Dayanand Saraswati etc)


- Pathetic condition of women in hinduism who are tortured in the

name of dowry, sati etc. Hindus claim Shakti to be equal to God then

why its manifestation a woman is subject to such cruel treatment.


- alocoholism, sex and sacrifice of humans/poor animals in name of



I am not criticising Hinduism because as a Sikh I am also Hindu

but need these clarifications to understand more about my culture


Sat Sri Akaal

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Namaste Ajit,


>>- Idol worshipping (when it has been rejected by many reformists

like Guru Nanak, Dayanand Saraswati etc)<<


Hinduism is not Idol worship, but idol worship is only the first

step. When we are in school, and when are taught the structure of an

atom, we are taught, that protons and eutrons are in the nucleus and

the electros circle around it in circles, and these are called

valence shells. When we go to higher classes, we learn that these are

not actually shells, but they are in fact a cloud with different

energy levels like s,p,d etc.

Probably while doing a major in chemistry, u'll be taught something

different, something whic is deeper into the anatomy of the atom.


But that doesn't mean what you learn in the first level that

electrons revolve in valence shell is wrong. That is b'cos the child

will not understand the concept of a clouse and different energy

levels of s,p,d etc. Similarly at this stage of higher secondary

school education, we learn only so much, and do'nt know what is being

taught in masters, for at this level, that knowledge would be

incomprehensible. So we are taught based on our level of

comprehension. That doesn't mean what we are taught in our elementary

levels is wrong. For that educations is necessary to learn something

beyond. With out learning that basic stuff, you cannot learn

something that is in greater detail.


Similarly in Hinduism, the concept is that of the ONE, or

ParaBrahman. However this is nonduality ( Advaita) and is tough to be

comprehended by simple minds which live in duality. Advaita is the

supreme Reality, but it cannot be comprehended by all. It requires

severe practise, and tenacity to even try to comprehend it.


Since the mind that dwells in duality cannot comprehend that which is

abstract, there are various stages that ultimately lead to the

NonDual Self. To enable easier comprehension, there is the concept of

idol worship, to help focus the attention of the dual mind on

something that is discernible by it.


Thus Hinduism does not teach Idol worship. It's only a phase in it,

which prepares the sadhak to higher stages and ultimately merge into

the Brahman becoming the One.


In schooling, the first step is Kindergarten. then you have primary

school and secondary school and higher secondary school. Kindergarten

is just an elementary phase of it, and is not schooling itself.

Similarly Idol worship is just an elementary phase in Hinduism and is

not hinduism itself.


- Pathetic condition of women in hinduism who are tortured in the

name of dowry, sati etc. Hindus claim Shakti to be equal to God then

why its manifestation a woman is subject to such cruel treatment.


Hinduism is the oldest religion surviving today, and with time, there

has been a lot of deterioration from the original that manifests as

evils that we see around today.


In fact, there was no dowry system in the original Hinduism. On the

contrary, there was a tradition that the groom's parents would bring

a lot of gifts to the bride's parents, as the bride will leave her

parents house on her wedding to join her husband. The women were the

ones who had more freedom in marriage, and that is why we had

Swayamwarams, where the bride would be seated, and all prospective

grooms may be subject to a test, or the bride would just come looking

around and choose among them whom appeals to her the best.


Sati too set in only later in the picture, else when King Dasharatha

( Lord Rama's father) died, all his queens should have died with him.

But we see that the queens Kaushalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra were very

much alive till their natural stipulated time of death. When Vali (

Sugreeva's elder brother) was killed in the battle, his wife didn't

die with him, but was alive and was taken care of by Sugreeva.


I don't deny that dowry, Sati etc are evils of our society, but what

I'm saying is, they do NOT spring from Hinduism. With time, there

have been many changes in our society, and there has been a

deterioration of Hinduism, which has caused these evils to spring up.

These are evils of our society, and not of religion.


Hope this helps.

Hari Aum !!!

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Gods and Goddesses really aren't to be taken

literally. In my understanding, though quite limited

itself, the Gods and Goddesses really are only meant

to signify aspects of THE ONE. This makes it easier

for us as humans to understand the many facets of the

jewel that is The Divine. God resonates differently

and speaks differently to each person.


As far as idols go, think of them as a representation

of God itself. Someone once told me that idols are

fingers that point to God. Or, a physical

representation of God so that our simple minds can



With love,



--- sardarajitsingh <the-hermit wrote:

> thanks to both of you for trying to clear my doubts.

> But the atomic

> part of this was beyond my (limited) intelligence.

> Can it be

> explained in simpler way.


> i still do not get how idols signify GOD. For

> example if God Siva

> is exactly like his idol, if yes who saw it and if

> not, why siva's

> idol is like that. Is God also like humans ? Had

> cats been

> intelligent like us, they would have depicted Siva

> like a big Cat?


> I worked in Madras for a year and was astonished

> to see Shaivaits

> and Vaishnava fighting like cats and dogs. Both

> claiming to be

> superior. In my humble opinion, if one is still in

> fighting mood on

> which of the Gods is greater, then how can we take

> them seriously.


> Is it not a problem with hinduism depicting 33

> crore Gods and

> Goddess (crore = 10 million). In old times when

> even the population

> of earth may not be 1 million, how 330 million gods

> and goddesses

> were depicted, those all fighting with each other

> and followers of

> each claiming his god to be highest.


> To avoid these conflicts Guru Nanak Dev ji

> declared " Ik Omkaar

> Satnaam" Only OM is the truth. It vibrated with

> the Vedanta of

> Hinduism. No other religion believes in so many

> Gods. Sikhism,

> Islam and Christians all believe in ONE God.


> But if Great Saints, depicted so many gods there

> should be a

> purpose behind and what it could be


> Sat Sri akaal



> , s_v_c_s

> <no_reply> wrote:

> > Namaste Ajit,

> >

> > >>- Idol worshipping (when it has been rejected by

> many reformists

> > like Guru Nanak, Dayanand Saraswati etc)<<

> >

> > Hinduism is not Idol worship, but idol worship is

> only the first

> > step. When we are in school, and when are taught

> the structure of










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Dear respected Member:


> Is it not a problem with hinduism depicting 33 crore Gods and

> Goddess (crore = 10 million). In old times when even the


> of earth may not be 1 million, how 330 million gods and goddesses

> were depicted, those all fighting with each other and followers of

> each claiming his god to be highest.


If you take the concept of "aham brahma asmi" which means "I am part

of that brahman" (one that is expanding). The word Brahman is

derived from the root verb "brh = to expand. One who expands

(creates) become the Brahma.


Thus, I am, you are God (brahman) and so is everything else (animate

or inanimate). In that case one will respect each other and

everything (living or non-living). Thus the respect is not limited to

living human being (which we do not see these days) but also respect

the environment as well. These though are expressed in the Purusha

Sukta. A detailed explanation is beyond the realm and the scope of

discussion here at this time. Here the word Brahman automatically

encompasses "you" as an individual therefore it must be understood as

the responsibility of that expansion (creation) is on "you" as an

individual as well. The over all message is do not make the mess of

everything by abusing anyone or anything.


The truth is "ONE" but we know it by different names. ekam sat vipraH

bahuda vadanti (Rig Veda 1:164:46). The truth is principle of that

expansion. That is why the Gayatri mantra became one of the most

significant mantra in Veda.


Omkar encompasses all vowels it is only when it combines with other

root verbs it is able to create the words therfore it is one of the

most most important factors. That is why patanjal muni tell us in

yoga shastra that Om as being "tasya vaacakaH prNavaH". It (OM) is

the reader of that (root, dhatuH, or the eternal purusha that never

changes, truth as absolute). In the Japaji "OM satnaamu karata

purakhu nirbhavau".


Here OM is the reader (designator) of that Purusha and helps one

identiify it therfore OM is important (it thus becomes the prakriti

that helps us identify the imortal Purusha).


Hope this is helpful.


With best respects.


Dr. Yadu




, "sardarajitsingh" <the-hermit@i...>


> thanks to both of you for trying to clear my doubts. But the


> part of this was beyond my (limited) intelligence. Can it be

> explained in simpler way.


> i still do not get how idols signify GOD.

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Ajit, let me try to clarify questionwise

Your QN-- i still do not get how idols signify GOD. For example if

God Siva is exactly like his idol, if yes who saw it and if not,

why siva's idol is like that.

Answer--- If a simple weding ring or a little of kumkum in lady's

hair parting can bind two persons in the marriage bond,If some

symbols like "Nisan Saheb" can signify something then why "any"

object of reverence cant signify the "truth" which is conceived in

the beholder's mind ? So are the Idols.

Your QN-- Is God also like humans ? Had cats been intelligent like

us, they would have depicted Siva like a big Cat?

Answer--- God is everywhere and in everything.Lord Shiva's lingam

signifies the "Ultimate creative" principle. In very ancient times

(may be prevedic era)our ancesters were not as "intelligent" as we

are now as a result of our so called scientific "obectivity", they

conceived the idea. And whole branch of theology, mythology and

philosophy is dedicated to this understanding. For further

information, you can consult "Kashmir Shavism" branch of knowledge

Your QN--I worked in Madras for a year and was astonished to see

Shaivaits and Vaishnava fighting like cats and dogs. Both claiming

to be superior. In my humble opinion, if one is still in fighting

mood on which of the Gods is greater, then how can we take them


Answer--- Yes !Angreed.

Your QN--Is it not a problem with hinduism depicting 33 crore Gods

and Goddess (crore = 10 million). In old times when even the

population of earth may not be 1 million, how 330 million gods and

goddesses were depicted, those all fighting with each other and

followers of each claiming his god to be highest.

Answer---- It is said that the number 33 corore signigy the number of

hair pin points of human body, each point guarded and managed by a

diety. But what you say is right and just a common sence which is

very uncommon these days of "fundamentalism"

Your QN---- To avoid these conflicts Guru Nanak Dev ji declared " Ik

Omkaar Satnaam" Only OM is the truth. It vibrated with the Vedanta

of Hinduism.

Answer--- Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a perfect master, The avdent of

Perfect Masters is to correct the humanity for being wayled

Your QN----No other religion believes in so many Gods. Sikhism,Islam

and Christians all believe in ONE God.

Answer---- There are two words-- "God" and "god". "gods" have been

imagined to be many, which means the sub-human or para-human powers..

But "God" is always ONE. He may have no attributes or several

attributes (as described in Puranas)

Your QN----But if Great Saints, depicted so many gods there should be

a purpose behind and what it could be

Answer--- The purpose is to make us able to see "One in Many"

and "Many in One"

Love to you and all in Saadhna


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We are discussing here the transcendental matters which are beyond all logic. We

can only benefit from any religious practice through faith alone. If one does

not believe in idol worship there is nothing wrong but to find faults with it is

another matter, which does not help the fault finder in any way. If one wants to

experience the benefits of idol worship, he or she must practice it in all

earnest and with total conviction about its benefits. That is what Shri

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa did, he practiced other faiths with total conviction and

discovered their benefits. It is possible to come face to face with your Ishta

Devata through idol worship. Ramakrishna used to converse with the Goddess face

to face, the stage he attained through idol worship of Kali with the total

conviction that She was a living Goddess and not just an idol made of stone.

Mira and some other saints were absorbed in their idols of conviction with their

physical bodies made of flesh and blood.


God is one and everything seen and unseen are all His manifestations. Then why

can't the idols be his representations, "Om Iti Idam Sarvam" (Ika Omkar,

Kartapurakh .... etc.), says the Veda.


No solution can be found through logical arguments, it becomes like a chicken

and egg story, which came first!


Hari Om



> ========================================

> , "sardarajitsingh" <the-hermit@i...>

> wrote:

> > thanks to both of you for trying to clear my doubts. But i still do not get

how idols signify GOD.









> Your use of is subject to



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thanks a million to all of you to give such logical replies. I

expected a backlash on my questions but this group seems to have some

sensible members.


Sikhism believes in One god and many of my Hindu friends told me

it is in fact Vedanta. Will you please write something on Vedanta so

that i can compare notes.


If moderators do not object i would like to illustrate some verses

from Japuji Sahib, the core prayer of sikhism, to add my 2 cents to

this Satsang.


Sat Sri Akaal



, safar_x <no_reply> wrote:


> Ajit, let me try to clarify questionwise


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Dr yadu


i am grateful for such a wise explanation. It added to my

knowledge. BUT my main problem is not the theoretical part of

Hinduism. I am surprised to find that Hindu philosophy having such

great truths could not teach its followers (in thousands of

years),the value of simple human beings.


Theoretically, i adore the Brahma part and that all of us are

part of Brahma. Then in such a longer period it could not make people

understand. Had it been a new religion i could understand. As SVCS

wrote idol worshipping is for beginners. I can not take it that over

thousands of years, all hindus remain on lower levels !


Torturing a bigger portion of society in the name "Caste" has no

explanation. Is it not the time that Hindus grow up and declare that

all are part of OMKAAR and no one should be tortured in the name

Caste, creed, being woman, or being a Saivaite or Vashnavite.


Sikhism basically meant this, and barring a few exceptions, all

sikhs follow the principle of brotherhood. In my opinion, divisions

of hindus in different sects, all fighting for supermacy, is the main

casue behind it. Do hindus need a Messiha now ? I am anxious ! will

it unite all hindus, or will it creat another sect like Sikhs, Arya

samajis, Radha swami Jains, Bodhas or like ?


Sat sri akaal



, "ymoharir" <ymoharir> wrote:

> Dear respected Member:


> > Is it not a problem with hinduism depicting 33 crore Gods and

> > Goddess (crore = 10 million). In old times when even the

> population

> > of earth may not be 1 million, how 330 million gods and goddesses

> > were depicted, those all fighting with each other and followers


> > each claiming his god to be highest.


> If you take the concept of "aham brahma asmi" which means "I am


> of that brahman" (one that is expanding). The word Brahman is

> derived from the root verb "brh = to expand. One who expands

> (creates) become the Brahma.


> Thus, I am, you are God (brahman) and so is everything else


> or inanimate). In that case one will respect each other and

> everything (living or non-living). Thus the respect is not limited


> living human being (which we do not see these days) but also


> the environment as well. These though are expressed in the Purusha

> Sukta. A detailed explanation is beyond the realm and the scope of

> discussion here at this time. Here the word Brahman automatically

> encompasses "you" as an individual therefore it must be understood


> the responsibility of that expansion (creation) is on "you" as an

> individual as well. The over all message is do not make the mess of

> everything by abusing anyone or anything.


> The truth is "ONE" but we know it by different names. ekam sat


> bahuda vadanti (Rig Veda 1:164:46). The truth is principle of that

> expansion. That is why the Gayatri mantra became one of the most

> significant mantra in Veda.


> Omkar encompasses all vowels it is only when it combines with other

> root verbs it is able to create the words therfore it is one of the

> most most important factors. That is why patanjal muni tell us in

> yoga shastra that Om as being "tasya vaacakaH prNavaH". It (OM) is

> the reader of that (root, dhatuH, or the eternal purusha that never

> changes, truth as absolute). In the Japaji "OM satnaamu karata

> purakhu nirbhavau".


> Here OM is the reader (designator) of that Purusha and helps one

> identiify it therfore OM is important (it thus becomes the prakriti

> that helps us identify the imortal Purusha).


> Hope this is helpful.


> With best respects.


> Dr. Yadu



> ========================================

> , "sardarajitsingh" <the-


> wrote:

> > thanks to both of you for trying to clear my doubts. But the

> atomic

> > part of this was beyond my (limited) intelligence. Can it be

> > explained in simpler way.

> >

> > i still do not get how idols signify GOD.

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dear Satish


OK Let us talk of God and not gods. There are five sects

Vaishnava,Saivite,Shakta,Saurs, Ganpatya. They belong to Vishnu,

Siva, Durga, Sun, and Ganesha. Now they are not gods but GODS. why

there is conflict among themselves ?


This confilct sends wrong signals to outsider and people like me

who love Hinduism, try to keep away from it out of confusion. If God

is one, why fights among these sects. Cant Hinduism be made to

declare openly that God is one and all these sects point to oneness.

Theoretically it is easy to say but practically ???


One of my friend who is vaishnavite was once requested to go to

Kedarnath (A siva temple) He spoke ill of siva and used insulting

words about siva. He is otherwise quite learned and intelligent. In

groups i have seen Krishna lovers calling names to any one who is not

among them. This type of behaviour is like Islamic terrorists not in

the spirit of "All is Brahma"


Do you have a solution ?


Sat sri akaal

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Dear Ajit Singh ji,

does your wallet have a picture of your wife/brother/friend/any loved


You canot claim wallet picture to be same as your loved one but its a

good way to remind you of your loved one.In gurudwara you show

respect to book of guru granth saheb same way as many idol worshipper

do in there action.if you can understand worship of guru granth

saheb, you definetely can understand idol worshipping.


There is no doubt that even within idol worshipper some do it with

devotion and some make it a physical ritual.But to understand what it

really signify we should not bother about how a common man goes about

it. We should look at some of the great masters who accepted idol

worshipping. say Ramkrishna paramhansa..... if idol worshipping is

not a stage of devotion how an you explain his great devotion towards

the idol of kali which ultimately lead him towards realisation of



Within sikhism you have EK OMKAR SATNAM... but when one read saying

of guru nanak dev we can easily find so many reference to RAM KRISHNA

ALLAH. I belive those name too signify the same omkar in his book. we

can easily see the logic behind the idol worship if we know that its

not a idol of clay which a man is worshipping. The idol only signify

the supreme aspect of god. its a channel for higher path. Like with

magnifying glass we can direct sun ray to such extent that it can

burn the paper, in similar way with idol we can channel our devotion

in a better way and for most of the people its easiest way.



I have heard this many time people saying "ONLY Sikhism, Islam and

Christians all believe in ONE God.". I believe all religion believe

in ONE GOD. Followers interpretation or misinterpretation are just

mental exercise.


Sikh people have great respect for Guru granth saheb. They do worship

of book in the same dvivine way as hindu's do in there idol worship

of ram,krishna.....


Christain catholics has so many pictures in there church. What is so

special about cross here. Is it any way different then so called

hindu idol?


Why do muslim people pray facing macca(west). is there any speciality

in that direction. yes, its because it remind them of place where

there master prophet mohammad preached his teaching and they of

course love him. Direction does not have any significance here except

that it remind them of their founder father.


So hindu idol worship in my view is same pointer as in above cases






Fighting between vaisnav and Shaiva is quite understandable. Shiva

has Snake in his neck and vishnu rides on garur. Snake is a good

meal for garur. So how can you expect follower of two not to

fight :)


just joking donot take seriously.


In north india there is widely accepted religious book of ramayan by


There are many places indicating unity of both the god.Here are two

poem indicating how vaishnava and shiva should relate



aurau eka guputa mata sabahi kahau¡ kara jori,

sankara bhajana bin„ nara bhagati na pavai mori


i With joined palms I lay before you all another secret doctrine:

without adoring

Lord siva man cannot attain devotion to Me.




kou nahi siva samana priya moray , asi paratiti tajahu jani bhore

jehi para kripa na karahi purari, so na pava muni bhagati hamari.


No one is so dear to Me as siva: never give up this belief even

by mistake. O sage, he who does not earn the good-will of siva shall

never attain true

devotion to Me. Bearing this in mind, go and perambulate the globe.



So if you can find shiva and vishnav fighting, I am sure if you look

around you will find countless people loving each other.


One can go deep in analysing why these two branch fight, but I donot

think that will help any seeker in any way.




you have given example of great reformist Swami dayananda saraswati.

He was of course one of the spirtual gaint of his time.He was opposed

to idol worshipping, but there were his contemporary spiritual master

like swami vivekananda,ramakrishna paramhansa who never opposed so

called idol worshipping. People get attracted to spirtual master

whose teaching resonate in there heart.Its quite possible that

dayanada saraswati ji was more inclined towards one way. He emphasied

that in his teaching, but he never said that his method is the only

path towards god.



Do hindus need a Messiha now ? I am anxious ! will

it unite all hindus, or will it creat another sect like Sikhs, Arya

samajis, Radha swami Jains, Bodhas or like ?


Well in my view I am afraid you will see more group like this and in

any case it does not interfere with hinduism religious principle. I

am sure if you became another prophet with your unique idea, hinduism

will have a place and follower for you too. At last Every human being

has a unique religion or path. Let there be as many religious path as

the number of human being. God loves diversity and a path called

hinduism certainly respects that.Despite what you refer as disunity

in hindusim I am sure in core they are well united and also no

religion or path can claim to be a perfect representaion of there

basic principle.

You will find good/bad devoted/misguided people in every path.




, "sardarajitsingh" <the-hermit@i...>


> thanks a million to all of you to give such logical replies. I

> expected a backlash on my questions but this group seems to have


> sensible members.


> Sikhism believes in One god and many of my Hindu friends told me

> it is in fact Vedanta. Will you please write something on Vedanta


> that i can compare notes.


> If moderators do not object i would like to illustrate some


> from Japuji Sahib, the core prayer of sikhism, to add my 2 cents to

> this Satsang.


> Sat Sri Akaal



> , safar_x <no_reply> wrote:

> >

> > Ajit, let me try to clarify questionwise

> >

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Namaste Ajit,


You told me that the explanation using the anatomy of the atom wasn't

clear. Let me give another illustration.


In our primary classes we study subtraction in Math. we learn that

7 - 3 = 4. 10-5 =5. But if you ask a kid going to primary school to

subtract 6 from 4, the kid will say that it's not possible to do so.

That is b'cos in that level they are not taught negative numbers. So

4-6 is wrong and dosen't exist. When we go to higher classes we are

taught negative numbers, for our level of comprehension is much more

now than that of a kid in primary school. So now we can comprehend

4-6 = -2


This doesn't mean that kids in primary school are taught wrong

things. It only means that the level of comprehension is such that

they can understand only positive numbers.


Similarly, we are caught in this duality, and our minds are incapable

of comprehending non duality. Talking of Brahman or saying 'All is

Brahma' will not really help much.


For eg. now can you comprehend yourself as me. Would my pain, pain

you too in the same way that it pains me? If all are one, then why

can't you feel my pain the way I feel it?


This requires higher level of comprehension and also involves

transformation, where you can become all / ONE.


Everyone feels that Hinduism alone has idol worship, but in reality,

all the other religions have some kind of symbolisation to represent

the ONE, to help focus the mind on the ONE, as we are too dual to

comprehend the abstract. As Rajesh pointed out, Christianity has

the 'cross', and pictures of Jesus and Mary. Islam has the holy

word ' Allah' and the holy direction as their symbolization. Sikhism

has the 'Holy Grant' to remind them of the ONE.

Every religion has some kind of symbol / idol , the only thing is

that they differ in the symbols / idols they offer.



> thanks a million to all of you to give such logical replies. I

> expected a backlash on my questions but this group seems to have


> sensible members.



The very fact that you said that there are sensible members in this

group proves the point that conflicts do not arise due to religion.

Though the members are of various sects, we are all united by the ONE.


The conflicts and clashes that you see amonst people arise out of

ignorance and not due to religion.


Hari Aum !!!

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OK Hinduism has the greatest of philosophies and their saints were

all enlightened.


Why Hindus were under slavery of apparentaly lower religions (like

islam for example) for over 2000 years. How will God allow such a



Had sikhism not emerged there would have been no hindus left in

most parts of India. Sikh gurus knowing truths about God decided to

fight Muslims to save Hindus. Exactly like Krishna who decided to go

for Mahabharata knowing fully that all are Brahman, whereas Hindus of

today shirk thier duty in the name of Advaita or Karma or Maya.


Is it right not to protect your rights but hide behind the

shields of Maya karma ? will it not lead to destruction of a great

religion because it will cause other faiths to attack and convert.


Sikh gurus were all Bhaktas and knower of Vedanta even then they

kept the higher philosophies aside and jumped into fire of war with

Muslim rulers. They were real Karma Yogis. Can you give me name of

even one Hindu saint for fought for hinduism. some ran away to

jungels some hid behind the shield of Maya,others believed in Karma

and today India is the only country in the world, where Majority is

under attack from minorities.


Guru Gobind singh ji, Worshipped Mother Kali in Gobind Ghaat

(in Uttranchal near valley of flowers) and asked for Shakti to fight

the Mogul emprors. He did not ask for Mukti or Moksha ?? WHY ??



Sat Sri Akaal

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