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SIN as per the Scriptures

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Gita Ch. III, v.36

Arjuna said; Now impelled by what, Krishna, does this man commit sin even

involuntarily, as though driven by force? (36)


Gita III, 37

Shri Bhagwan said; It is desire (lust) only , Arjuna, begotten of the element of

Rajas, which appears as wrath, nay, it is insatiable and grossly wicked. Know

this to be the all-devouring sinful enemy in this case. (37)


Three gateways to hell:

Gita XVI, 18

Given over to egotism, brute force, arrogance, lust and anger etc. and

calumniating others, they hate Me (the inner controller of all) dwelling in

their own bodies as well as in those of others. (18)


These haters, sinful, cruel and vilest among men, I cast them again and again

into demoniacal wombs in this world. (19)


Failing to reach Me, Arjuna, these stupid souls are born life after life in

demoniac wombs and then verily sink down to a still lower plane. (20)


(It would appear from the above three verses that hating God is a universal



Desire (lust), anger and greed --- this triple gate of hell brings about the

ruination of the soul. Therefore one should avoid all these three. (21)


Freed from these three gates of hell, man works his own salvation and thereby

attains the supreme goal, i.e. God. (22)


(It seems from the above verses that no meaningful spiritual progress is

possible without abandoning these three sins.)


Having cast aside the injunctions of the scripture, he who acts in an arbitrary

way according to his own sweet will neither attains perfection nor the supreme

goal nor even happiness. (23)


Therefore, the scripture alone is your guide in determining what should be done

and what should not be done. Knowing this, you ought to perform only such action

as is ordained by the scripture. (24)


How does this fall come about?

Gita II, 62

While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for

them, and from such attachment lust (desire) develops, from lust (unfulfilled

desire) anger arises. (62)


>From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory.

When memory is bewildered, intelligence (loss of reason) is lost, and when

intelligence is lost one goes to complete ruin. (63)


Srimad Bhagawatam describes 22 different types of hells. Those consigned to the

various hells and the sins committed by them, are described in detail. After

reading these descriptions, a person in his right state of mind would never

consider committing such sins. But unfortunately when we commit a sin we are

never in the right state of the mind.


In the Vedic sense, all acts committed against the injunctions of the Vedas are

construed to be the acts of sin only.


Hari Om




Know the Lord to be the only real thing in the midst of things unreal. Remember

God.Take His name always. Meditate upon Him. Feel His presence everywhere.

Surrender yourself to Him. He will bless you with peace, bliss, plenty,

prosperity and immortality. ----Swami Sivananda


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