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Bhagavad-gita As It Is Ch. 2 Text 60 - 61

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Bhagavad-gita As It Is Ch. 2 Text 60 - 61


Text 60


yatato hy api kaunteya

purusasya vipascitah

indriyani pramathini

haranti prasabham manah


yatatah—while endeavoring; hi—certainly; api—in spite of; kaunteya—O

son of Kunti; purusasya—of the man; vipascitah—full of discriminating

knowledge; indriyana—the senses; pramathini---- stimulated; ha ran ti—

throws forcefully; prasabham—by force; manah— the mind.




The senses are so strong and impetuous, 0 Arjuna, that they forcibly

carry away the Mind even of a man of discrimination who is

endeavoring to control them.




There are many learned sages, philosophers and transcendentalists who

try to conquer the senses, but in spite of their endeavors, even the

greatest of them sometimes fall victim to material sense enjoyment

due to the agitated mind. Even Visvamitra, a great sage and perfect

yogi, was mis­led by Menaka into sex enjoyment, although the yogi was

endeavoring for sense control with severe types of penance and yoga

practice. And, of course, there are so many similar instances in the

history of the world. Therefore, it is very difficult to control the

mind and the senses without being fully Krsna conscious. Without

engaging the mind in Krsna one cannot cease such material

engagements. A practical example is given by Sri Yamuna­carya, a great

saint and devotee, who says: "Since my mind has been engaged in the

service of the lotus feet of Lord Krsna and I have been en­joying an

ever new transcendental humor, whenever I think of sex life with a

woman, my face at once turns from it, and I spit at the thought."

Krsna consciousness is such a transcendentally nice thing that auto­

matically material enjoyment becomes distasteful. It is as if a

hungry man had satisfied his hunger by a sufficient quantity of

nutritious eatables. Maharaja Ambarisa also conquered a great yogi.,

Durvasa Muni, simply because his mind was engaged in Krsna




tani sarvni sa ihyamya

yukta asita mat-parah

vase hi yasyendriyani

tasya prajana pratisthita


tani— those senses; sarvani— all samyamya—keeping under control;

yuktah — being engaged; asita— being so situated; mat-parah— in

relationship with Me; vase—in full subjugation; hi— certainly; yasya—

one whose; indriyani—senses; tasya—his; prajna—consciousness;





One who restrains his senses and Fixes his consciousness upon Me is

known as a man of steady intelligence.




That the highest conception of yoga perfection is Krsna consciousness

is clearly explained in this verse. And, unless one is Krsna

conscious, it is not at all possible to control the senses. As cited

above, the great sage Durvasa Mum picked a quarrel with Maharaja

Ambarisa, and Durvasa Muni unnecessarily became angry out of pride

and therefore could not check his senses. On the other hand, the

King, although not as powerful a yogi as the sage, but a devotee of

the Lord, silently tolerated all the sage's injustices and thereby

emerged victorious. The King was able to control his senses because

of the following qualifications, as mentioned in the




sa vai manah Krsna-padaravindayor

vacamsi vaikuntha-gunanuvarnane

karau harer mandira-marjanadisu

srutim cakaracyutua -sat-kathodaye


mukunda-lingalaya-darsane drsau

tad- bhrtya-gatra-sparse ngasangamam

ghranam ca tat -pada -saroja- saurabhe

srimat-tulasya rasanam tad-arpite


pdau ha reh ksetra-padanusarpane

siro hrsikesa -padabhivandane

kdmarh ca dasye na tu kama-kamyaya

yath ottamasloka-janasraya rastih


"King Ambarisa fixed his mind on the lotus feet of Lord Krsna,

engaged his words in describing the abode of the Lord, his hands in

cleansing the temple of the Lord, his ears in hearing the pastimes of

the Lord, his eyes in seeing the form of the Lord, his body in

touching the body of the devotee, his nostrils in smelling the flavor

of the flowers offered to the lotus feet of the Lord, his tongue in

tasting the tulasi leaves offered to Him, his legs in traveling to

the holy place where His temple is situated, his head in offering

obeisances unto the Lord, and his desires in fulfilling the desires

of the Lord . . . and all these qualifications made him fit to become

a mat-parah devotee of the Lord." (Bhag. 9.4.18-20)

The word mat-parah is most significant in this connection. How one

can become a mat-parah is described in the life of Maharaja Ambarisa.

Siila Baladeva Vidyabhusana, a great scholar and acarya in the line

of the mat­parah, remarks: "mad-bhakti-prabhavena sarvendriya-vijaya-

purvika svatma drstih sulabheti bhavah.The senses can be

completely controlled only by the strength of devotional service to

Krsna Also, the example of fire is sometimes given: "As the small

flames within burn everything within the room, similarly Lord Visnu,

situated in the heart of the yogi, burns up all kinds of impurities."

The Yoga-sutra also prescribes meditation on Visnu, and not

meditation on the void. The so-called yogis who meditate on something

which is not the Visnu form simply waste their time in a vain search

after some phantasmagoria. We have to be Krsna conscious— devoted to

the Personality of Godhead. This is the aim of the real yoga.





I am sorry there is so much Sanskrit To be Translated,But in My

effort to Keep Srila Prabhupada's Words Unchanged,This is How it is

put in the Original 1972 Mac. Edition!!So i hope You Enjoy Srila

Prabhupada's Words,( AS IT IS. )

Please Look at The Web Site

(Krsna Consciousness The Matchless Gift)


( http://krsnajoe.tripod.com)


this is correct address


This Site Expains How Srila Prabhupada,Came to the Streets of New

York City,Practically Penniness,And Spred Pure Krsna Consciousness,

Around The World,As Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Predicted



Thank You Very Much,Please Write to me at jayakesava,


Your Servant,Jaya Kesava Dasa

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