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Bhagavad-gita As It Is Introduction

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Bhagavad-gita As It Is Introduction


(Cc. Madhya 20.122)

HARE KRSNA! Dear friends ,devotees, and All who is interested! I have

decided to go back,and start from the beginnings of the Gita,Just to

give, a loose time-line,to my postings,at this time,as I have been

random in choosing the verses before now!I am not, going to put in

every verse,but im just trying to start over, at the begining,and

follow through into Krsna's words,Hoping not to leave out, anyones

favorite verses!I hope this meets you all ,in good health! Your

Humble servant,Jaya Kesava Dasa


Parts of Srila Prabhupada's Introduction


The forgetful living entities or conditioned souls have forgotten

their relationship with the Supreme Lord, and they are engrossed in

thinking of material activities. Just to transfer their thinking

power to the spiritual sky, Krsna has given a great number of Vedic

literatures. First He divided the Vedas into four, then He explained

them in the Puranas and for less capable people He wrote the

Mahabharata In the Mahabharata there is given the Bhagavad-gita. Then

all Vedic literature is summarized in the Veddanta-sutra, and for

future guidance He gave a natural commentation on the Veddanta-sutra,

called Srimad-Bhagavatam We must always engage our minds in reading

these Vedic literatures. Just as materialists engage their minds in

reading newspapers, magazines and so many materialistic literatures,

we must transfer our reading to these literatures which are given to

us by Vyasadeva; in that way it will be possible for us to remem­ber

the Supreme Lord at the time of death. That is the only way suggested

by the Lord, and He guarantees the result: "There is no doubt." (Bg.


tasmat sarvesu kalesu mam anusmara yudhya ca

mayy arpita-mano--buddhir mam evaisyasy asamsayah

"Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me, and at the same

time you should continue your prescribed duty and fight. With your

mind and activities always fixed on Me, and everything engaged in Me,

you will attain to Me without any doubt."

He does not advise Arjuna to simply remember Him and give up his

occupation. No, the Lord never suggests anything impractical. In this

material world, in order to maintain the body one has to work. Human

society is divided, according to work, into four divisions of social

order— brahmana ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. The brahmana class or

intelligent class is working in one way, the ksatriya or

administrative class is working in another way, and the mercantile

class and the laborers are all tending to their specific duties. In

the human society, whether one is a laborer, merchant, warrior,

administrator, or farmer, or even if one belongs to the highest class

and is a literary man, a scientist or a theologian, he has to work in

order to maintain his existence. The Lord therefore tells Arjuna that

he need not give up his occupation, but while he is engaged in his



occupation he should remember If he doesn't practice remembering

Krsna while he is struggling for existence, then it will not be

possible for him to remember Krsna at the time of death. Lord

Caitanya also advises this. He says that one should practice

remembering the Lord by chanting the names of the Lord always. The

names of the Lord and the Lord are nondifferent. So Lord Krsna's

instruction to Arjuna to "remember Me" and Lord Caitanya's injunction

to always "chant the names of Lord Krsna" are the same instruction.

There is no difference, because Kria and Krsna's name are

nondifferent. In the absolute status there is no difference between

reference and referent. Therefore we have to practice remember­ing the

Lord always, twenty-four hours a day, by chanting His names and

molding our life's activities in such a way that we can remember Him


How is this possible? The acaryas give the following example. If a

married woman is attached to another man, or if a man has an

attachment for a woman other than his wife, then the attachment is to

be considered very strong. One with such an attachment is always

thinking of the loved one. The wife who is thinking of her lover is

always thinking of meeting him, even while she is carrying out her

household chores. In fact, she carries out her household work even

more carefully so her husband will not suspect her attachment.

Similarly, we should always remember the supreme lover, Sri Krsna,

and at the same time perform our material duties very ricely. A

strong sense of love is required here. If we have a strong sense of

love for the Supreme Lord, then we can discharge our duty and at the

same time remember Him. But we have to develop that sense of love.

Arjuna, for instance, was always thinking of Krsna he was the

constant companion of Krsna, and at the same time he was a warrior.

Krsna did not advise him to give up fighting and go to the forest to

meditate. When Lord Krsna delineates the yoga system to Arjuna,

Arjuna says that the practice of this system is not possible for him.




Jaya Kesava Dasa


(Cc. Madhya 20.122)

HARE KRSNA! Dear friends ,devotees, and All who is interested! I have

decided to go back,and start from the beginnings of the Gita,Just to

give, a loose time-line,to my postings,at this time,as I have been

random in choosing the verses before now!I am not, going to put in

every verse,but im just trying to start over, at the begining,and

follow through into Krsna's words,Hoping not to leave out, anyones

favorite verses!I hope this meets you all ,in good health! Your

Humble servant,Jaya Kesava Dasa


Parts of Srila Prabhupada's Introduction


The forgetful living entities or conditioned souls have forgotten

their relationship with the Supreme Lord, and they are engrossed in

thinking of material activities. Just to transfer their thinking

power to the spiritual sky, Krsna has given a great number of Vedic

literatures. First He divided the Vedas into four, then He explained

them in the Puranas and for less capable people He wrote the

Mahabharata In the Mahabharata there is given the Bhagavad-gita. Then

all Vedic literature is summarized in the Veddanta-sutra, and for

future guidance He gave a natural commentation on the Veddanta-sutra,

called Srimad-Bhagavatam We must always engage our minds in reading

these Vedic literatures. Just as materialists engage their minds in

reading newspapers, magazines and so many materialistic literatures,

we must transfer our reading to these literatures which are given to

us by Vyasadeva; in that way it will be possible for us to remem­ber

the Supreme Lord at the time of death. That is the only way suggested

by the Lord, and He guarantees the result: "There is no doubt." (Bg.


tasmat sarvesu kalesu mam anusmara yudhya ca

mayy arpita-mano--buddhir mam evaisyasy asamsayah

"Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me, and at the same

time you should continue your prescribed duty and fight. With your

mind and activities always fixed on Me, and everything engaged in Me,

you will attain to Me without any doubt."

He does not advise Arjuna to simply remember Him and give up his

occupation. No, the Lord never suggests anything impractical. In this

material world, in order to maintain the body one has to work. Human

society is divided, according to work, into four divisions of social

order— brahmana ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. The brahmana class or

intelligent class is working in one way, the ksatriya or

administrative class is working in another way, and the mercantile

class and the laborers are all tending to their specific duties. In

the human society, whether one is a laborer, merchant, warrior,

administrator, or farmer, or even if one belongs to the highest class

and is a literary man, a scientist or a theologian, he has to work in

order to maintain his existence. The Lord therefore tells Arjuna that

he need not give up his occupation, but while he is engaged in his



occupation he should remember If he doesn't practice remembering

Krsna while he is struggling for existence, then it will not be

possible for him to remember Krsna at the time of death. Lord

Caitanya also advises this. He says that one should practice

remembering the Lord by chanting the names of the Lord always. The

names of the Lord and the Lord are nondifferent. So Lord Krsna's

instruction to Arjuna to "remember Me" and Lord Caitanya's injunction

to always "chant the names of Lord Krsna" are the same instruction.

There is no difference, because Kria and Krsna's name are

nondifferent. In the absolute status there is no difference between

reference and referent. Therefore we have to practice remember­ing the

Lord always, twenty-four hours a day, by chanting His names and

molding our life's activities in such a way that we can remember Him


How is this possible? The acaryas give the following example. If a

married woman is attached to another man, or if a man has an

attachment for a woman other than his wife, then the attachment is to

be considered very strong. One with such an attachment is always

thinking of the loved one. The wife who is thinking of her lover is

always thinking of meeting him, even while she is carrying out her

household chores. In fact, she carries out her household work even

more carefully so her husband will not suspect her attachment.

Similarly, we should always remember the supreme lover, Sri Krsna,

and at the same time perform our material duties very ricely. A

strong sense of love is required here. If we have a strong sense of

love for the Supreme Lord, then we can discharge our duty and at the

same time remember Him. But we have to develop that sense of love.

Arjuna, for instance, was always thinking of Krsna he was the

constant companion of Krsna, and at the same time he was a warrior.

Krsna did not advise him to give up fighting and go to the forest to

meditate. When Lord Krsna delineates the yoga system to Arjuna,

Arjuna says that the practice of this system is not possible for him.


HARE KRSNA!Please look at

Pleasures Unlimited in Krsna Consciousness

http://www.geocities.com/jayakesava2001 -- Where you can find

Unlimited Pleasure,and how to get an Unchanged ,1973 Mcmillon,

Bhagavad Gita as it is!Please write me!Your Servant,


Jaya Kesava Dasahagavad-

gita As It Is Introduction


(Cc. Madhya 20.122)

HARE KRSNA! Dear friends ,devotees, and All who is interested! I have

decided to go back,and start from the beginnings of the Gita,Just to

give, a loose time-line,to my postings,at this time,as I have been

random in choosing the verses before now!I am not, going to put in

every verse,but im just trying to start over, at the begining,and

follow through into Krsna's words,Hoping not to leave out, anyones

favorite verses!I hope this meets you all ,in good health! Your

Humble servant,Jaya Kesava Dasa


Parts of Srila Prabhupada's Introduction


The forgetful living entities or conditioned souls have forgotten

their relationship with the Supreme Lord, and they are engrossed in

thinking of material activities. Just to transfer their thinking

power to the spiritual sky, Krsna has given a great number of Vedic

literatures. First He divided the Vedas into four, then He explained

them in the Puranas and for less capable people He wrote the

Mahabharata In the Mahabharata there is given the Bhagavad-gita. Then

all Vedic literature is summarized in the Veddanta-sutra, and for

future guidance He gave a natural commentation on the Veddanta-sutra,

called Srimad-Bhagavatam We must always engage our minds in reading

these Vedic literatures. Just as materialists engage their minds in

reading newspapers, magazines and so many materialistic literatures,

we must transfer our reading to these literatures which are given to

us by Vyasadeva; in that way it will be possible for us to remem­ber

the Supreme Lord at the time of death. That is the only way suggested

by the Lord, and He guarantees the result: "There is no doubt." (Bg.


tasmat sarvesu kalesu mam anusmara yudhya ca

mayy arpita-mano--buddhir mam evaisyasy asamsayah

"Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me, and at the same

time you should continue your prescribed duty and fight. With your

mind and activities always fixed on Me, and everything engaged in Me,

you will attain to Me without any doubt."

He does not advise Arjuna to simply remember Him and give up his

occupation. No, the Lord never suggests anything impractical. In this

material world, in order to maintain the body one has to work. Human

society is divided, according to work, into four divisions of social

order— brahmana ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. The brahmana class or

intelligent class is working in one way, the ksatriya or

administrative class is working in another way, and the mercantile

class and the laborers are all tending to their specific duties. In

the human society, whether one is a laborer, merchant, warrior,

administrator, or farmer, or even if one belongs to the highest class

and is a literary man, a scientist or a theologian, he has to work in

order to maintain his existence. The Lord therefore tells Arjuna that

he need not give up his occupation, but while he is engaged in his



occupation he should remember If he doesn't practice remembering

Krsna while he is struggling for existence, then it will not be

possible for him to remember Krsna at the time of death. Lord

Caitanya also advises this. He says that one should practice

remembering the Lord by chanting the names of the Lord always. The

names of the Lord and the Lord are nondifferent. So Lord Krsna's

instruction to Arjuna to "remember Me" and Lord Caitanya's injunction

to always "chant the names of Lord Krsna" are the same instruction.

There is no difference, because Kria and Krsna's name are

nondifferent. In the absolute status there is no difference between

reference and referent. Therefore we have to practice remember­ing the

Lord always, twenty-four hours a day, by chanting His names and

molding our life's activities in such a way that we can remember Him


How is this possible? The acaryas give the following example. If a

married woman is attached to another man, or if a man has an

attachment for a woman other than his wife, then the attachment is to

be considered very strong. One with such an attachment is always

thinking of the loved one. The wife who is thinking of her lover is

always thinking of meeting him, even while she is carrying out her

household chores. In fact, she carries out her household work even

more carefully so her husband will not suspect her attachment.

Similarly, we should always remember the supreme lover, Sri Krsna,

and at the same time perform our material duties very ricely. A

strong sense of love is required here. If we have a strong sense of

love for the Supreme Lord, then we can discharge our duty and at the

same time remember Him. But we have to develop that sense of love.

Arjuna, for instance, was always thinking of Krsna he was the

constant companion of Krsna, and at the same time he was a warrior.

Krsna did not advise him to give up fighting and go to the forest to

meditate. When Lord Krsna delineates the yoga system to Arjuna,

Arjuna says that the practice of this system is not possible for him.




Jaya Kesava Dasa

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